I’m a Sides Girl (The Best Carrots Ever)

I’m a sides girl?

Are you?!?


Perhaps, I should clarify a bit.  Luke does the meat.  You know at Thanksgiving he is responsible for the turkey, at Easter he does the ham, at BBQ’s it is either pulled pork or burgers and hot dogs.  Me?!?  What do I do?

The sides.

I told you.  I’m a sides girl!

So When James offered to make some carrots (the best carrots ever).

Here’s our friend James:


I said “Yes, Please!”

I’m delighted I can share this wonderful side with you.  It is called Orange and Ginger Vichy Carrots.  I know sounds quite fancy. Sometimes I equate fancy with hard but these were easy to make and (drum roll)….

A crowd pleaser!


The sweet carrots, orange zest and juice and fragrant ginger combine to make a heavenly dish.  Perfect with ham, but I would say delicious with any meal.  Grilled chicken, fish or even with a plate full of veggies and rice.

James’ Orange and Ginger Vichy Carrots

Serves 8 as a side dish

1 stick / 4oz butter
1-2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh root ginger
Zest and juice of 2 oranges
6 large carrots, sliced diagonally as thinly (1mm-ish) as you can

Melt the butter in a large, deep frying pan with good-fitting lid.
Add the carrots and toss in the butter to coat evenly.
Add ginger, orange zest and orange juice and heat over a medium heat until the juice-butter mix is boiling rapidly.
Reduce the heat and cover pan and cook until the carrots have softened slightly but still have a slight crunch to them.
Remove lid and increase heat to reduce liquid until it’s almost all gone.
Remove from heat and keep warm and serve within 15 minutes.


They were wonderful and a perfect addition to our ham, roasted potatoes and Jamie Oliver French Beans.


This is how things were looking at the other end of the table (extra chairs were brought in from the sunroom):


They learned this from their cousins!


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10 years ago

I just recently started enjoying cooked carrots. I make them all the time now for my kids and hubby. My recipe is good, but I’m certain without even tasting it yet that James’ will have my kids asking for seconds. Thanks so much for sharing.

Jennifer@The Chronicles of Home

Yum! Sounds delicious!

10 years ago

Those carrots looks sinfully delicious. I’m more for eating the sides at big meals. forget about the meat.I don’t really care for hot turkey, love it cold in sandwiches. I will pin this recipe, sounds so good. Hubs will want to make them. He’s our cook mostly and I”m the bottle washer so to speak. I lost most interest in cooking little while after last (4th.) kid left home. And besides hubs was always “directing” what I did in kitchen so it was bonk him over head or get a divorce so I picked leaving the kitchen. It’s worked for… Read more »

Nana Diana
10 years ago

Those carrots sound delicious. Love the ginger in there.
-The kids are so cute sitting there-spoons and all! Crazy with a young family but so much fun.
This was a fun post…oh…and that little Rosie is adorable! xo Diana

10 years ago

Thanks for sharing this delicious side. I love sides too, so easy to prepare. I do prefer several side dishes rather then 1 big meal. In Spanish they are called tapas. Love it.
