Refreshed & My Word for 2015

“We’ve got this gift of love, but love is like a precious plant. You can’t just accept it and leave it in the cupboard or just think it’s going to get on by itself.

You’ve got to keep watering it. You’ve got to really look after it and nurture it.”

– John Lennon


Happy New Year, friends!  How I’ve missed chatting with you on the blog.  Did you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year’s Eve?!?

Leading up to Christmas I felt so frazzled and tired and overloaded.  I knew I just needed some time with my little guys.  I needed to go on long walks with Poppy and to embrace Nature.  If you follow along on Instagram, then you know I enjoyed watching the sun rise


and spending time walking with my family:


walk on beach

2014 was such an amazing year for my blog and my family.  AMAZING.  Luke started a new job which he loves and he ran his first half marathon.  John is becoming quite the runner (running with Luke) and artist (enjoying his first clay class).  Conor started Kindergarten which was a HUGE milestone for him and us.  I cried when I dropped him off.  I am so proud of all of them.


For me, this year was filled with dreams coming true! I shared some highlights here.  The house (after a year and half here) is feeling more like our home.  We’ve decorated a few more rooms in our style.  I’ve worked with so many brands that I LOVE last year & wouldn’t have been able to do all our projects without their help.  I faced my fear of driving a giant car & driving it over 700 miles on the GMC Hidden Treasure Adventure.  I’ve helped a family on that adventure, but I think (from the emails I’ve received and the messages on the blog) I may have helped a few more people find the confidence to try something new, something that maybe scared you.  To pick up a paint brush and paint that dresser!  To refinish some floors!  To plant a flower and watch it grow!  This was my goal for my blog.  Finding Silver Pennies is about finding that creative light within yourself and transforming yourself, your junk and your home to uncover inner beauty.

Paperwhites and CrystalMany people don’t think they are creative, but everyone is.  As children, we paint, we draw, we dance.  As adults, we can find that wonder and that same inner child.  Once you do something creative you’ll find you have more creative ideas.  Creativity is limitless.

I have so many goals for 2015.  I like to think of a new year as a new book.  A new chapter.  I try not to make resolutions but plans.  A word of the year, helps me focus that.  Last year’s word was balance.

My word for 2015 is:

Nurture Free Printable


I plan to nurture my children – to play with them. To create with them. To love them.  I plan to  nurture my marriage.  To cherish my husband and make time for one another.  I plan to nurture my creativity – I’ve signed up for a few art classes at a local art center.  I really want to learn to draw and paint with water colors.  I’m doing this for myself and not sure if I’ll share the art I create on the blog.  I started this blog with the intention to write about growing up in a restaurant.  I’ve started this book many times, but I think I’ve found a way to write it this year.  I plan to write more and paint more furniture and share more projects with you here on the blog.  I plan to nurture my body to fill it with healthy food and make time for yoga, pilates and long walks in nature.  I’ll share more about this on Monday.

Until then, wishing you all a very Happy New Year!  A year filled with possibilities, dreams, creativity and, most importantly, love!

I am grateful for your friendship!

* The above is a free printable in case you want to use the word nurture in 2015.  Simply click on it to download.

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10 years ago

great word and great plans! i think the painting class sounds amazing!

10 years ago

Great word! I think it will inspire us to do the same. We tend to focus on all the other things, when really, we need to nurture every aspect of our own lives.
I love your blog…you are a constant inspiration!
Happy New Year to you and your family!

darrielle Tennenbaum
10 years ago

Great word for the year-Happy New year!

10 years ago

I love your word for 2015. Your thoughts on creativity in all of us is spot on. As adults we tend to let all the stresses of life clutter our heads and we lose our childish creativity. Inspiring ideas.