Whole30 Tacos

Whole30 Tacos

Happy Monday, Friends!  I hope you had a super weekend.  Today is day 15 of our Whole30 challenge.  Luke and I are half way there!  Woot Woot!  I have to tell you, we are both feeling so great and I’m not just saying that.  We are no longer waking up feeling tired which is how we felt before the Whole30. I am actually getting up an hour early to get our healthy breakfasts made and get lunch organized and I still feel like I have way more energy.  In yoga yesterday I felt lighter and more able to get into the twisting poses.  I don’t know if I’ve lost weight or inches because you’re supposed to wait until the end of the 30 days (so you don’t get discouraged). We’ve gone out for dinners and a little birthday to celebrate my dad’s 78th and we did great.  I actually don’t miss bread and pasta and ice cream as much as I thought I would.  I do find it hard to heat up pizza for the kids.

We’ve been trying to cook our usual things but Whole30 compliant.  Tuesday night is Taco Tuesday in our house and we’re still sticking to that!

Whole30 Taco Tuesday

For tacos I usually use the taco seasoning kit from Trader Joe’s.  I didn’t know it had sugar until I read the ingredients. I don’t understand why sugar is even in it!!!  We’ve gotten really good at reading labels and it is so surprising how much of what we were eating had sugar!!!

Anyway, we’ve been enjoying this meal on Taco Tuesday!  I just do wheat tacos for the kids and we have lettuce.  It is so delicious!

I’ve also realized I really like crunchy foods (maybe why I love crackers and pita chips so much). So I like to have green beans with almonds on the side.  Stick around because I’m sharing how to make these dishes today and they are super easy.

Whole30 Tacos


  • 1 lb ground turkey or beef (organic, grass fed if beef)
  • Olive Oil or ghee for cooking
  • 1 tbls. Adobo Seasoning
  • 1 tbls. Chili Powder
  • 1 tbls. Oregano
  • 1 teas. Garlic Powder
  • 1 teas. Onion Powder
  • 1 teas. Red Pepper Flakes (more if you like it spicy)
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • Onion, chopped
  • Romaine or Bibb Lettuce to serve
  • Crushed tomatoes or Fresh Tomatoes, chopped (I like fresh tomatoes)
  • Avocado, Scallions (for toppings)


I have to be honest.  I don’t really measure.  I just toss things in usually so these are approximates.  First you want to brown the meat and add your onion.  Then add the taco seasonings.


Once blended toss in your tomatoes and allow the sauce to cook down a bit.

Fresh tomatoes and lettuce

Once there is a bit of a sauce, your meat is ready for the tacos.  I like to put it in a serving bowl as we do make your own tacos.  You want to use the same pan for your green beans.

Taco meat with homemade seasoning


Whole30 Tex Mex Green Beans

Spicy Green Beans


  • Olive Oil
  • Sliced Almonds
  • Green Beans
  • Red Pepper Flakes
  • Adobo


Add a little olive oil to the same pan (with all the seasonings from the tacos), have the temperature at medium low.  Add green beans and sauté in olive oil, add some red pepper flakes and adobo. You only want to cook the bean al dente so there is still a crunch.  Sprinkle with almonds.

Taco Tuesday on the whole30

This is such a delicious meal, I think you’ll really enjoy it even if your not doing the Whole30 right now.

whole 30 taco tuesday recipes

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Barbara Quinlan
Barbara Quinlan
10 years ago

Hi Danielle Your photography is beautiful these look great. It is interesting to hear you remark about sugar in foods we do not expect. As you know we are watching sodium in our diet at the moment and again it is amazing how much there is in certain foods which would not be obvious, it is no wonder we all consume more than recommended. I have to admit that as Gavin was away yesterday we had some chips while watching a movie. The cooking has all been from scratch and as I was following an American Heart Association cookbook last… Read more »