
Supermarket Styling: Curly Willow

Curly Willow in the Dining Room

Sooooo, we’re all on a budget right?  I’ve been trying to think of some money saving tips and tricks for you guys.  I was at the supermarket (where I am quite often nowadays) because my boys like to eat.

Honestly. I can’t believe how quickly we go through food.


Growing boys!

Anyway, I’m getting off subject.  Well, I was pushing my trolley up and down the aisles. Filling it with fresh veggies and fruits, snacks for the kids and, I think it was in the cereal aisle, that an idea popped into my head. A new series for the blog – Supermarket Styling!  There is so much great things you can get at the grocery store for your home.  I often am inspired by fresh flowers, foods, colors, and little jars and such they have in the super market.

Supermarket Styling Curly Willow in the Dining Room


I spotted these curly willow branches while at the supermarket and scooped them up without hesitation. Actually, I bought two bunches. They were only $4.99 a bunch!

The branches add so much styling for not much cost.

You can put them in water or you can keep them dry in containers.  I’ve put them in water because I love the little green buds that are growing.  The person at the grocery store told me you can actually plant curly willow in the yard in the spring, but then I read that this plant can go after your pipes.  🙁

Branches of Curly Willow

See how delicate they are?  I love them against the gold mirror.

Oh, where’s the other bunch your thinking???

I put them in the living room and I think they add an elegance to both rooms.

Branches for Winter in the Living Room

My boys are also loving watching the root system grow.  It really is so fun to watch.

These will hopefully last all winter and then I can buy some spring flowers when the time comes for this room.

Close Up Curly Willow and Chesterfield

I’m really loving these delicate branches with a slight hint of greenery.  The holidays were so busy it is nice to scale back a bit and keep things simple.

Classic Decorating and how to keep in Neutral in Winter

I hope this helped you see that you can get some lovely decor items from the grocery store and it doesn’t have to cost a lot.  I’ll be sharing more in this series from arrangements to crafts! So excited!  I’ll also be sharing more of our living room winter decor next week on the blog.  Keeping it very simple.

I often get asked about sources for other items in our home.  Below is a source list with some affiliate links, click here for my full disclosure policy:

Decorating Source List

Dining Room:

  • Gold Mirror – Vintage
  • Lace – Vintage
  • Armoire – yard sale find painted in Miss Mustard Seed Eulalie’s Sky – Tutorial here.
  • Silver Container – Vintage
  • Candle Sticks – Crate & Barrel
  • Candles – Ikea
  • Wall Color- Benjamin Moore Mascarpone

Living Room:

  • Oriental Rug – Vintage
  • French Chair – World Market
  • Coffee Table – Consignment Store – tutorial here.
  • Floor Lamp – Target
  • Table Lamp – Target
  • Shells – the beach
  • Throw Pillows – Ikea
  • Fur Throw – Frontgate
  • Lambskin – similar this one from domino
  • Chesterfield Sofa – Craiglist find, Pottery Barn and domino have ones that are similar.
  • Linen Curtains – Ikea
  • Wall Color – Benjamin Moore Mascarpone

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9 years ago

I look forward to being able to place forsythia branches in a vase and watch them pop into yellow buds. Always a great way to get spring started indoors!

Mary Vitullo
9 years ago

I think this will be a great series! The first thing I do when I walk into a supermarket is check out their fresh flowers!

cassie @ primitive & proper

i have some curly willow- would you believe i found it in a brush pile out for a walk one morning! seriously! so i drove back with my car and clippers. 🙂

9 years ago

My aunt gave me a start of curly willow and I love it. She told me it has a built in rooting hormone that will make plants root easily. She was right because I stuck some fresh branches in a fern on our porch and that fern grew and grew into a beautiful fern. Stick some in the ground in the spring and watch it grow. Just put it in a place away from water pipes and it will be fine. I use mine in arrrangements all the time and share it with friends. The more you trim it the… Read more »

At Rivercrest Cottage
9 years ago

The willow looks wonderful, but I would be afraid to plant it like you are. Plumbing problems can be incredibly expensive.

9 years ago

I just want to say that the mirror and the blue chest of drawers are gorgeous! You have everything styled so beautifully! I hope you have a great weekend! If you are interested in joining one more party each week I would be so happy to host you over at Making Broken Beautiful. It runs every Thursday thru Sunday and is a home decor and furniture party. Have a great day!

9 years ago

Love this! So creative! I need to look for some of this to decorate my room!

Dee at the Carlton
9 years ago

The curly willow is perfect for this time of the year – I love how it is starting to grow leaves …