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Upcycled Coastal Printers Tray

Happy Monday, friends! I’m so overwhelmed by your kind comments of my home office reveal here on the blog and also on Facebook and Instagram. Thank you all so much. I thought it would be fun to share a little craft project from the office – an Upcycled Coastal Printers Tray.

How to Create an Upcycled Coastal Printers Tray I Finding Silver Pennies

It’s no secret that the boys and I LOVE collecting shells at the beach.

We do it all year long.

Actually, we went for a long walk on Museum Beach on Saturday and it felt like spring.

Scituate Harbor in Winter


I only found a few bits of clear sea glass. The water and sky were brilliant colors and it made me feel very lucky. Over the summer the boys and I collected A LOT of shells; teeny tiny clam shells, a few pretty blue mussel shells, slipper shells and a few mermaids toes.

Museum Beach I Finding Silver Pennies

I stored the shells since summer in a mason jar and waited.

How to Create an Upcycled Coastal Printers Tray I Finding Silver Penniesknew that I wanted to create a keepsake to remember our summer beach days. My little guys are growing so fast it’s nice to have a way to mark each and every special moment.

I thought it would be nice to use this old printer’s tray to display our beach treasures.

I can’t tell you how long the tray hung like this.

Vintage Printers Tray (Before)


Pretty, but thought my shells could add so much more and also add a smile to my face seeing them each day.

How to Create An Upcycled Nautical Display

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How to Create an Upcycled Coastal Printers Tray I Finding Silver Pennies



Step 1 – I like to test out where I’m going to place shells. Sometimes they look like they’re going to fit and then they don’t. Ha! Ha! So start by positioning all your shells.

How to Create an Upcycled Coastal Printers Tray I Finding Silver Pennies

Oh, I should also say we didn’t find the coral here. I found the tiny bits of coral down at Goodies II, an antique store in the harbor. Whenever I find coral or shells at local vintage shops I buy them. They are great for crafts like this or for decorating. Shells look great in any room 😉

The periwinkle shells were from my friend Jenna and my mom gave me the sea horse.

It’s visually interesting not to be too precise and to also leave some gaps. Don’t fill all the nooks and crannies of your tray.

Step 2 – heat up your glue gun. I like to keep it on a chopping board when it’s plugged in to prevent glue from going everywhere.

How to Create an Upcycled Coastal Printers Tray I Finding Silver Pennies

How to Create an Upcycled Coastal Printers Tray I Finding Silver Pennies

This is probably the only time you’ll see me with painted nails. I did it with my sister in law and niece over the holidays but now they are unpainted 😉

Step 3 – Apply the glue to either the back of your shell or directly onto the printers tray. Some shells it worked better one way than the other. When the glue dries you can’t see any that is around the edges of your shells so no worries.

How to Create an Upcycled Coastal Printers Tray I Finding Silver Pennies

It was helpful to apply a little pressure to enable the shells to bond.

You could also use DAP Rapid Fuse if you don’t want to use hot glue. You may remember that I used this on the Mulled Wine kit we created before Christmas.

Just be careful if you’re working with hot glue because it is hot and can burn your fingers.

Once dry remove any of the strings left by the hot glue.

How to Create an Upcycled Coastal Printers Tray I Finding Silver Pennies

Hang where you can see you’re beautiful creation and be reminded of days by the shore.

My little keepsake makes me so happy!



How to Create an Upcycled Coastal Printers Tray I Finding Silver Pennies

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8 years ago

I love this idea – whether it’s a tray full of seashells, miniature cars, buckles, whatever one collects! My husband and I met at the publishing office for our local newspaper. We both worked there and both his father and paternal grandfather worked in printing. What a lovely display item we’d have in a printer’s tray. I will have to see if I can find one locally!

Suzanne Beare-Knight
Suzanne Beare-Knight
8 years ago

Hi Danielle✋?,
Happy 2017!
I love your newest creation, of shells in your printer’s box. What a wonderful way to see your little treasures, and the memories they hold?❤️
I so love the ocean and beach, but am a bit landlocked, about a 45 min drive from the Long Island sound.
Have you ever been to Block Island, RI? My hubby and I go ever so often. It’s a magical place, for me, and less commercialized than Cape Cod, although I enjoy there, as well. Give it a look…
Enjoy the day??
xoxo Suzanne

Judy Coggins
Judy Coggins
8 years ago

HI Danielle,

I LOVE this idea! I have a bazillion shells, an empty printers tray and loads of hot glue! Something fun to do during today’s Massachusetts nor’easter. Thanks for the inspiration!

Judy… Auburn, MA

Kaycee F
Kaycee F
8 years ago

Danielle, What a beautiful keepsake of special moments with your boys! I’ve seen so many of these printers trays at Brimfield, and your idea to display collected shells in one is perfect. I know another item I’ll be adding to my list this May!! Thank you for sharing