6 Ways to Tap Into Your Inner Creativity
A new year is a great time to make new goals and follow creative pursuits. Today, I’m sharing 6 ways to tap into your inner creativity.
Everyone is creative but I think we unlearn this trait in order to be more productive in education, jobs, and/or business. Think of children – they paint, they draw, they imagine. They build wonderful worlds where anything is possible. They don’t worry if whatever they’re doing will be bad or wrong, but adults do.
I believe EVERYONE is creative. There’s a creative spark in all of us. When we tap into that creativity we feel better.
Think about your childhood self. What did that person love to do? What were they curious about? What are you curious about now?
I don’t want this post to be about “me”, I want it to be about you. In order to do this, though, I have to share something about my own creative journey – prior to starting the blog – I’d never used a DSLR camera, I never designed rooms, I never created floral arrangements or tablescapes, I never painted furniture before, and I never painted in watercolor. I didn’t know I could do any of those things, but I was curious about them. It was only after I started the blog that I realized I had the capability and curiosity to do those things.
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6 Ways to Tap Into Your Inner Creativity
1. Start a Blog
Starting a blog is free if you start on Blogspot. I started there and switched to WordPress after two years of blogging. WordPress allowed me to customize the look and layout more and also change layout for ads. I started my blog nearly 9 years ago and it’s taken me on an amazingly creative journey. I’ve met so many interesting people – artists, designers, makers, writers, and fellow bloggers. I’ve gotten to work with some amazing brands and take part in challenges and tours. I’ve see so much of this country through different blogging journeys. It’s really opened up a world I wouldn’t have known otherwise.
2. Take a Class
When Conor went to Kindergarten I signed up for my first drawing class and watercolor class at South Shore Art Center. If you’re local this space has amazing classes for adults and children. I remember sitting in my first watercolor class – wanting to cry. I’d bought the wrong brushes, the wrong paints, and everyone seemed to know each other and know what they were doing, but I persisted.
Classes are wonderful and we’re always, always learning. Adults and seniors are always learning just like children. Sometimes I think us adults can forget that.
If you’d be more interested in online classes Jeanne Oliver offers wonderful ones on through her Creative Network.
I’m also a BIG fan of Skillshare. I have a membership and absolutely love being able to take art classes right at home. As a special gift to you guys – get a free 2-Week trial of Skillshare Premium Membership click here. I really enjoyed this one and this one.
3. Begin Before You’re Ready
I know this sounds counter intuitive. Like you should be sure of everything before you start. What if you think of this creative pursuit as a way of exploring. If you focus on your curiosity and playfulness rather than the final result. Allow yourself to try without judgement. I know this is super hard. Only when you’re in “flow” can your inner creativity come to life. It really is like magic.
4. Carve out a Creative Space
It can be just a comfy chair where you love to write. Or perhaps its your dining table with a set of paints. I’m not saying you need to devote an entire room to your creativity but have a space where you can express yourself. I have small basement studio where I work on painted furniture.

I converted our guest room into a writing / watercolor area.
In fact, I’m updating this space a little and may leave the other desk that I had in here on our landing because there’s better light.
I also love working on projects in our sunroom in the warmer months. Many crafts and paint projects happen out here.
5. Listen to Podcasts and Read Books
There’s a vast amount of resources online and in books about creativity and the creative process, but I thought I would list a bunch of my favorites with you.
I’m a huge fan of podcasts. I love listening to them while I’m driving or painting rooms / furniture.
- How I Built This – Creative entrepreneurs share their stories. It’s a wonderful series.
- Ted Radio Hour – The Source of Creativity
- Ted Radio Hour – Jumpstarting Creativity
- Magic Lessons Podcast with Elizabeth Gilbert. The author chats to novices and helps them find their creative way.
- Style Matters Podcast – Each week a new designer and creative is interviewed.
- Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. This is a favorite book and a must read!
- If you’re interested in learning more about painting furniture you may want to read my ebook on painting furniture.
- I have more books on this page on Amazon focusing on creativity and home decor.
- Country Living UK – hugely inspired by their use of nature and the stories they write.
- Annie Sloan’s The Colourist Bookazine – it’s chock full of inspiration for paint.
- Where Women Create – a lovely magazine which features many creative women. I was honored to be featured by them a few years ago.
6. Spend time in Nature
I’m always inspired by the beaches and the woods. I love noticing the wildlife in our own yard – the birds, butterflies, and flowers. Much of my work is informed by nature. The fresh salt air always makes me inspired to create. It’s my goal to create more artwork and projects inspired by our seaside town.
The Benefits of Creativity
I’m not a scientist or doctor, but I can tell you on the days I take time to make something or paint I feel so much better. After painting furniture or painting in watercolor, I always feel more relaxed and lighter much as I do after a yoga class. Tapping into one’s creativity can help with stress and anxiety, it can give you more energy, and once you start you’ll have more creative ideas. Creativity is a lot like love, the more creativity you have and use and give, the more you have. The more love you give and receive the more love there is.
I’m always happier when I’ve taken time to be creative. I find this to be true for everyone in my family – Luke escaping to the basement to work on woodworking, John sitting and drawing at the dining table, and Conor crafting a delicious meal.
I hope this gives you some ideas to tap into your inner creativity but also gives you the courage to get started. What creative pursuits will you take on in 2020. I’d love to hear! Please let me know in the comments below. 😉

Thanks for this information. I’ve been wanted to get “creative” and try some different things.
Happy this post inspired you to try some different things in the new year! Can’t wait to hear more!
Loved this! Great ideas!
Hope it helped inspire! What new things are you hoping to take on in 2020?
Just a note: You listed the author of Big Magic as Melissa Gilbert! 😉
Ooops, so sorry for the typo and thanks for letting me know. All fixed now! Must have been thinking of Little House on the Prairie when I typed that. Ha! Ha! xx
Hi Danielle! This was a nice read. I really enjoyed it. I want to create more in 2020. I want to be more confident in myself and think more outside the box. Happy New Year!
Thanks, Cheryl! Hope this help you create more in 2020 🙂
A beautiful post Danielle and I whole heartedly support living a creative life every day.
Thank you for sharing at Create, Bake, Grow & Gather this week.
Thanks so much for the link party! Glad you enjoyed this post xx