Snowed In

Our home during the blizzard.

Nemo came to New England on Friday and he didn’t end up being the cute, cuddly fish we have come to love from the Disney movie.

Nemo brought with it a vast amount of snow, fierce whipping winds and extremely high tides.  We were lucky to have no damage to our home, but were in darkness with the rest of Scituate and Cohasset due to transformer fires and downed power lines.

This line is still down on Gannett Road.

We were without power, heat, phones and cell phones.  Nemo completely cut us off.  Our generator wouldn’t start and neither would our snow blower.  We hunkered down with the kids and cuddled, trying to keep warm.  We had a fire blazing in the fireplace, but it didn’t seem to make the rest of the house warm.  It was so cold I could see my breath in the kitchen.  Layers of clothes, cups of tea and NPR radio kept us going along with the help of family and friends.

Snuggling by the fire.

Some residents had to be a evacuated due to flooding and fires.  Click here for some images from Wicked Local.

Power was restored to our home last night.  Some are still without today but I know the electric companies are working so hard to restore it.  We have power and heat so if anyone needs to come over and get warm, please do so!

Excited to take the kids sledding today!

I’m so sorry that Silver Pennies Sundays didn’t happen this weekend.  I promise I’ll share the features and hold another link party this coming Sunday.

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Jennifer {The Chronicles of Home}

Oh my, glad you’re okay now! We got stuck in FL, flight home Sat was canceled so heading home tonight. Not sure what we’re in for…

12 years ago

You were hit so much harder than we were. High winds didn’t happen in Ontario but we did get a good dump of snow. Glad you came through it okay!

12 years ago

Glad to hear you guys have your power and heat back. Scary! Have fun in the snow.

Shelly Andrade
12 years ago

HOly cow! You guys did get hit!! Being without heat is terrible during a storm like that, happened to us once and I can totally relate to what you did. Nothing better than snuggling up in front of the fireplace. Your kids will never forget this one ~ thanks for sharing and glad you’re all toasty warm now. Nobody should be able to see their breath inside the house ~ lol

12 years ago

Wow. That’s beautiful but scary. Glad you have a fireplace.

12 years ago
Reply to  LivingVintage

Yes, it was beautiful. Almost as if all the houses were frosted with icing, but very cold and very scary with the winds and he high tides.

Katie Cook
12 years ago

Holy Moly! That’s a crazy storm! I spent a few months in New England a few years ago and they were so magical:) I LOVED the scenery right after it snowed:) lovely!