
No, not the kids channel, but actual veggies!  They are already spouting at our house and my kids are so excited!

Our seedlings

Both boys are nature lovers, but The Lorax got them all excited about planting seeds.  Luke and I missed having a garden last year.  We just worried that Poppy would dig it all up.  Last weekend we planted some seeds.  We started with Wholly Cow compost  from a local garden center on First Parish Road and filled the containers I got from Christmas Tree Shop.

The boys planting while still in jammies!

My boys love digging in dirt.

I’m particulary excited about the salsa kit we got at Christmas Tree Shop for just $4, but there hasn’t been any growth there just yet.  We carefully planted our seeds and added water.
We put the two trays in our bay window in the kitchen – the sunniest spot in our house.  Check out this guy – he sprouted way up yesterday morning.  That is Midnight Lightning Zucchini:
I can’t believe how quickly everything is growing. Each morning the boys like to check on their plants and see how they are doing.  The zucchini and sun flowers are doing great.  
And these little fellas are dinosaur kale:
Dino Kale

I’m hoping the plant’s name alone inspires John to eat it, the rest of us are kale lovers as you may remember from a previous post.  We’re building the raised beds this weekend so stay tuned…

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Brenda Stevens Sherry
13 years ago

How exciting! I’m planning on starting a garden in my backyard next year (this year would be a bit too much with a newborn). Good luck with everything!

13 years ago

Oh, that is so exciting! When are you due? Yes, weeding and such is a pain heavily pregnant.

13 years ago

All boys LOVE dirt! Check out my post today on a great seed to try. Your boys will love them because they grow fast and BIG.

13 years ago
Reply to  Elizabeth

Heading over to your post now. Can’t wait to see what you’ve been growing.

fiona anderson
13 years ago

My garden needs so much work, but I’ve got to sort the house out first.
What a great idea to get your kids envolved, they’re so adorable !