To Leap…

John taking a leap in Tuscany 2011

Happy Leap Day, everyone!  Do you have any amazing plans for today?  What about this leap year?

First, I’d like to wish everyone born on this day a Happy Birthday!  It must stink to only celebrate your birthday once every four years…
Anyway, on this day, February 29th, I’d like to make a resolution of sorts.  
To leap, to jump and to soar without care.  To feel the wind in my hair and the air under my feet.  To feel the weightlessness and find comfort in it (not fear).
Marilyn leaping on the beach (pinterest)

To say what I’m thinking or feeling even if it may not be a popular opinion.  To chose the path last travelled.  It is my goal to try more things this year.  To make more connections. To be more creative.  To write, to paint, to dance, to sing (possibly even karaoke), to snorkel, to paddle board, to take more mini adventures.  Most of all to find more time to spend with my husband and kids.

I hope you will take a leap this year and take some risks (even if your leap is to try a cappuccino for the first time or to pull that bikini from the back of your drawer).
Oh, and if you haven’t already seen the movie Leap Year – today is the day you should watch it!  It is very sweet.  I do love my rom/coms.
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It's All Connected
13 years ago

You go girl! ~ Maureen

13 years ago

Thanks, Maureen!