7 Tips for Selling Your House Quickly
Or shall we call this how to sell your house in 3 weeks! That is how quick we sold our first home last year. Within three weeks of listing we had an accepted offer and completed the home inspection with a signed P & S. Today, I’m going to share 7 tips for selling your house quickly.
Perhaps, you’ve been feeling that you love your home but it just doesn’t suit you any more. Have you outgrown the space? Have you decided that it is time to move?
If so, this post is for you, dear reader!
You may think you don’t have much stuff, but believe me. You have way more stuff than when you moved into your humble abode. Look at our attic before we put it up for sale:
See my French dining chairs?!? This all was cleaned out. We only left Christmas decorations up there.
Anything you aren’t using or needing needs to go. What should you do with stuff you don’t want?!? Have a yard sale! We had a very successful moving sale and were able to put the money we made toward our moving costs. For yard sale tips click here.
Donate to a good cause. I donated many items to charity yard sales. What if you still need / want some of the stuff? Great question! I had a bunch of furniture that I wanted to paint and sell but couldn’t clutter the house with it so we rented a storage space for a few months. You could also rent a pod but keep in mind that will be housed in your driveway.
Have open communication with your agent. Our agent, Tanya Ames, also happened to be our good friend so it was easy to communicate with her. She was so great. She really listened to us and knew what we wanted. She actually found us our dream home (1 week after we listed). We were so motiveated to sell she held two back to back open houses for us on St. Patrick’s Day weekend.

The first thing a perspective buyer will see is the photos of your home. You want them to want to come see the house either at a showing or an open house. Make sure you take the photos from the best possible angle. Make sure to tidy up spaces before taking photos. Buyers also like bright and light spaces so try and take your photos on a sunny day rather than rainy. You could also add fill light in pic monkey just to enhance a little bit more.
Flowers may seem frivilous, but believe me they work! I always made sure to have flowers in our kitchen and in our living room when we were having an open house or a showing. You all know I love stocking up on flowers from Trader Joe’s each week. I’m not saying you have to pay a fortune. Get some flowers that last and then you don’t have to worry about running to the store each time. Flowering plants are also a nice option. I just think flowers show you enjoy your home and add a bit of greenery and life while people are walking through.
Everyone wants a bargain. Do your research and know what the houses are selling for in your same home size / area. If you price your home at 900K and the homes your size in your town are selling for 400K, well, then you’re house will not sell quickly unless it is diamond encrusted.
This is a big one! We rely so much on our sense of smell. People will be seing your home but unsighlty odors can turn buyers right off. I remember looking at a house and it smelled like mildew and wet dog and I walked right out. Luke was so angry at me for spending money on plug ins from Yankee Candle. He thought it was a waste of money! But the people who bought our home wanted to know the fragrances I used. In the bathrooms I used Sage and Citrus by Yankee Candle and in the lower level I used an ocean scent from Glade. I also had our agent light a scented candle in our kitchen during open houses.
Don’t be there for showings. Get everyone out of the house (including the family pet) unless it is a fish! We all, including Poppy, piled into the car and drove around or went for a family outing while people were viewing our home. Perspective buyers can speak more freely if you aren’t there.
Oh and here is two more (bonus) optional tips!
Create a before & after document so buyers can see all the hard work you’ve put into your house. Here’s an example:
And Inside:
Bury St. Joseph statue in your front yard and say the prayer every day.
We did this and I’m not sure if it was that, the Irish soda bread I baked at the St. Patrick’s Day open house or all of the above which sold our house in 3 weeks!
If you’re putting your home on the market this spring / summer or even in the fall Good Luck! I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you! x
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Good tips! We sold our house in about 4 weeks. We skipped the statue, although that is a long-standing tradition in my family. The only thing I don’t 100% agree on is the fragrance. You don’t want any bad smells, but smell is highly subjective. There were quite a few houses I went into with fragrance that gave me a headache (and made me wonder what they were hiding). If you do go with a fragrance, pick something very, very light (just a hint of something pleasant), and try to keep it out of small spaces where it can become… Read more »
Thanks, Christy! Yes, I agree light fragrance. Nothing to flowery or overpowering. We also did that discussing our neighborhood and what beaches / local places we loved. x
I love your ideas. I also think this could work for other thing like campers and boats.
Please, no plug-ins!! They are migraine triggers. I have had to avoid going into listings where the owner uses artificial fragrances. Cotton balls soaked with pure essential oils smell fresher and more natural. You can hide them easily and they repel rodents and insects. Peppermint smells so clean.
Nice post. thanks.
Great tips! We are trying to sell our second house this month. It is vacant, so it’s a little nerve-wracking because all people will see are the walls and floors. We sold our first house for above what the agent thought it would sell for and I attribute a lot of it to curb appeal. Not only is it the first impression, but stand outside your front door and look around. That’s the first time the prospective buyer really looks closely – while the agent is unlocking the door! Make sure there are flowers planted, swept stoop and freshly painted… Read more »