Exciting News with domino

Hi Friends happy, happy Monday!!!!

I have some really exciting, BIG news to share with all of you.  WAIT.

You better get cozy and grab your coffee or tea first.

Okay, I’ll wait…..

Ready?!?  Drum roll, please…..


Domino Contributor

Okay, I’m the latest online contributor for domino.com!!!!  I am over the moon about this.  When I started this blog almost three and half years ago it was my dream to write and share my ideas.  NEVER EVER IN A MILLION years, did I think I’d get the chance to share my ideas on my favorite magazine’s site!

I subscribed to domino when it first started and have kept all my back issues.  Their style is quirky, imaginative and for real people.  I may be alone here (or maybe not), but in the winter months I love walking passed people’s homes with the lights on so I can see how they decorate.

Do you do that, too?!?  Phew!  For a second, I thought you guys were going to think I was weird.  Ha! Ha!

Reading domino’s magazines and online pages, I feel like you get to enter into people’s homes, almost like peering through windows.

I’m excited to share our home, our style and our tips.

I have soooooo many ideas to share.  I wondered what should I write about first.  Oh, the pressure!!!

I first thought I’d write about painted furniture.  I feel like that is one thing I LOVE.  But then I thought maybe not.  I could write about our guestroom makeover or the sunroom or some thrifting tips….  Our coastal style, upcycling, or how every home has to have _______!

But to be honest (as many of you know) I’m so ready for spring and have been stuck inside for most of the winter.  So instead I wrote about my urge to fill our house with plants!  I keep buying them at the grocery store every time I go. In addition to plants adding the green I desire they are also great air purifiers.  Here’s an example in our living room:

Greenery in the living room

Oh, and I thought I’d check in and see what you guys are interested in reading about on domino.com!  Let me know if there is any topics or decorating ideas you’d love to read more about.

So without further ado, I hope you’ll stop by domino.com and read my first contribution:

how to decorate with house plants

Greenery brings life, warmth, and happiness to any room.

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10 years ago

Danielle!! This is just so awesome, you are awesome! So proud of you and your huge accomplishments. Can’t wait to read all your contributions. Domino.com were lucky to hire you! Congratulations my friend! Wendy

10 years ago

Dear Danielle~ This is truly great news – a bloggers dream come true. Your article is fantastic. I love how you mentioned when going for walks at night you would look at other people homes & how they decorated them. I use to do the same thing, you have your own way of decorating, but just to see how others decorate is fun. Maybe just one little thing they have done will spark something new for you. This is one reason I love to follow you, and other bloggers. It’s so inspirational. Good luck with your new adventure. Much love,… Read more »

10 years ago

Oh Dani!! Big congratulations. I am so happy for you!!!

Jenna Emmons
10 years ago

Congratulations Danielle! Domino has long been my favorite design magazine and I know you’ll be a great addition.

Pam @ Simple Details
10 years ago

That is SO cool, Danielle!! Congrats, I’m so excited for you!

10 years ago

Congrats Daniella, so well deserved!!! Anything about painting is what I’d love to see.


Mary @ Orphans With Makeup

Congratulations Danielle. You will do a great job!
P.S. Thanks for Sunday’s feature.

Vicki of EntriWP
10 years ago

Congratulations Danielle! Great article and really happy you decided on this simple topic. It’s a perfect reminder to make this simple change in your home even when stuck inside with all of this snow. Best Wishes from Boston’s North Shore!

10 years ago

So amazing! I’m so thrilled for you and can’t wait to follow along on your adventure. xx

10 years ago

Girl, you are rocking it!! Congratulations, this is such an accomplishment! So excited for and proud of you:) Great first article, can’t wait to read more! How often will you be posting over there?

Alison- The Pink Tumbleweed

Wow, what an amazing opportunity! You will do so great. Cannot even wait!

10 years ago

Yay you! Now I’ll have to subscribe to your magazine!

10 years ago

So excited for you, and for Domino…you’ll be an amazing asset for them. Congrats!

megan @ NoSmallLife
10 years ago

Ah! Danielle, this is so exciting! Congratulations, Domino has always been a favorite of mine as well! 🙂