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Creating a Wash Effect with Paint (Video Tutorial)

I’m soooooo sorry!  I’ve been promising and promising you that I’ll share how to make make a wash effect with paint.  Well, today is the day!  Let’s first discuss this finish and when you’d want to use it.  A “wash” is when you water down paint and lightly brush it on (washing the piece) in a tint.

Washes are nice for that shabby chic look.  To make an old piece appear aged.  On bare wood, a wash can give a limed effect to tables, like our sunroom table:

Sunroom Dining Set with Brunch

A wash looks amazing on coastal furniture like the top of my grain sack dresser:

Chalk Paint Grain Sack Dresser

If you tint it with another color you can give the look of an antique finish like this gilded french table:


I did a wash of versailles over old white for the above table.

On the Daisie secretary I just finished, I washed Old White over Duck Egg Blue on the outside and French Linen on the inside.

Duck Egg Blue DeskWashing the Duck Egg Blue gave it an antiqued effect while washing the French Linen inside gave a weathered wood effect (a Restoration Hardware(ish) look).

Vintage stamps

Soft Chalk Painted Secretary

Frames, mirrors and small items also look lovely with a washed effect.

Creating A Wash with Paint

So what do you need to create this look?


  • Paint
  • Water
  • Paint Brush
  • Plenty of Paper Towels


Water down your paint and brush on into long strokes.  You can leave like this or you can wipe back the paint with your paper towel.  Always make sure to wipe with a dry edge (folding paper as necessary).

For further tips and advice watch the video below.


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10 years ago

love this technique and you look gorgeous!

10 years ago

Love the video! Great job Danielle!

Mia Boyd
10 years ago

Wow, that paint job looks incredible. Thanks for sharing how you did it. Was it a lot of work? I’ve been wanting to paint my house, but I’m definitely not a professional. I think I’ll hire one to do it for me.

Donna @ Modern on Monticello

Looking forward to trying this on a new project soon.

Jennifer @ Town and Country Living

Nice job on the video, Danielle!! You’re so cute and the video is very informative. I’m making a mental note on the Viva towels!

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co.
Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co.
10 years ago

Great job on the video Danielle! Thanks for sharing your expertise. Happy to feature you at our party this morning!

Olivia Godfrey
10 years ago

Great tutorial! Love the paper towel idea, and you do such a nice job on camera! 🙂

10 years ago

Your furniture makeovers are spectacular! Thanks you bunches for showing us how-to…(I’m looking forward to watching the video since I have 2 pieces do paint in the near future!) Thanks for linking to Shabbilicious Friday- I’m pinning to make sure I can find this later xo


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