Pretty Paperwhites


I love exploring nature with the kids in the woods or at the beach, but I also enjoy bringing that nature into our home.  Isn’t it amazing watching things grow?

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French Dining Room with paperwhites

Celebrating Spring with paperwhite bulbs in the dining room.

Just after a snow storm I bought some beautiful paperwhite bulbs down at the Flowers & Festivities in Scituate Harbor.  We’d been sledding and loving the snow but knew it would be so lovely to have spring inside.

Celebrating Spring in our dining roomI got two bulbs and two vases – that way both John and Conor could have one and it would be fun to see which one opened first and grew the tallest.

Over the past month or two, we have so enjoyed watching them grow and grow and grow.

The roots fascinate us too!

Growing paperwhites and the perfect vase for them!

I love how the paperwhites can grow tall in these vases and not fall over.

The fragrance is just amazing in here right now, soft and delicate just like the petals themselves.

I’m happy to report John’s and Conor’s flowers opened on the same day and they are the same height 🙂

Paperwhites Opening

I took these photos a few days ago but now they paperwhites are fully open.

I added some grocery store flowers to a blue and white jar like this one.  It looks so pretty against our ticking stripe runner and with all our shells.

Pretty blue and white

Coastal Spring Tablescape


Airplants votives and spring bulbs

It may be a few more weeks ’til spring outside but it’s certainly feeling like spring on the inside.

How are you starting to celebrate spring in your home?

Spring tablescape

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cassie @ primitive & proper

i tried leaving a comment but it kept stalling out on your site- not any other sites so not sure why.
so pretty! i love the blue and white ginger jar and china with the paperwhites!

Libby Jo
Libby Jo
9 years ago

Paperwhites are the best! I had “forced” paperwhites in mossy clay pots for our daughter’s February wedding (try to find a wedding florist or flowers in February!) They were simple. elegant and sooo fragrant. I potted and wonderful local florist forced them in their greenhouse. Your table is lovely, especial the blue and white. Thank you for a breath of spring.

Fonda Rush
Fonda Rush
9 years ago

We’ve been seeing plenty of daffodils blooming here in southeastern North Carolina. We got our first one today! Spring is on the way! Temperatures will be heading to the upper 70s tomorrow, but I don’t think they’re here to stay quite yet!