Q & A with Kristy Woodson Harvey and a Giveaway
Over 8 years of writing this blog I’ve made some wonderful friendships with some really creative and inspiring people. I love watching as my friends succeed and grow, and also give back.
One of these people is Kristy Woodson Harvey who I met through her blog Design Chic. She is an award-winning writer and her latest book came out in May. Kirsty is a wonderfully talented author and blogger, but also a really giving person as you’ll see in this Q & A. She’s also offered to giveaway an autographed set of her Peachtree Bluff Series – these books are the perfect summer read! (this post contains a few affiliate links for the book titles mentioned).

Hi Kristy! I can’t believe so much time has passed since our last chat for Creativity Over Coffee. Back in 2015 you shared your thoughts with me here. In celebration of the release of The Southern Side of Paradise, the final installment of your Peach Tree Bluff Series I thought it would be fun to have another Q & A.
So much has happened in 4 years! You’re a best selling author, your design blog has won many awards, and Dear Carolina has been optioned for a film deal!

This is the final installment of the Peachtree Bluff series. Was it hard to write the last book? I feel like I know all these characters. I assume as their creator you’ve become very attached to each of them.
I am so attached to them! It was very hard for me to wrap it all up and leave them behind. But you can bet I left a few tiny doors open in case I want to come back to Peachtree! I loved Peachtree Bluff and the Murphy women, but I also have so many other ideas that in some ways it was fun to move on too. I think it was the right time.
Of your characters is there one you most identify with? I think there are bits and pieces of all of my characters that I identify with, but not one in particular that sticks out as “me” per se. Interestingly, although I am 25 years younger than she is, I really identified with Ansley’s struggle to care for two generations at the same time. We have lost both my husband’s parents over the past several years, one to a very long illness, and that pull to care for them but also your kids is very real.
What, in your opinion, is the hardest thing about being a writer? Before I was published, I would have said getting the book deal! Now, I’d say keeping up with all the parts of being a writer that have nothing to do with being a writer like the publicity and marketing and social media. It is a huge blessing in so many ways, but I feel like I’m always behind!
Do you come up with the storyline first or does that come out of the writing process? That’s actually a question from my 13 year old who’s working on his first novel. That is a great question! And yay for him!! That is so cool that he is getting such an early start. For me, it comes out of the writing process, but there’s really no right way. I know writers who have every last detail plotted out before they begin. It’s such a personal choice!
Can you share any details about the film version of Dear Carolina? That’s really so exciting! I don’t have many details on that, but I can share that CBS Studios has optioned the entire Peachtree Bluff Series for TV! I am SO EXCITED. It has been in the works for a while now, and I adore the producer and writer and their vision for my books. I would love to see them come to life!
Looking back on our interview, what has changed and what has stayed the same?
I laughed so hard looking back at our interview. So many things have changed, but quite a few are still the same! One major difference is that I was talking about my book tour, which, at that point, was like fifteen events, and I really thought it was hard. Now I’m doing like 85 events a year including six straight weeks and 40-45 cities each Spring when my new book releases. I didn’t even know what a book tour was back then! But I guess I had a smaller child to so maybe it evens out!
I also love looking back at that sweet schedule of walking my son to preschool. I miss those days! But, truth be told, now that he’s in school until three, I have much more time to get everything done. And that’s great because in those days I was staying up until at least midnight every night and now I have to get to sleep by 11 on weekdays to be at my best the next day.
Back then I was working on the blog and social media at night after everyone else was in bed. I promise myself every year that that is going to change, but, alas, I’m still doing it! Last night, I was writing about a new home from Marshall Watson in East Hampton at 10:45 when everyone else was dreaming. Maybe one day…
I was lamenting then that I had so little time for exercise, meditation etc., and, while, no, I’m still not getting those weekly blowouts, I made a vow to myself that when my son was in school all day I would prioritize exercise and meditation, and I’m proud that I have stuck with that. I even managed to get in like two workouts a week when I was on tour these past six weeks or so, which I am kind of astonished by! But it makes me feel so much better!

One day I dream of writing. I think many people do. What advice would you give all of us? When I started I never imagined I would have been doing this interview with you the day after I turned in my sixth novel, which is to say that there are so many hurdles to overcome, but holding that belief that you will get where you want to be is so incredibly important. Also, I think when it comes to writing it has to be something you do because you can’t not, because you love it so incredibly much. It’s too hard to do it for any other reason because all those reasons might never pan out. Even now I know that nothing in this business is guaranteed, and, in some ways, that’s what makes it so amazing! And I can’t wait to be interviewing you about your book some day soon!
Thank you so, so much for having me, Danielle–and for all your support from the very beginning! I am so grateful!

Win a signed set of Kristy’s Peachtree Bluff Series Novels
Kristy has generously offered this amazing giveaway for readers of Finding Silver Pennies. Simply follow the Rafflecopter below.
You must be 18 years of age and a resident of the United States to enter.
A very talented lady! I would love to win the books..
I would love to win this set of books to enjoy poolside this summer.
Great writer! I’d love to win the books.
Would be great to win these books to take with
me on a weekend getaway. I love to read.
I would love to win this set! I love finding new authors and series.
I would love to have these to take to the beach this summer.
What a great giveaway! I love these books!
Can’t wait to read your newest book 📖
I need some new summer reads! These look very interesting@
Thank you for this opportunity to read these book.
I used to love reading ,even under the covers, and I need to get back to my love for reading and a BOOK! Thank U for letting us see the life of a writer. Look out HOLLYWOOD!
Yes, please!
Great interview! And the CBS Studios option is so exciting. Congratulations, Kristy!
These books sound wonderful! I would love to read them.
I’d love to win this set to read over the summer. Thank you for the chance!
I’m here in Scituate house sitting for my daughter Amity. Would love to have these books to read on the beach!
I love, love, love Kristy’s books!!!!!
I would love to win this awesome set of books that has that summertime feel!
Would love to win these books for my beach trip. They look fabulous!
Looking forward to discover this author and her summertime books…♥️🌊
I would love to win these books. What a great series for my summer reading list!
This set of books would make a great addition to my collection. I would put the books to good use and share with my friends to read after I had the chance to read them first of course.
I would love a chance to win the books! Thank you!
I love her books and would love to win these books !!!
Would love to win this set read and I rate & review on goodreads
It would be awesome to win these books! I’m a big reader and always looking for new authors to read!!!!
A wonderful interview. I live in the North East, but love reading books by writers who live in and write about the south. I’d love to add these to my summer reading pile 🙂
Would love to add these books to my summer stack.
I’m an aspiring writer and I appreciate the insight that you provided. My mom and I absolutely LOVE to read, and these books look so interesting, would love to win them!
I’d love to win so I have some summer reading.
A new to me series and a new to me author… Perfect summer reading!
Love reading the questions and your answers, they were so inspirational. I’d love to win this series. Love reading and discovering authors I never knew. This series sounds wonderful.
I’m ready for a new series & would be thrilled to recieve these books!
I would
Love to be able to start a new series while taking care of my parents who are recovering from a fall/surgery.
I would really love this set of books from such a great writer.
Would love to win this set of books! Great for summer reading!
I would like to win because I use books as a self therapy for my manic depression. Most days I have no desire to enter the real world and Books take me to places where I can find a little happiness for a while.
Thank you for the opportunity to enter this contest
I love finding new books to read. I really enjoy having a new series. I am new to her books and can’t wait to dive into this set!! Really enjoyed the blog!
I love her books! Would love to win these!! 😍
I would love to read this series. Always happy to find a new author to read!
I would love to win these books because she is a new author for me and I love discovering new authors! And the books look so good!
Oh I have to add these books to my summer reading list!
I love discovering new-to-me authors. It would be great to win these!
Love series novels. Woukd love to read this series!
I would love to win this set for a myriad of reasons, but I will list three..I love reading books with soul..these fit the bill, with part of the author woven throughout.. definitely and lastly, I am launching my dream of a Reviewer Blog this week, what a way to celebrate!
I absolutely love all of Kristy’s books. She’s a marvelous storyteller. I didn’t know Dear Carolina was optioned for a movie. That’s super exciting.
I would love to win this set for reading on my summer trip to the beach! My email [email protected]
What a great interview, and wow six novels! I think these books sound like the perfect summer read. Plus I would love to read her books before movies or the TV series come out!
Looks really interesting to read.