Creativity Over Coffee: Jenna Reedy (Fish Prints by Jenna)
It’s time for Creativity Over Coffee – an interview series where I chat with my creative friends.
Today I’m really excited to introduce you to my friend Jenna creator of Fish Prints by Jenna. I met Jenna last spring when working on a fundraiser for Scituate Education Foundation. I went over to Jenna’s home and saw all her beautiful fish prints. She’s one creative lady and so nice. I think you all are going to be so inspired by her story today.
Grab your coffee (or tea) and join us for Creativity Over Coffee!

Hi Jenna, the day I visited your home and studio, I was mesmerized by your beautiful fish prints. Can you tell my readers about your business and how you got started?
Jenna: I have always been artistic. My mom still hangs various fish paintings I created throughout my childhood. I fell in love with gyotaku art when I first saw it. After a fishing trip, I took a tuna tail home and started painting. I was hooked. No, pun intended. At first I was just creating prints for friend and family as gifts. People kept asking for them so I started selling my work. 3 years ago, a friend asked me to come into her classroom to teach her students the art of gyotaku. That then morphed into workshops.

What’s the process of creating a fish print?
Jenna: The process is simple. I use a real fish, paint it and then press paper or fabric over the fish to get an exact print or impression. True gyotaku uses rice paper or a form of rice paper and sumi ink. I am constantly experimenting with different paints, mediums, textiles, paper, etc. Like most projects, the prep takes the most time. I clean the fish first with soap and water or vinegar. Then I prop up the fins with scrap wood or recycled magazines. Then I paint the fish. Sometime I just do one color and other times I am spending a good amount of time on details. I usually have a bunch of fabric or paper precut to match the size fish I have. Once I lay the fabric or paper on the fish, I gently rub the whole fish. Then I peel back the paper/fabric and have a print. Once the print is dried, I go back and spend detail on the eye and sometimes touch ups to the rest of the fish. I typically do a handful of prints or more of one fish.

When do you feel most creative or happy?
Jenna: Well I am most calm and relaxed when creating, which makes me happy. I am constantly creating in my head. Having the time to actually create and execute on my ideas is a whole different story. Before kids, I would easily stay up to midnight creating. Evenings are definitely my creative time and always have been. Now that I have 2 little ones, I just don’t have the time or energy to paint all night, so I need to make the best of my weekends.
Who or what inspires you?
Jenna: Wow, where do I begin? It’s a long list! My mom has always been crafty and creates in all different forms. Almost daily, we are collaborating on our crazy ideas. I am lucky to have lots of talented and creative people in my life. It’s an amazing network of extended family and friends to bounce ideas off of and support each other. Obviously, nature is another big inspiration. Growing up in Scituate, we lived at the beach and on boats. Combining art and my love for fish and all sea creatures was natural. Also, I love going into galleries or stores to see what other artists or crafters have dreamt up.

Do you have a favorite piece you’ve created?
Jenna: No, but my favorite fish to print is a Striped Bass.
What’s your favorite colors?
Jenna: Greys, blues, black
What’s been most challenging about owning your own business and being based in your home?
Jenna: Always having a messy house. My art and supplies take over so many areas. And everything has paint on it if you look closely.

How do you juggle your small business with young children?
Jenna: If it was a simple as juggling my business and kids it would seem more doable. I also have a full time job! Some days I don’t feel like I’m juggling anything and just trying to keep my head above water. It goes in waves. I might do my prints and framing for 2 weeks straight and we all eat like crap and the house is a disaster. Then I don’t do any art for another 3 weeks and focus on my family. I also have to be efficient when I do paint or frame. For example, I might have an order for a custom print but I do 10-12 prints that are similar to have on hand. My kids also like to paint and help so I am usually setting them up with their own projects right next to me. My husband, Seamus is a big help with building frames and supporting my busy life. The pandemic has actually been helpful too. We are home more, have less to do, and I’m not traveling for work. Which leaves more time for me to work on my art.

What advice would you give someone who wants to follow in your footsteps or who would like to start a creative career?
Jenna: The best time to start is now! Be patient and reach out to others for advice, support, and to have a sense of community.

Growing up I was a huge follower of INSIDE THE ACTORS STUDIO. At the end of the program, they would ask the interviewee these questions:
- What is your favorite word? Not sure I have one
- What is your least favorite word? I can’t even say it, its just so vulgar
- What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? Nature
- What turns you off? Lying
- What is your favorite curse word? Shit, I’m trying like hell to swear less because of my kids. Fuck is still the best!
- What sound or noise do you love? My kids giggling and waves
- What sound or noise do you hate? Whining
- What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Graphic artist or landscape design
- What profession would you not like to do? Anything in finance that requires commuting into Boston every day
- If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? Welcome to the party. So many people have been waiting for you.

A huge thank you to Jenna for taking the time to be with us today. Isn’t her art and outlook amazing? Be sure to follow along with Jenna:
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If you’d like more Creativity Over Coffee you can read the full series here
* Photos courtesy of Jenna Reedy
I love Creativity Over Coffee!
Hi Kristie, I agree! I love this series so much, too. xx