Creativity Over Coffee: Marj Bates

Join us for Creativity Over Coffee! An inspiring interview series where I chat with my friends about their creative journeys.

I’m so excited for you to meet my friend Marj Bates who I’ve known now for many years. In fact, I visited her studio on Cedar Point when my parents lived there and we were still living in England. She has a lovely site and is also an Etsy Shop.

Marj is an accomplished artist in many mediums and she epitomizes everything I think and believe about creativity. It is in us all (whether you think you are creative or not). I’m delighted to share this chat. I think as this year closes and we reflect on 2020 – many of you will be inspired to try to tap into that inner creativity after hearing Marj’s story. Creativity has healing powers. Meet Marj!

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Artist Marj Bates with her dogs

Hi Marj, I’ve known you for many years as I met you through my parents who lived on Cedar Point. Can you share more about the Marj Bates Studio with my readers?

Marj: My studio was never really planned, Danielle. One thing led to another and some days I look around with wonder thinking when did all this happen? Starting in the late eighties I was a long haul trucker. Next thing I knew I was buying a house on Cedar Point and the first thing I was doing in my new home was setting up a studio in the cellar because I needed to make more stock for the next show I was preparing for!  25 years later the studio that started in the cellar looks a whole lot different.  Once the hundred year storm came through the cellar a half dozen times I decided I had to move or do something to prevent losing torches and kilns again.  How can I move from here?  I am surrounded by the ocean with views of the working lighthouse and really neat neighbors. So I added a floor to my little home and now my light filled studio occupies the first floor.  

I am set up to teach glass bead making workshops, metal smithing and fiber arts.

The very reason I love to teach is to introduce the thought we all have creative gifts. ALL of us. It may not necessarily be film making or melting glass.

Creativity manifests in many ways. When people insist they have zero creativity I hear this as fear talking. Nonsense. I was that fear based person.  I could go on and on about the subject of healing with and through creativity/art.

The late nineties a group of us formed a group to read a book together. We met once a week.  The book was life changing.  For me it was the catalyst to quit a job I really really disliked and take my craft full time. Scary stuff.  Manageable though with a group of cheerleaders! Many of us have continued to meet with this same book year after year after year introducing others to this magic.  In fact when we can safely gather as a group I will facilitate another round.  

The book is by Julia Cameron and is called  THE ARTIST WAY.

Ocean Wave Glass Finial
Venetian Wave Finial

That is a wonderful book! You are multi talented – a glass artist, metalsmith, artist, jewelry maker. Is there a certain medium you love the most? When do you feel most creative or happy?

Marj: When the pandemic began my Creativity burst to record levels.  I know now it was the adrenalin rush from fear.  I was melting glass, hammering metals, painting with acrylics, and dabbling with fibers.  I could not stop. When I finally did stop the space for thought opened up. Ouch.

Feeling useful is what I view as happiness I guess.  At the end of the day it isn’t the new pair of whatever that bring me peace.  It is the memory of a well received teensy kindness extended.

Who or what inspires you?

Marj: My experience shows me what inspires me are life’s events.  My thoughts inspire me. Need inspires me.  

Girl in a white dress with flower bouquet
Fiber Art by Marj Bates

Do you have a favorite project you’ve worked on?

Marj: I have loved being part of political activities and grass roots organizations. I tried to help the fishermen in the harbor. You know, Danielle, Scituate Harbor used to be one of the largest thriving fishing ports in the area. I love bringing like minded people together. I especially love passing on healing with the arts exercises I have learned. So many of us need to learn to heal. I am so fortunate to have had so many great ladies and teachers before me.

What’s your favorite color?

Marj: I have never met a color I did not love! As you know I live in a small 3 story home. The first floor is my studio. One is greeted with a visual explosion of color upon entering.  

What most people don’t realize is my living space upstairs is almost entirely bare white walls, hardwood floors, zero clutter and absence of color.  My friends teased me when I said I was being racy and painting my den with color!  I used a light coffee color on walls and ceiling. So cozy! Perfect for hunkering during global pandemics while plotting my next adventure!

Bright colored blown glass fish knobs
Venetian Glass Knobs

You also offer classes and workshops. Can you share more about that?

Marj: As I have mentioned I love teaching! My story in a nutshell is I was broken and creativity healed me. It is my job now to pass this on when the opportunity presents itself.  I have taught glass bead making all over for 25 years. I was the first glass instructor at Boston Center for Arts.  At one time or another all the local art associations have offered my classes. When Lampwork hit the scene in the mid nineties I introduced my glass to the MFA and Sandwich Glass Museum.  For many years I combined my love of metals and glass in the form of jewelry. I am very practical. I love one of a kind jewelry pieces. What was available to purchase was either too pricey for me or too mainstream. I decided to learn how to make my own.  

I also teach metal smithing and fiber art. I just took over a room for all my fibers. I love meshing fluffy colorful fibers with silk and other fabrics. I love dying silks with vegetables!  

To earn my living I design and make glass jewelry for the home.  My niche market is Venetian Glass Cabinet Knobs and Lamp Finials.  I love to work with clients and get them exactly what they are envisioning!

The mandrel wound technique I use is ancient.  This technique is known as Lampwork. Using a torch system I melt a variety of glasses around a steel mandrel. Each design is achieved by layering and manipulating different colors of glass.  Each glass object is then annealed in a kiln; a precise and slow process. This assures a high quality object that will not break. 

Blown glass Venetian knob
Venetian Glass Knob

What advice would you give someone who wants to follow in your footsteps or who would like to start a creative business?

Marj: I cannot count the number of times someone has told me they want to paint, write, garden, fill in the blank and don’t know how.  I suggest picking up a paint brush, a piece of paper and to close your eyes and make a mark on the scary white sheet of paper staring at you.  Or to pick up pen and paper and write without paying attention to grammar and punctuation etc.  Or dig a hole and plant a seed.  The scary part is starting.  Just start.  My hope for people is they will become “recovering” perfectionists like me.  I did not plan any part of my life! Best advice I ever received is to ‘Stay Open’!  I can’t wait to see where the road leads next!

Christmas tree glass finials
Venetian Glass Lamp Finials

Growing up I was a huge follower of INSIDE THE ACTORS STUDIO.  At the end of the program, they would ask the interviewee these questions:

  1. What is your favorite word? superfluous
  2. What is your least favorite word? can’t
  3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? kindness
  4. What turns you off? excess, bloat
  5. What is your favorite curse word? whichever one gets my point across best!
  6. What sound or noise do you love? Truthfully one of my fave sounds is an app’s notification sound of a cash register.  Not very creative.  It pays for the kibble though.
  7. What sound or noise do you hate? violence
  8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? architect, farmer, working with puppies, professional organizer to name a few!
  9. What profession would you not like to do? phlebotomist – although looking around the labs there are pretty cool tools of the trade.
  10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? Your puppies are over there waiting for you!
A woman sitting on a corduroy couch with her dogs
Marj with Simon & Louie

Isn’t that just the sweetest photo of Marj with her puppies, Simon and Louie?!?

A huge thank you to Marj for taking the time to be with us today. Isn’t her art amazing? I love her viewpoint and her words of wisdom. The big part of a creative journey is starting and being open to it.

Be sure to follow along with Marj:

Website * Instagram * Shop

If you’d like more Creativity Over Coffee you can read the full series here

* Photos courtesy of Marj Bates.

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4 years ago

How exciting to open your “Creativity over Coffee” this morning! I’m new to your blog and really intrigued. I love hearing about people and their creative journeys. I was especially excited when I saw who was sharing! I took a metal smithing class with Marj Bates, and she opened my eyes to the many possibilities of art and creativity. She was the perfect instructor for me, her style of teaching is clear and methodical, yet non intimidating. I had never taken any art classes and was fearful. She also introduced me to The Artist Way, by Julia Cameron, and that… Read more »

4 years ago

I really loved reading about Marj and her passions! Thanks for sharing. And now I’m heading over to Amazon to check out The Artist’s Way! Have a great weekend, Danielle. 🙂

4 years ago

Well, I loved this interview and bought The Artist’s Way through your blog. I’m going to follow Marj’s website, instagram- or whatever else I can find. Her story was so inspiring. The cash register sound from Etsy and eBay are my favorites too.