A Chat with Betsy Barry (Creativity Over Coffee)

Grab your coffee or tea because it’s time for the next installment of Creativity Over Coffee. We had a bit of a hiatus over the summer but now the series is back! I can’t wait to share my chat with artist and educator Betsy Barry! You are in for such a treat today.

I’m such a big fan of all of Betsy’s beautiful colored pencil drawings and think you will be too!

Creativity Over Coffee

Meet my friend Betsy Barry! We’ve been friends for a few years now and I also had the privilege of taking two of Betsy’s drawing classes virtually through the Yale Peabody Museum. She is an amazing artist and wonderful teacher. She is kind and funny and I think all of this comes through in our interview. She now lives in Connecticut but she used to live in Scituate, so we often chat about our little town.

Artist Betsy Barry

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A Chat with Betsy Barry

Thank you so much for deciding to join me for coffee and chat about your creative process.  When I had just graduated from film school in London and couldn’t find work, I found inspiration through the many biographies I read from the library.  I used to go there each week and take out more.

Many people believe they are not creative.  I hear this all the time.  It is my hope with these conversations with my talented friends that I hope to inspire my readers to believe that they truly are creative. That creativity is just sitting inside of them waiting to bubble over.

Hi Betsy, can you tell my readers more about your story and your art?

Betsy – I have been a creative person for my whole life and worked with watercolor, acrylic and fiber before settling on my medium of colored pencil. I completed a course with the Society of Botanical Artists in the UK and graduated with my certificate. I started teaching classes and giving demonstrations on a small scale and gradually over the last ten years my scope has expanded. I also participated in a few outdoor shows and markets each year which were always a lot of work but very fun. A few years ago I created some unique designs on tea towels and started selling them wholesale to small shops. I had about 50 stores at the height of my wholesale business before I realized I was losing hold of what I was striving to do with my artwork. I’ve since pulled way back on my wholesale and am focusing on teaching and commissions.

Betsy Barry setting up for a show

Your pencil work is exquisite and so realistic? How long does one subject take you?

Betsy – Thank you so much! I try to be as detailed as possible and lose myself in the subject I’ve chosen. Each piece is different and can take from a few days to a few months! I draw everyday for at least a few hours. Early morning is my favorite time to focus.

Do you have a favorite drawing or piece of art you’ve created?

Betsy – I don’t really have a favorite finished piece but I do love drawing vegetables!

Carrot illustration by Betsy Barry

Can you tell us more about your studio or where you create?

Betsy – I had a studio outside of my home for a few years in Mystic Ct. and that was wonderful. It did get to be too much driving there to draw and create so now I have taken over the dining room of my home! We have plans to convert our outdoor shed space to become my studio but that could take a while! lol

When do you feel most creative or happy?

Betsy – I feel the most happy when my three children are all home and the most creative after spending time outside hiking or walking on the beach.

Who or what inspires you?

Betsy – Nature inspires me, woods or ocean really anywhere.

I have enjoyed taking your drawing classes. Can you tell my readers more about your classes?

Betsy – I’m glad you enjoyed my classes! I have been teaching through the Yale Peabody Museum and their Natural Science Illustration program for the past six years. Their offering of that program has just ended so I have a new section of online classes through the Lyme Art Association focusing on colored pencil, drawing, botanical illustration and plant dissections all with nature focus. A full list of classes will be available in Jan. 2025. Zoom classes have been a great way to expand my classes for people who live all over. You get a lot of interaction as you would in a classroom and you can see exactly what I’m doing with the camera overhead.

Tonal Study by Betsy Barry

What struggles have you found running your own creative businesses? What are the highlights or perks of being your own boss?

Betsy – Struggles are real with a creative business! I found that the office aspects are less appealing of course but more the inventory control of products I created has been a tough aspect. I reached a point where I needed to either hire a team and try to grow the business or really scale back to keep my hand in personally to each of my accounts. I found that scaling back has been a big relief as I am now only wholesaling to a few shops and really focusing on creating artwork and licensing my designs and doing commissions.

Any favorite supplies you’d like to share?

Betsy – My favorite pencils are Faber-Castell Polychromos.

Hydrangea Pencil illustration by Betsy Barry

What’s on the horizon for Betsy Barry?

Betsy – More teaching, more drawing, more travels to inspire my creativity!

What advice would you give someone who wants to follow in your footsteps or who would like to become a botanical illustrator or artist?

Betsy – I’m not sure anyone would want to go the route I have gone to be where I am now! I would say to anyone who wants to be an artist that it is important to follow the direction your heart leads you so be true to your style and don’t change it to fit the current styles – people will love it if you create authentically. AND be ready to hustle! It takes a lot of hats to be creative and run a business.

Orchid Illustration by Betsy Barry

Growing up I was a huge follower of INSIDE THE ACTORS STUDIO. At the end of the program, they would ask the interviewee these questions:

What is your favorite word? lunch
What is your least favorite word? puke its just a gross word for a gross thing
What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? flowers/ beautiful ornamentation just for the sake of being beautiful
What turns you off? boring designs
What is your favorite curse word? fuck it and “aw balls” , not really a curse but kind of crass
What sound or noise do you love? ocean
What sound or noise do you hate? excessively barking dogs
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? in another life, astronomy
What profession would you not like to do? engineering
If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? I’m happy you’re here!

Aw, wasn’t that a lovely little chat. Betsy inspires me so much! I so appreciate her honesty too about how hard it is to have a creative business. I hope you all enjoyed this interview. A huge thank you to Betsy for sharing her journey and her creativity! Be sure to follow along with her:

If you’d like more Creativity Over Coffee you can read the full series here.

Photos courtesy of Betsy Barry

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3 days ago

Hi Danielle and Betsy,

Betsy, I love your art. It is much like what I could do when I was in high school. I am trying to get it all back!!! The key is, you do have to do it daily…..I am working on that.
Thank you both for sharing.