The Artist Within


Artmaking Free Quote

We are all artists.  You may not think so, or you may not believe me, but we all are.

Aged Patina and drawing

Remember how you used to LOVE to fill the sidewalk up with drawings?

Or maybe you enjoyed painting rocks outside while the wind flipped your hair in the breeze.

When you were little did you adore coloring with your set of Crayola crayons?  I still remember the video of how the crayons were made on Sesame Street.

When I was little I would draw and write non-stop!  But then I went off to school and then to college and then I got a job and worked in TV in London and film distribution and marketing when we moved back to the US.

I lost that artistic side.  That part of me that used to like to make up stories.  To write poetry.  To make things.  It was only when Conor was 2 that I felt the need to create.  This desire to write was the catalyst for the blog.  There was a little voice inside me that wanted to create and sing and dance.   The blog became a space to create and take chances and to dream up new things for our home.  Then I started to paint furniture.  At first I didn’t know what I was doing but I was doing it anyway.  Then, people asked me to paint furniture for them and then I started selling pieces.  I became obsessed with painting.

Beatrix Potter CollectablesThis creativity was bubbling up inside me and it felt wonderful.  The more ideas I came up with, the more I had!  Don’t worry I’m still painting, I’m currently working on a desk for our living room and I have a WHOLE basement filled almost to the brim with furniture that just needs a little perking up.


I’ve started to dabble in some other art. Things I always wanted to do but wasn’t given the chance.

You may remember at the start of January I talked about my word for the year – nurture– and how I wanted to nurture myself and try some more creative mediums.

Learning to draw

I’ve never, ever, had a drawing class and I’ve always wanted to learn.  I took a watercolor class in the fall and found I needed to learn to draw.  I’m still taking watercolor, and now drawing.

On the first day, I felt like I was going to kindergarten.  I had butterflies in my stomach.

All my supplies neatly tucked in my bag.

My mouth was dry and I was so scared.

And my teacher gave us the quote above!

I’d always thought of “art” as being a skill you were born with.  John, our 8 year old, is a phenomenal drawer and artist.  He’s never had a proper drawing class before.

In this class, our teacher, has us learning the basic shapes – rectangle, sphere, cone and cylinder and she’s told us EVERYTHING is made up of one, or a combination, of these shapes.  So theoretically if we know how to draw them we can modify them to create anything we see.

Each week we have to bring our homework in and this was my bowl of vegetables:

Bowl of Vegetables

Next week we’re learning shading.  I still get a little scared to show my work to the class but am enjoying it so much.

Pencil drawing

So I thought I’d share this free printable with you.  All you need to do is click the image at the top and download it.  Sometimes it is a nice reminder when we are starting something new that we can do it.

Oh, and did you see my new desk.  Well, it is an antique, actually – 1840s planation desk.  I’ve decided the office (a pretty much forgot space that has been a storage area) is getting a whole new look for spring!  I can’t wait to share all my ideas and get to work on this space soon!

Plantation Desk

I’m so grateful that I’m getting the chance to take these classes and I’m also so thankful for all of you reading this blog!

I hope you have a wonderful Friday and weekend!

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10 years ago

As an artsi, I like to tell people who doubt their abilities, “everyone is artistic. Finding the artsi in you may not come from the hand but the expression. Find that medium in you.”

Gigi Harlan
10 years ago

You are doing a wonderful job! Yes, a great artist can be born from teaching. Even the great masters had apprentices that painted on their work as they were learning. That’s how they learned to be so great. I love your drawing! The green pepper is my favorite. To give so much life to a still-life is a talent and baby you’ve got it!

Gigi Harlan
10 years ago

Your work is beautiful! You brought life to that still-life and I really love the green pepper. You have talent!