The British Are Coming – Annie Sloan’s American Tour

Usually, when the British are coming to Boston it is in reference to Paul Revere and his famous ride.  Or we are joking about some friends or family hopping across the pond.
This time, it is one of my idols.  Annie Sloan is crossing the pond and touring the states to teach us about her wonderful paints.  I’m so excited!  She is coming to 8 cities over the next few weeks.  
Many of you know, I am slightly obsessed with chalk paint.  I’ve painted bureaus, mirrors, lamps, pillows, chairs – anything I can get my hands on.  Her paints are so easy to use, dry so quickly and the colors are beautiful.
She recently posted an amazing piece on color on her blog.  I’m hoping to learn more about the mixing of colors and painting techniques on in this hands-on course.  For those, who are unfamiliar with Annie Sloan and her chalk paints you may enjoy this video of her:
She’s pretty amazing, huh?
I’m so very excited to meet Annie and learn some tips from her as well as meet up again with my good friend, Nancy Chace, of the Sea Rose Cottage.  Can’t wait to meet Shaunna of Perfectly Imperfect!  It was through Shaunna’s blog that I first learned about chalk paint and I’m so grateful.  I hope to catch up with Jessica of Four Generations One Roof and other bloggers!

For more information on the tour and to register for one of her classes, click the Annie Sloan Unfolded image above.  

So, who’s going to join me in Beantown and drink our dirty wataahhh or some Sam Adams?!?  Can’t wait to see you all and meet Annie!
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13 years ago

Hey Danielle!

I will be one of the instructors in Boston… sure to track down Janet Metzger from The Empty Nest and give me a big ASCP hug!!!!

I leave for New Orleans Sunday for the annual Stockist meeting…then on to Leesburg, Va Workshop and then fly to Boston….very exciting times for sure. So excited to meet all my ASCP blog buddies…Shaunna and Jami from Freckled Laundry , Amy from Maison Decor in Boston and Marian aka Miss Mustard Seed in Leesburg…somebody pinch me!!!!

Looking forward to meeting you

Janet xox
The Empty Nest

13 years ago
Reply to  janet

Janet, just started following you. I’m going to check out Amy’s blog. I can’t wait to meet Shaunna in person, I feel like I already know her from her blog. So looking forward to meeting all you ladies and learning from Annie Sloan!


Here is my shameless plug – wonderful article and very gracious and SPOT ON – I must say! And speaking of “spot” …with our English Annie on her way- I should be saying anyone want to meet for a spot of tea on Boston? The Purple Painted Lady from Upstate NY will be attending the Boston event also! Amy – from Maison Decor – I have something for you! Hope to meet all of you fabulous women and have lots of fun painting with the master herself…or should I saw Queen? The ONE and ONLY- Annie Sloan! TriciaThe Purple Painted… Read more »

13 years ago

Tricia, I can’t wait to meet you, too! It is going to be such a fun day in Boston.

Queen of Chairs
13 years ago

Oh I how I wish I could go and meet all these talented women. I guess I will have to live bi-curiously through all the blogs 🙂

13 years ago

I’ll be sure to take loads of photos and blog all about it.

Amanda Jones
13 years ago

I am going to the Annie Sloan Tour in Nashville, TN on March 26th and I am so excited. Also, I just wanted to say that I love reading your blog! I am passing on The Leibster Award to you!! You can read more about it on my blog:

Please follow my blog as well and pass this award onto some blogs that you think are deserving!!


Amy @MaisonDecor
13 years ago

HI Danielle~thanks for writing! Yes, I am going to be at the workshop and look forward to meeting you! I’ll be with Jami of Freckled Laundry~we plan to head in the night before and meet up with a few of the girls for a drink and howdy do! Hope to see you then~

13 years ago

i really enjoyed the video! what a gorgeous shop. i love everything i see painted in chalk paint, don’t know if it’s available here in australia.

Katrina @ Malenka Originals

Your post and the video got me even more excited about Boston! Can’t wait. Hope to cross paths with you!

fiona anderson
13 years ago

Loved the video – I can’t quite get over how she paints, although I have seen her before on British tv.
I’m definately getting some ascp this week, I just need to support the great British export that is Annie Sloan.
Plus I wanna try it !
Looking forward to all the details from the big day !