One Easter treat I love that really reminds me of England is Cadbury’s mini eggs. I love that smell when you open the bag. One of the best aromas in the world. That delicious chocolate mixed with the pastel candy coating. Yum! I only wish we could get real Cadbury ones here (the ones in America are made by Hershey’s).
My nieces and nephews in England always used to make chocolate nests and I was so excited to try this with John and Conor.
We started off by measuring all the ingredients on an electric scale. They loved this part!
That and eating most of the chocolate chips. Ha! All chocolate lovers in this house.
mini candy coated eggs (found some Cabury Eggs at Walgreens and know Target has them)
Place the Ricke Krispies in a bowl.
Break the chocolate into pieces and put into a saucepan together with the butter and golden syrup and melt over a gentle heat.
Stirring the melting chocolate
Line two baking sheets with foil or non stick baking paper.
Stir the Rice Krispies into the chocolate mixture and spoon eight mounds onto the baking sheets, shaping into rounds with a dip in the centre. (I was worried that they wouldn’t stick together because we found this part awkward, but once chilled they were fine).
Chill in the fridge for several hours until set, then peel off the nests carefully and fill with mini eggs.
And here are our lovely nests:
The boys loved them and as a bonus we have loads of mini eggs left for me to enjoy with my afternoon cup of tea.
Yuuuummmmmy – I haven’t had a bag of mini eggs for a few days. I think I might have to pop out and get some !