
Coffee Sack Chair

Hand Painted Coffee Sack Chair

think it is no secret that I LOVE coffee.  Love, love, love it.

I actually think it powered me through this week –

Starting up the WHOLE30 again.

John and Conor both being very sick with the tummy bug.

Oh, and preparing for the Duxbury Show (which is happening this weekend), but if you’ve been following along you already know that.

I’m just so happy that we haven’t had to deal with Poppy being sprayed by a skunk this year!!!!

Anyway, I have a really fun makeover for you to today!  It started with this chair that Conor and I found out treasure hunting.

2015-03-04 09.19.07

Something really liked the leg –

2015-03-04 09.19.15

I knew paint could help with that issue!  Oh, and the fabric!  If you think that seat is bad, you should have seen what was under it!!!!

Anyway, I took the seat off and scuff sanded and wiped the whole chair down.

I painted this in Fusion Mineral Paint in Bedford.  You may remember this dresser in our guest room is in the same color:

Bedford Painted

I really, really love this color.  It is soft and light but also masculine.  It is a soft warm, beige grey! I guess you’d call it greige.

Upholstering a Chair with a Coffee Sack

I applied two coats and waited a day in between.

Bedford Fusion Mineral Paint on Chair

I distressed the high points and the edges:


Distressed Arm

Distressed Leg

Look at that carving!  So beautiful and it looks so pretty painted! The nice thing about Fusion is you don’t need to use a top coat or wax, it is already built into the paint.

I knew I wanted to do something different for the seat.  We reupholstered it with a drop cloth and then put the coffee sack on top. I bought the coffee sack from Online Fabric Stores.  These are real coffee sacks.  Yes, they’ve carried coffee and they are randomly selected so you don’t know what you’re gonna get.  But I love the element of surprise!!!!

The one we got is Noble Coffee from Columbia!

Close Up Coffee Sack Seat

I staged it in our living room to give the coffee house vibe!

Vintage Chair and Round Table

Those beans from Red Eye Roasters smelled amazing. Yum!

Coffee Beans and a vignette

I might also bring this little mint green table (a custom Fusion color) to the show too.  Not sure yet.

I think this chair would be great in a coffee shop or in the home of fellow coffee lover 🙂

Duxbury 2015Hope you get a chance to stop by and see it at the Duxbury Antique Show.  I’ll be at Booth 12 this weekend.

Coffee Sack Chair

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Robin Stephens
Robin Stephens
10 years ago

And….you could nestle a coffee scented candle donw in those beans for even more layers of The Coffee Effect. Love the chair. A lot.

10 years ago

Good Morning Danielle ~
I love your new chair. I have an old chair like that in my garage ~ it use to be my mother-in-laws –
I think I will have to try my hand at this one.

I love my blog friends, they alway have something I can try doing.
Thank you for sharing this.
Have a wonderful day.

Jennifer@The Chronicles of Home

What a fun idea! And, gosh, I love the finish you get with paint. I bow to your painting mastery 🙂

Jessica @ Dear Emmeline

very pretty Danielle! You would never guess it was the same chair. So much better with a fresh lighter color and new upholstery!

10 years ago

Looks wonderful, Dani!! You did an amazing job with the paint and upholstery!

Debra Jerry
10 years ago

I love the color, love your chair! You are so very talented! I have a daughter named Danielle, who loves to upcycle things. I have to share your site with her for some painting tips. She would love the chair and the coffee sack seat!

Crystal (PennyLoveProjects)

I love the painted chair. I’ll be sharing this in my Facebook Page! penny love:DIY Enthusiast

Audra @ Renewed Projects

I love coffee and all things coffee related. This chair is looks awesome!