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Crackled Bedside Table (Before & After)

I’ve been meaning to share this little lovely with you for quite some time.  You may have seen her peeking in photos of our room when I confessed that I kept Isla and also when I shared my bedroom mirror.

Bedside Table (After)

She has been sitting in our lower level patiently waiting for her turn.  I got her a year ago at Salvage Chic Antiques for a really great price.  Luke fixed her broken drawer and she sat a bit longer.  I just didn’t know what color to paint her.

Bedside Table (Before)

The top was quite scratched up so knew I wanted to paint her.  I just couldn’t resist those legs and feet:


It was only when I was mixing up some custom color options for a client that I stumbled on the right color for her.  The mirror in our bedroom is painted in the same custom color – it is a one to one ratio of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Provence and Old White.  I then did the little detailing in Old White with clear wax for protection and some dark wax to give her that old vinage look.

Close up of the detail

I have been dying to try Annie Sloan’s Craqueleur and it was so much fun to experiment on this piece.

Annie Sloan Craqueleur Step 1 & 2

The Craqueleur is a water based crackle varnish which makes the topcoat crackle – not the paint.  Once the paint was dry I applied two thin coats of Step 1 which dried almost immediately.  Then I applied two very thin coats of the Step 2 which was thicker and a little harder to apply. The thicker the application the bigger the crackle.  I wanted my crackle very fine, almost like the age cracks on old china.  Then I immediately put the hair dryer on it to bring out the crackle.  The crackle is so fine that it was only after I applied some dark wax could I see it peeking through:

Crackle (After)

Isn’t that lovely?  I love the brush strokes and the fine crackle.  I sealed the top with three coats of clear wax after the dark wax to protect it.

Spring flowers

Spring flowers look so pretty sitting on top of my newly crackled bedside table!  Here’s a close up of the side detail:

Close up of the detail (After)

Bedside Table (After)

What do you think?

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12 years ago

Your bedroom is looking beautiful and bright Danielle!! I’m so glad to see that you kept the dresser… it really is a beautiful piece!

12 years ago
Reply to  itstwoam

Thank you, Cheryl! x

12 years ago

Beautiful colours and I love the crackle effect, it’s just perfect 🙂
Me too, love those legs!

12 years ago
Reply to  Sayuri

Thank you, Sayuri! Such kind comments.

Nita {ModVintageLife}
12 years ago

Oh…I love how this table turned out. I’d love it if you linked it up at my weekly party Mod Mix Monday at Mod Vintage Life.

Jenny Romaine
12 years ago

Your table is so pretty! The color is perfect!

The Cottage Market {Andrea} ♥

This is simply gorgeous! The color…absolutely YUMMY!!!! : ) hugs…

Jennifer L.
12 years ago

It looks awesome!

Donna Wilkes
12 years ago

I love the patina you created on the table with the crackle medium. Great color.

12 years ago

did you use crackle over all the wax then? Then wax again?

12 years ago
Reply to  Ggomez

For the top with the cracke – I painted two coats of ASCP paint and once it was dry I applied two coats of step one and two coats of step two then the hair dryer. Then I applied the dark wax lightly to show up the fine crackle. Then I topped it with three coats of clear wax to protect it.

For the rest of the table, I did two coats of clear wax and then did a mixture of dark and clear wax all over to age it. I hope that helps.

Danielle x

12 years ago

I love this table, it is so pretty and great choice of colors. Lov the crackle technique.


12 years ago

I have ever seen such a sweet little table. I do love the colour mixture and the waxes and crackles. I had never heard of Annie Sloan, let alone chalk paint and I would like very much to paint my small wardrobe in the same colour mixture. I had never even heard of waxes but I do want to try all of this. I will try the crackle procedure at a later time. I need to find out where I can purchase these items as I live on a Gulf of Georgia Island and get off-Island so seldom. Canada Post… Read more »

12 years ago
Reply to  beadhen

Thank you so much for your comments! I’m glad my little table could provide some inspiration! Annie Sloan Chalk Paint is so wonderful. I think you’ll love it! I get my paints from Nancy at the Sea Rose Cottage in Bristol, RI – http://searosecottage.com/ She ships the paint to me. You could also check out the Annie Sloan website for more information on her paint and to see area stockists – http://www.anniesloan.com/

12 years ago

So pretty! Love the color and the crackle! Hugs, Leena

Susan D
12 years ago

That little table is so unique. And you made it even better!

Shelly Andrade
12 years ago

Danielle, your little table is adorable!

Cassie @ Primitive & Proper

what a fabulous table! it looks perfect and i love its pretty shape!

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co.

What a sweet table!

Deborah@Green Willow Pond

What an adorable little table! I love the paint colors and the crackle. Thank you for sharing it at What We Accomplished Wednesdays. Have a great weekend!


12 years ago

What an adorable little table. I love the color!

Heaven's Walk
12 years ago

LOVE the way this crackle technique looks! I’m definitely going to try this soon! Thanks for sharing your beautiful table today! 🙂

xoxo laurie

11 years ago

This turned out great!! Also, love the colour!

Emily A. Clark
11 years ago

Beautiful color. Works perfectly on that piece. Thanks for linking up 🙂