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How to Create a Small Pantry


Since moving in, we haven’t done much in the kitchen and to be honest we probably won’t be painting or any other renovations in here for a while.  I’d like subway tiles and new counters, but the budget just doesn’t stretch far enough this year.   In our efforts to be healthier, I’ve been making many dishes from scratch & with that comes lots of ingredients!  Today, I’m sharing how to add a small pantry to your kitchen.

This is how our cupboards were looking:


Yikes!  I couldn’t find anything when I needed it and sometimes we were buying more of items because we didn’t know we already had them.  I was also frustrated with how many jars and packages we had all over the counters.  So it was time to make a pantry in our china cabinet.

This is such a simple, easy and affordable little project.

I got jars from Ikea and Target, which were approximately $5 a piece.  You can even use jars you already have!


I washed  and dried the jars and filled them with flour, chia seeds, sugar, tea, almond flour… You get the idea.

chia_seeds_jars.jpgThen I labelled them with fantastic labels that I won from AKA Design’s giveaway with Charlie Chalk – their products are soooo great and easy to use.  Write on them with a chalk pen and stick onto the jars.


So that is how you create a pantry in your china cabinet in half an hour and for a few bucks!


This little project has made such a huge impact in our kitchen.  The cupboard and counters are tidy, which makes me so happy.  I don’t know about you but mess everywhere makes me nervous.  Organizing with jars has made baking and cooking so much easier, since now I have the ingredients at my finger tips.  This is how it is looking:


Here is John’s contribution to the project – a water color woven heart.  Isn’t that sooo pretty?!?  He is 8 today and I really can’t believe how quickly my baby is growing up.


I wish there was a way to stop time and keep them little forever….

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Nana Diana
11 years ago

That is such a great idea. I am lucky enough to have a pantry but I could sure a little more organization in there. Good for you for eating healthier. We are attempting to do that, too.
Happy Birthday to your sweet boy. I do wish we could freeze frame time and keep them certain ages! xo Diana

11 years ago

I’ve gotten those jars at the 99 cent store before. They are fantastic to use in a kitchen!

11 years ago

That’s a good idea, thanks for the tip Danielle. Yes, a tidy kitchen is essential for enjoying cooking healthy and delicious meals… but it’s a vicious cicle, isn’t it? I’m in the middle of moving house now, so I am dreaming of a tidy space!!
Happy Birthday to John! Hope he has a great birthday. I reckon one day we’re going to wake up and they are going to be teenagers…. I have 2 boys too, and I just don’t know where the time goes!!
Camille xx

11 years ago

I have a few jars that I’ve been thinking of painting chalkboard labels on actually. Your pantry looks lovely and I can’t believe John is 8 already, how time flies. Happy belated Birthday John xx

11 years ago

I totally agree mess and things being all over the place makes me really on edge. It just clutters my head and life. We have always tried to keep things tidy. What a great solution.


11 years ago

That’s so organised Danielle. What a change. I love it. I try to the same thing and store as much as I can in our apartment in NYC using Ball Jars as well. We have a tiny place so developing the skill of organization is a must.


11 years ago

I love those jars!
I have a love/hate relationship with organization
I love the after…its the during that gets me every time!
I love using the china cabinet as a pantry!

Rachel Paxton
11 years ago

What a brilliant idea! I’ll be featuring your pantry on Give Me the Goods tomorrow. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Rachel @ Maison de Pax


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