Creativity Over Coffee: Casey Lahti (Something Borrowed Antiques)
Join us for a fresh installment of creativity over coffee.
Today we’re chatting with entrepreneur Casey Lahti. Casey is the creative genius behind Something Borrowed Antiques. Planning a farm to table dinner or a wedding in barn? Casey has EVERYTHING you need to turn that event into something special. She’s turned her love of antiques into a career where people can hire her one of a kind vintage treasures.

Can you tell us a little about yourself and your creative journey?
Casey – I’m still getting used to hearing that I am creative. Whenever someone comments on me being left-handed ( and that it somehow pre-qualifies me to be creative), I’d always respond “ugh, I wish I had the creative gene!”
From the time I was in elementary school, I was determined to be a shark biologist. Honestly, I can’t recall what sparked my shark obsession but I was absolutely fascinated with them, watched every documentary I could find, read book after book about them and volunteered at a shark institute in Woods Hole, MA. I even “adopted” a whale shark and followed her migration patterns- HA! It was during my sophomore year at Stonehill that I decided to change majors from Biology to Nursing. Again, I can’t pinpoint the exact moment I changed my mind but I at some point I came to a realization that in order to succeed at that career, I’d have to be the next Steve Irwin. And let’s be honest, my pale Irish skin was not made to live on a boat down south! I switched majors (and subsequently colleges as Stonehill did not have a nursing program) to what I felt was the next closest science-geek career I could think of. And, I’ve been an orthopedic nurse every since I graduated college and have gone on to earn a Master’s Degree in Nursing Administration. It wasn’t until I started planning my wedding back in 2015 that creativity really began to flow out of me. I’d wake up at 5 o’clock in the morning with this strong urge to start pulling ideas together
I know your wedding was the inspiration for Something Borrowed Antiques can you share more about this with my readers?
Casey – My husband proposed to me in April and we married in September. Not very long to plan and I had nightmares of all I heard from friends who planned their own weddings about how stressful it can be. I decided that since I only had 5 months, I would make the most of it and enjoy every part of the journey. At times I was a little too relaxed (almost ended up agreeing to pour waters at the reception myself HA!) We married on my father’s property….think big barn full of antiques, magazine-worthy gardens and the most adorable backyard gazebo. To save money, I decided to just use antiques my dad had around the property for decor. It was during this time that I finally discovered my creative side. I made a photo booth out of two oars, a rope and a picture frame; tables out of stacked trunks and a sweet little lounge area with old milk jugs for seating. I felt an awful heartache after the day was over and I craved more wedding design in my life. It was then that I dreamt up the idea for Something Borrowed Antiques.

Your business is quite new, what has it been like to getting it off the ground? Any tips you’d share with new business owners?
Casey – It’s been a journey but a fun one. I’m lucky enough to have a father (and many of his friends) who knows so much about antiques, where to find the best deals and the talent to turn auction furniture into beautiful pieces of work. I’ve relied a lot on advice from small business owner friends. My number one tip is to do whatever you can to get your name out there! Set up meetings face-face over coffee, carry a portfolio of your work and never leave your house without business cards!!!

When do you feel most creative or happy?
Casey – I feel happiest sitting at my farmhouse dining room table in the evening, listening to sad love songs (no idea why they have to be sad) and daydreaming out the window into our back field. Throw in a hot cup of tea and I could sit for hours.
Do you have any funny wedding stories you can share?
Casey – Unfortunately, not yet but I know they are coming! So far all I’ve managed to do was use bleach, while being OCD about a tiny stain, on an old upholstered chair three days before an event. Let’s just say that bleach and scrubbing with a textured sponge were not in the best interest of the chair. It ate a big hole right in the middle of the seat! I freaked out and spent $250 on new chairs! The client ended up being super understanding and had the bride sit on the chair for the photo shoot so you couldn’t even tell there was a hole. She never used the new chairs I bought! HA!

Who or What inspires you?
Casey – I’m inspired by people who commit 100% to their goals. It’s easy to get in a funk or lose motivation. It’s the people that continue to get after it day after day that inspire me the most. I’m a CrossFit addict and follow the stories of the Games athletes (essentially the Olympics of CrossFit) who give all they have on a daily basis. They give me a deep level of motivation that’s hard to explain.
What is your favorite color?
Casey – Is there any color you don’t LOVE? I used to say with confidence that my favorite color was gray. It sounds bleak but gray is such a great base for decor. However, I’ve begun this odd obsession with greens since starting my business. And if it’s a green chippy paint trunk, forget it- I can’t pass it up! I’ve never been a huge fan of red (my husband’s favorite color) and I especially dislike it paired with purple.
I got my love for yard sales and antiques from my mom. Do you feel you got this from your dad?
Casey – He has such an amazing collection and a great eye. Yes, 100%! It’s funny thinking back to my childhood when my dad would drag me to antique shops on summer vacation and wake us up before sunrise to be sure we were first in line at the flea markets. Our house was like a museum. Honestly, I hated antiques. To this day, my dad still talks about the first apartment I had in my early 20’s when I furnished it completely with new Ikea items. His heart was crushed! It wasn’t until my later 20’s that I began to appreciate antiques and from there it turned into a love.
If someone is having a wedding or an event and wants to use your services, what is the process?
Casey – It’s easy! The best way to start is to peruse my website I have a Pinterest board full of ideas linked at the top to help spark ideas! Once you’ve picked items you like from my website, you can create a “wishlist” of items. Once the wishlist is submitted, I will provide a quote with product availability and pricing. And if you want to see your wishlist in person or brainstorm decor ideas, book a free appointment with me! I’d love to hear your visions, share Pinterest ideas and just get to know you!

What advice would you give to someone who is interested in becoming more creative or following in your footsteps?
Casey – Take all the advice you can get and as my dad says “ take every step as a learning experience!” I’ve definitely made bad purchases, ruined furniture trying to clean it and struggled with self doubt. But, if you are willing to put in the work, you can achieve your goals!
Growing up I was a huge follower of INSIDE THE ACTORS STUDIO. At the end of the program, they would ask the interviewee these questions:
What is your favorite word? Conundrum
What is your least favorite word? Panties. Even typing it makes my stomach turn!
What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? An early sunrise and chirping birds
What turns you off? People who don’t say thank you or hold doors.
What is your favorite curse word? Sh*t
What sound or noise do you love? The sound of my son’s belly laughs
What sound or noise do you hate? The sound of someone slurping of cereal. My husband and I have a rule- if you are going to eat cereal, you must be at least 2 rooms away. The feeling is mutual!
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? I would love to be a country singer. The chance is about negative 10% but a girl can dream!
What profession would you not like to do? Daycare provider! Caring for your own children is hard enough at times. Caring for a room full of other people’s children!?!?! NO THANK YOU! I have such admiration for those people!
If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
Would you like to see mom?
A huge thank you to Casey for sharing so much about her story and her new venture.
Be sure to follow along with Something Borrowed Antiques:
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If you’d like more Creativity Over Coffee you can read the full series here
* Photos courtesy of Something Borrowed Antiques and Emily Delamater
She is so cute and has a lot of talent, i enjoyed that. When i was young they had no fun ways to get married, it is so much better now.
Isn’t her story so fascinating. Yes, there are so many fun weddings now. xx
Once again, an awesome post! Thanks Danielle! And Casey, best of luck with your new venture! No doubt, it’s going to be very successful. I’m not getting married, but I’m heading over to your site anyhow just for inspiration! Have a great summer everybody!
You’ll find so much inspiration on her site. I LOVED learning more about Casey’s background, too. xx