Creativity Over Coffee: Lisa Courtney
It’s time for a fresh installment of Creativity Over Coffee, an interview series where I chat with my friends about creativity, their life path, and what motivates them in their lives.
Today I’m excited to introduce you to the multi-talented Lisa Courtney – artist, creative director / graphic designer, writer and entrepreneur. What I think is so amazing about Lisa is she has so many interests and talents. Often times people think you need to focus on one creative outlet. Lisa has many and shows that creative energy has no bounds. I think you’ll love learning more about her, her art and the creativity that oozes out of her.
Grab your coffee (or tea) and meet Lisa:

Hi Lisa, I’m excited to chat with you today as you have not one career, but many. You’re an artist, a creative director/graphic designer, a writer, and you also started a clothing line. You told me you have Creative ADD, which I think is so amazing. Can you tell my readers more about your talents?
Lisa – At my core I’m a storyteller. And through many mediums I am able to tell many stories. Professionally, as, I work in advertising as an Art Director/Graphic Designer, which is all about storytelling, but for businesses. Being a fine artist,, I paint bold colorful paintings; these are my visual forms of storytelling. As a writer, I’m expressing my humorous voice through my personal stories. And as a fashion designer/movement maker with Good Gangsta clothing, I’m using my voice for good and hopefully inspiring other to do good with their voices.

How do you balance your many careers?
Lisa – Because I am multi-disciplinary, I toggle back and forth between creative projects and mediums. The advertising and graphic design has been how I support myself and what I’m known for. This is where the majority of my time has been spent, working at various ad agencies and in-house creative departments creating ad campaigns, designing packaging, concepting in-store experiences, brainstorming social media marketing, website design.
My painting I do when I don’t have a deadline. I paint from photos I take, so wherever I find myself, I am constantly taking photos to paint from. I am currently not in any shows but corporate art dealer Boston Art represents me for corporate work. I sell all my work online and through interior designers and word of mouth.
Good Gangsta is my newborn; it’s a start-up and I’m bootstrapping all of it by myself. I want to work on it every waking moment, but right now, no one knows who we are, so advertising keeps the lights on. When I have an idea for a shirt, I’ll sketch it or just turn my attention to designing it before the idea disappears.
As for my writing, I like to say I’ve been secretly writing in my basement for years; it’s actually what I wanted to be when I grew up, but my life took a different path. I’ve been working on a memoir for far too long and I told myself this was the year to finish it.

You come from a family of artists. Was this career path expected of you at an early age?
Lisa – Art and drawing came easily to me. You could tell I was going to be an artist at an early age. My parents acknowledged my gifts and sent me to private art classes so I could get better. When I was looking at college, I was either going to try psychology or art—art was the no brainer. But I did not study fine art, rather, I went to art school and studied advertising and graphic design. I learned that my Great Grandfather had been a Creative Director in New York City in the 40s, 50s and 60s (think Mad Men) and he was also a portrait painter so I guess I followed in his footsteps. My Nana, his daughter, was also an accomplished artist.
The painting for me, came later in life, when after purchasing an Ann Christianson painting, I studied with her for two years. I picked up a paint brush and it was, and still is, like breathing to me. I guess you could say it’s in my blood, paint!

In your artwork do you have a favorite subject matter?
Lisa – Landscapes, definitely landscapes. And the bolder and more colorful, the better. Except my interpretation of the landscape. My work is figurative and expressive more than realism. I don’t have the patience to paint realism.
When do you feel most creative or happy?
Lisa – This is an awesome question. As a creative person, if I’m not creating, I’m not happy.
There are many days when I wake up sad— I refer to this headspace as waking up on the wrong side of the head.
I can attest to other creative types feeling the same way. Waking up with the question, “What is mine to do today?” It’s in our nature to go against the grain, to find ways of expressing our inner angst and also our love. Feeling like we don’t fit in, like we’re square pegs in a round hole society.
Being productive and finishing a creative project, this brings me immense joy and a sense of accomplishment.

I totally get that! Who or what inspires you?
Lisa – On any given day, this can be different. I read a lot, especially entrepreneurial magazines like Inc, Fortune, and Entrepreneur magazines. And I listen to podcasts like NPR’s “How I Built This”. People who have made it creating a business that becomes hugely successful, they are my heroes and inspire me to push myself to do the scary things.
With art, I love painter Ashley Longshore. She’s the female Andy Warhol of our time—she is crazy talented and has made millions doing what she loves. After being told by every major art gallery in Manhatten that she was talentless, she said “Fu*k them!”, pulled up her big girl art pants and went on to build herself an artistic empire that includes a celebrity following. Ashley teaches by example. She asks artists to promote themselves without galleries, who typically get 50% of a sale.
Do you have a favorite project you can share?
Lisa – I am currently creating a pitch deck for Good Gangsta, to present to potential investors. I am realizing it will take more than me to turn my dream into a reality. Wrapping my head around how to tell the story of WHY Good Gangsta? This is what my focus is on right now. It’s getting me to think business and how much it will cost

What’s your favorite colors?
Lisa – That’s easy, periwinkle blue.
What advice would you give someone who wants to follow in your footsteps or who would like to pursue art or a creative career?
Lisa – I say do what you love. Keep a sketch book and draw everyday. Go to art museums, read books, go to the movies. Soak up life. Allow yourself to take other roads along the way. And never limit your sky.
Learn from me. I used to question my wanting to work in different forms of creativity because most people only do one thing and they do it well. I judged myself for not having focus. So many people have told me to “pick a track” and be the best at that. I’m choosing rather to owning my Creative ADD.
Now I embrace my expansive thinking. It leads to unlimited potential opportunities.

Growing up I was a huge follower of INSIDE THE ACTORS STUDIO. At the end of the program, they would ask the interviewee these questions:
- What is your favorite word? Yes
- What is your least favorite word? NO
- What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? Travel and meeting new people. I paint from photos from my travels. My travels also inspire me in my design in addition to my art.
- What turns you off? People who are naysayers, critics, and just plain negative.
- What is your favorite curse word? Fuck.
- What sound or noise do you love? Laughter
- What sound or noise do you hate? Honking horns
- What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?Comedian
- What profession would you not like to do? A teacher
- If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? We gave you so many obstacles, yet you always remained true to yourself. You made people laugh, you created so much beauty and left a legacy for generations.
You did good.

Isn’t Lisa amazing! I love how she can work in all kinds of mediums and I think her design work and art is so happy. A huge thank you to Lisa for sharing so much of herself with us. Be sure to follow along with Lisa:
Lisa Courtney Fine Art * The Brand Goddess * Good Gangsta
If you’d like more Creativity Over Coffee you can read the full series here
* Photos courtesy of Lisa Courtney.