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DIY Terrariums

Around this time of year, I long for green and growing things.

DIY Terrariums I Finding Silver Pennies


For some reason, it always seems like, in our neck of the woods, Boston’s South Shore, always gets hit with a million snowstorms, nor’easters and blizzards back to back.

That’s what seems to be happening right now. We just had a blizzard on Thursday, more snow this weekend and another storm is coming through right now. I love having my kids home for snow days, but we’re starting to go  a bit stir crazy and the house is becoming a total disaster. Since we’re stuck inside I thought it would be fun to share our DIY Terrariums. They are making me so happy despite all the snow. Here’s how to make your own (it’s easier than you think!):

DIY Terrarium

This post contains a few affiliate links for your convenience.

DIY Terrariums I Finding Silver Pennies


Materials for DIY Terrariums I Finding Silver Pennies


The last time we were at Ikea I found some mouth blown glass. I love how delicate it is and it’s perfect for long branches or long flowers. I always think long white tulips or peonies look so classy on a coffee table or dining table. The mouth blown glass was $9.99 and the other vase was $3.99. I also really like the terrarium selection at Terrain and World Market if you’re looking for some more options.

Well, I just couldn’t resist picking these up and I thought they’d be perfect to make our terrariums.

Step 1 – Wash your glass vases and jars and make sure they’re nice and clean. Fill with small rocks for drainage. These are from Ikea, I already had them.

DIY Terrariums I Finding Silver Pennies

Step 2 – Add soil on top of your rocks, enough to plant your succulents and other plants.

DIY Terrariums I Finding Silver Pennies

Step 3 – Select which plants you’d like to pair together. We found our plants at The Christmas Tree shop and they were $2.50 each. Amazon has a wonderful selection of succulents but I’m sure you can pick up something from the supermarket or the local garden center. John and I went a little crazy and got too many to fit in our terrariums.

DIY Terrariums I Finding Silver Pennies

I told you I’m craving green right now! Ha! Ha!

DIY Terrariums I Finding Silver Pennies

See how pretty all the different colors look? I gave these a good water and now give them a spritz every day 😉

DIY Terrariums I Finding Silver Pennies

It’s really cheered our coffee table up! Oh, gosh, I still need to paint it like I told you in this post, but haven’t gotten to it yet. Maybe the next snow storm 😉

Oh, and don’t worry about those extra plants. They found a home. I planted both in some vintage terra cotta pots. Under that one is a little Ironstone spoon rest I found at Goodies in Scituate Harbor. I’m currently “on the hunt” for all things Ironstone.

DIY Terrariums I Finding Silver Pennies

DIY Terrariums I Finding Silver Pennies

The cloche behind was from Michaels last year, but this one is similar.

DIY Terrariums I Finding Silver Pennies

I love how full of life our coffee table is now.

DIY Terrariums I Finding Silver Pennies

It’s also offering me a little Zen with the kids home from school 😉

DIY Terrariums I Finding Silver Pennies


Do you think you’ll try and make some for your home? Please let me know if you do!

If you enjoyed this post, you might also like this one on house plants:

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8 years ago

hi love yourblog. i agree about the weather and plants this time of year. enough snow already. live in methuen ma. a good 2 or more feet here. do small projects all winter hate being stuck inside, not able to wrk the land. even though we live in a small city have a large veg garden all summer. plus more. be safe and keep the blog going [email protected]

Linda @ q is for quandie

I’ve always loved terrariums, I think it’s related to my love of all things miniature. Sitting here at my day job, your post has made me realize that I need a terrarium for my desk!

Design Chic
8 years ago

What a wonderful tutorial and yours look amazing – love the idea of a terrarium and thinking it will be a fun activity to do with my son! Happy Wednesday, Danielle!

K of TAF
8 years ago

I’d been thinking of trying the terrarium route again as my first failed miserably. One of the challenges too was the $$$ plants. I was encouraged by the $2.50 price – and wondered if you bought them recently or back in the fall from Christmas Tree. As I don’t see plants in the one closest to me (Natick) which do you shop at? I prefer low sun/shade plant vs. succulents. I also wanted to ask.. I noticed you didn’t include charcoal… just a different approach and you’ve found success w/out it or other… (So many thoughts on Terrariums I am… Read more »

8 years ago

Your posts are Amazing! and always loved terrariums too. Thank you for sharing this interesting Tuto.