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Dried Orange Slices for Christmas Decorating

Dried orange slices add a warm glow to Christmas decor. Today I’m sharing my tips for drying orange slices and using dried orange slices for Christmas decorating.

Plate of dried orange slices

This is the first year we’ve actually used dried orange slices for Christmas decorating and I love them! They are so cheerful but also very nostalgic – reminiscent of traditional Christmases long ago when they used to string popcorn and orange slices. I thought it would be fun for Conor and I to make our own dried orange slices to use in our Christmas decorating. It’s really quite easy. Here are our tips along with how we’ve used them this year!

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How to Dry Orange Slices

Dried oranges with text How to Dry Orange Slices



Step 1 – Slice oranges very thin 1/8th to 1/4th” thick. We used a mandolin which worked well until we got to the center of the orange. If using, make sure to wear a chain mail glove to protect your hand. A sharp knife works just as well.

Slicing oranges with a mandolin

Step 2 – Preheat oven to 250° F. Line a baking sheet with parchment and place orange slices on it.

Baking sheet with orange slices and oranges on the side

Step 3 – Bake orange slices in the oven until dried. We baked for 30 minutes and then turned them over. In total we baked our orange slices for 4 hours.

Allow to cool before decorating with your orange slices.

This is how are slices looked when they came out of the oven:

Baking sheet with dried orange slices

Dried Orange Slices for Christmas Decorating

So now you have beautiful orange slices! What should you do with them?!? There are so many options. I’m excited to share how we’ve used our dried orange slices and also other ideas:

  • On a tablescape with garland
  • On a plate as decoration
  • On a charcuterie board at Christmas
  • In a garland – on a baniseter, wrapped around the tree or in a window or doorway
  • On a wreath paired with cinnamon sticks
  • Piled high on a plate
  • Hung on a tree in a simple Scandinavian decoration

Here are some examples in our own home:

Using Dried Orange Slices in a Rustic Tablescape

Garland on a table with dried orange slices

I used gingerbread house cakes on various cake stands and loads of greenery and our sweet dried orange slices on this rustic tablescape.

Tablescape with dried oranges, greenery, gingerbread houses

This table is warm and whimsical.

Arial photo of table with gingerbread houses and dried oranges

You can see more here as part of one of our Christmas tours.

Hutch with greenery and a tablescape with greenery and dried orange slices

Using Dried Orange Slices as a Decorative Element

The orange slices look beautiful as a decorative element on white plates when paired with sweet gingerbread houses.

White plate with gingerbread house cake and dried orange slice

Learn to bake these sweet gingerbread house cakes here and read more about this classic Christmas Tablescape here.

White Christmas tablescape

How to Make a Dried Orange Slice Garland

Dried orange slice garland with text overaly

Dried orange slices look so pretty strung on wire or string. When hung in a window they look almost like stained glass, shimmering in the light.


  • Dried Orange Slices
  • String, twine, thread, or fishing line
  • needle (if using string)


Step 1 – measure out a length of string (double the width of the window). Tie a loop at one end.

Step 2 – Thread needle and go in and out of orange slices so the string is thread through the back. I used white cotton thread so it almost dissappears when hung.

Step 3 – Repeat step 2 until your garland is long enough or your window or tree. Then tie a loop in the end.

Hang your garland and enjoy!

White kitchen with dried orange slice garland

You can see more about our simple garland here.

Evergreen and orange slice garland

More About Dried Orange Slices

How do you know when your orange slices are done?

The dried orange slices should be hard. Make sure not to overcook them though.

How long will dried orange slices last?

Dried orange slices should last 2 years but I think I might just make new ones next year. We had fun making them!

What kinds of oranges should I use?

We used naval oranges and that worked well.

Can I dry oranges in the microwave?

I checked this online and it says you can by setting your microwave on defrost setting. e-How has this tutorial.

I hope you enjoyed this post and I can’t wait to see how you use your dried orange slices!

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Sandi Allen
Sandi Allen
3 years ago

I have always wanted to dry orange slices but never took time to do it. I love the garlands. Thank you for sharing how to dry them. Your home is Beautiful!

3 years ago

I love the look of those orange slices in the garland. Very vintage looking with your home. I bet you get a slight fragrance as you do the dishes too!!! I was just thinking….what if you took one of those gingerbread houses. Cut a circle hole through the middle going all the way through to the other side. Then placed a smaller orange slice on each end making it look like a stained glass window, perhaps like a church? If it was placed by a window or if a little battery candle light was inside underneath it could be really… Read more »