Easy Peasy Pesto Pasta Salad

Sometimes you don’t want to spend hours slaving away in a hot kitchen when it is 80 degrees out (in March).  Sometimes you just want to be outside in the fresh air, racing with your kids in the back yard or looking up at the clouds.  Sometimes, like today, I was happy to watch them race around the front yard on their bikes. Conor going one way:
Conor on his ‘motorcycle’

And John going the other:
Just to spend time with them and watch them play was perfect.  So when it came time for dinner I didn’t want to do much.  This recipe is so easy (and is a crowd pleaser, at least my crowd anyway).
Easy Peasy Pesto Pasta Salad

1 lb Pasta (any shape you like)
1 dry pint of tomatoes (I like grape tomatoes)
1 container of store bought pesto *
1-2 handfuls of baby spinach
Mini Mozerella Balls (as many as you like)

Cook the pasta according to the packet directions.  Let cool.  If you are in a rush, like I was, you can put it in the fridge.  Toss in all the ingredients.  Stir and serve.  Perfect for outdoor dining!
Conor couldn’t resist sampling before dinner started.

* If you want to make your own pesto, I love Giada’s recipe.

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fiona anderson
13 years ago

Delicious – I love pesto. A friend adds it to mashed potato and serves it with a baked or boiled ham, it goes really well !