
Falling In Love With A Chair (Or Two)

Could you fall in love at first sight…

With a chair?

french_chair_carved_detail_topI’m asking because that is exactly what happened to me last Wednesday.  I’ve been so busy painting pieces that I needed to get out of the house and go on “The Hunt” with my mom while the boys were at school.  Growing up I was my mom’s antiquing side kick and still love searching for treasures with her.

I really need to find some old pieces with character for an upcoming show (I’ll share more about that show in another post – but mark your calendars for the fourth weekend in March).  Anyhow, we needed to look for furniture.

I drove and drove and drove. We went here.

blue_white_fabricWe went there.  Still finding nothing.  Well, except for a china dish from England that will be perfect for St. Paddy’s Day.  I thought I was striking out.  Sigh.

Then I found these gorgeous ladies.  A pair sitting next to each other.

1940s_French_chairI think they are from the 40s and they are French style cane chairs but were made in Spain.  They are quite heavy.

I’ve taken photos in the dining room because I filled the living room up with a desk that will be one of my next projects for the upcoming show.

Can you see how pretty they are?  Gorgeous carving!


Lovely blue painted details!

Oh, and the fabric.  What do you think?!?  My hubby isn’t loving it, but you all know me and my blue and white obsession.  I’m in love with it!

Even the back has a lovely detail and seat buttons that fit in the cane:


There is an issue with these chairs which I was aware of when I bought them.  The caning on the seats. One had a “repair” job –


While the other has a big ol’ whole:

broken_cane_seatNot to worry.  I will have them fixed and they’ll be good as new in the living room.  I can just picture them under the window, opposite the fireplace.  Can’t you?

winter_mantel_sideSo I ask you – Could you fall in love with a chair?  Could you fall in love with two broken French chairs?


can and I have!

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11 years ago

Oh yes, you can certainly fall in love with a chair! And I think I have too – these are just beautiful. What an excellent find Danielle x

Miss Charming
11 years ago

Great chairs, Danielle! I think the fabric is unexpected and looks fabulous! They’ll be so pretty in your home.

Mary @ Orphans With Makeup

They’re so pretty!

Joan B.
11 years ago

I Love those chairs! Great find! BTW, I have replaced cane myself and it is not as difficult as one may think!

Camille @gustave&voltaire

I so can, and I did before… several times! I think these are beautiful, the floral detail on the wood is gorgeous! And I love the blue and white material. Well done on your find! xx

Robyn @ simply fresh dinners

Such beautiful detail on the chairs, Danielle. What treasures! I love the fabric and hubby will get used to it, lol. I find that men have a hard time with the unexpected. Soon he’ll appreciate the unique pairing between the two.
You sure hit the jackpot with these. Gorgeous!

Jennifer @ Town and Country Living

Yes, I can fall in love with a chair because I just fell in love with yours!! Love the fabric and the styling! And those buttons on the back just stole my heart. Great find, Danielle!!

Lisa @ Practically Perfect Home

They’re lovely! And the fabric is perfect! ~Lisa

Alice W.
11 years ago

Absolutely stunning! I definitely would have fallen in love too 🙂

11 years ago

Beautiful chair!!! I love all the detail in the wood.

11 years ago

Oh absolutely, I have fallen in love with chairs, tables, lamps. I love the blue and white and those are quite the find. They will look even more fantastic when they are repaired.

First time visitor to your blog. Think I will stick around and check out your prior posts.

11 years ago

Oh yes, I could definitely fall in love with your chairs! I think they are just perfection! The carving and the upholstery – what an awesome find! And I know exactly what you mean by the “need” to go out hunting 🙂

11 years ago

Yes, one can easily fall in love with a chair, they’re gorgeous !

11 years ago

Absolutely stunning chairs! What a find!

11 years ago

I’m in love with them! What a fantastic find!

Heather {Woods of Bell Trees}

I could soooo fall in love with those chairs, they are elegant and romantic! Oh that fireplace!!!! Gorgeous!

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique

Well I’m falling in love with those chairs too, which just goes to show we all have great taste 🙂