Fit Fridays: Mediterranean Salad

Now that spring is nearly here, I find myself craving salads; lots of them, actually!  Perhaps it is the idea of donning a bathing suit with my boys on the beach (sigh).

I’m craving fresh romain, baby spinach and peppery arugula.  The more greens the better!  Last week I shared with you an Asian Chicken Salad.  This week I want to share a light mediterranean salad.  This is a simple salad with feta cheese and avocado.  I’ve been eating this for lunch most days this week.

My friend, Egle, made the most amazing dressing with some ingredients she had around the house along with avocado oil.  I’d never tried this oil, but it is so great for you.  It is high in heart-healthy mono-unsaturates and antioxidants.  According to the bottle, “Avocado oil enables the body to absorb up to 17 times more carotenoids and nutrients found in salads and vegetables.”  I also find it enhances the tastes in my salad.  Here are some more facts about the amazing avocado.

Mediterranean Salad

For the Salad:
Romain Leaves (chopped)
Grape tomatoes (halved)
Feta cheese with Mediterranean spices (I like Trader Joe’s)
Red Pepper (chopped)
Avocado (chopped)

Feel free to add any other veggies you like!  Combined all the above ingredients and toss!

For the dressing (makes approximately 4 servings)
Juice of one Lemon
Garlic Cloves (2, minced)
Avocado Oil 
Pepper (to taste)

I start with the lemon and press the garlic cloves into it.  Then I add a glug of avocado oil and some pepper to taste.  Whisk with a fork and serve on top of salad.

More and more studies are finding the health benefits of a Mediterranean diet.  Like this one from The Atlantic discussing the New England Journal of Medicine’s findings.  They have found wine (in moderation) is good for you, as is, white meats and fish along with plenty of greens, nuts and olive oils.  I thought you’d all like to hear drinking wine is healthy!

I think I’ll take their advice.  Bathing suit weather is just around the corner!!!!

Don’t forget to link up your fun and fantastic projects this Sunday at Silver Pennies Sundays!  

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Mandy Byron
12 years ago

Yum! That looks so good. I haven’t ever tried Avocado oil, but am sure I would love it!