Growing Peonies
The Peony. Truly one of the most special and beautiful flowers in my garden. Over the years, I’ve developed some methods that have helped our peonies thrive and wanted to share them with you!

Peony flowers remind me of my grandmother. Each year they die back in the fall and bloom into this heavenly scented orbs with the most beautiful fragrance in the spring.
The fragrance is like no other flower. I describe it as buttery and soft. My favorite thing is to put my face right up into the bloom and inhale. It is heavenly. I love cutting a few to bring inside to add that beautiful perfume to our home!
I’m prefacing this post saying I’m not a gardener. I’m not trained at all. I just love flowers and have enjoyed trying different things in our yard. What follows is my own experience. I hope it will help you.
What is a Peony?
The Peony is a flowering plant in the genus of Paonia. It is native to Asia, Europe, and North America. There are approximately 33 types of peonies. We have three different types which I’ll be focusing on in this post.
Culture, Symbolism and Meaning
- The Peony is a traditional symbol used in China – meaning – “flower of riches and honour”
- Ancient Greeks and Christians from the Middle Ages believe the Peony had healing properties – It is believed that Peony is named after Paeon (also known as Paean), who was a healing deity who had healed Hades’ and Ares’ wounds.
- In 1957, it became the state flower of Indiana.
- They also represent bashfulness and compassion
Types of Peonies in our Garden
I will be focusing on the three peonies with have in our garden. I have some by our pool area and some in our front garden. A few years ago we planted “a secret garden” in front of the moon gate that leads to our pool area and back yard. We have several varieties here. I shared building the paver walkway and a little video of this area.
This year our peonies seem to be doing the BEST ever! We have so many blooms.
Coral Charm Peonies
We have these peonies by our pool and I think they just might be my FAVORITE! My mom gave them to me as a gift.

They start our a bright pink and turn to the most magnificent coral hue! I love how they have a really antique quality to them.
This was this type of peony just opening. My first one opened on May 18th and they are still in bloom on June 2nd – but fading now.

Here is how they looked yesterday morning:

Do you see how they change color? I love that about them! The blooms are huge. A real show stopper for your garden!
Karl Rosenfield Double Peony
We have the most of these in front garden. Actually, these were originally in our yard when we moved in but in the shade so they never bloomed. They are now thriving that we moved them into the sunlight. They multiplied too.

I absolutely love the double head bloom on these peonies. Many online retailers call this color “red” but I think it’s a fuchsia color. This is the flower I picture when someone says peony to me.
Sorbet Peony
This is another show stopper in my opinion! It has a double head and has bubble gum pink petals and a frilly center of creamy petals.

Isn’t that luscious?!? It smells amazing! I read that this variety of peony can grow for 50 year and it blooms every year.
FAQ – Answering Your Peony Questions
You can get supports to help them stand up. We got ours at Ocean State Job Lot a few years ago, but they have them here too. They are green so they blend into the plant when they’re growing. You’ll need to insert them into the ground before the peonies really start growing tall.
Peonies are mostly for zones 3-8. Double check with your garden center or the label of your plant.
I’ve found they like well drained soil. We have shell mulch and they seem to LOVE the crushed shells. If you plant them where soil is too damp they will get root rot.
Either April, May, or September, but double check with your garden center because I know people are dotted all over the US and even around the world who read the blog.
Peonies LOVE sun! Full sun! They should get 6-8 hours of sun where you decide to plant them.
Why I LOVE Peonies
- Well, of course, how they look. They are one of the prettiest flowers.
- The fragrance is like no other.
- Once you find the right place to plant them they’re pretty easier to care for.
- They attract pollinators and hummingbirds.
- I love decorating with them inside our home too.

They really look wonderful in any type of vessel and cutting them fresh from your garden means they’ll last longer than store bought flowers.

Plants vs Roots
I’ve never really had luck planting roots. It seems like Amazon sells them here and here. I like to plant actually plants but you can find them in so many places – local garden centers, Lowe’s, garden club plant sales or even from friends!
Follow planting instructions and feed your plants when you plant them. Make sure they’re well watered but don’t over water.

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Would like to start growing Peonies, but I live in Tampa, FL. Will they be able to survive in this weather? Please advise.
Thank you,
Lorrie Berg
Hi Lorrie, I’m not sure. Peonies will grow in zones 3-8. It looks like Florida is zones 8a to 11b. I think your best bet is to consult with a local garden center where you live. xx
Peonies are also my favourite and I love the Sorbet variety. Thankyou for your guidance and tips in planting them You have provided the inspiration for my trying to plant at least one in September. Enjoy your Summer!
I love them! Can’t wait to see them in your garden. xx