
Hearts for Healthcare Workers

Strolling around our neighborhood I’ve seen many paper hearts and painted hearts on windows and doorways. They are hearts for healthcare workers.

Swirling Painted Heart - Hearts for Healthcare Workers | Finding Silver Pennies #paint #chalkpaint #hearts #heartsigns

Sometimes in our lives we all have pain. We all have sorrow, but if we are wise. We know there’s always tomorrow.

Lean on me, when you’re not strong and I’ll be your friend. I’ll help you carry on ’til I’m gonna need somebody to lean on.”

– Bill Wither – Lean on Me

Lately I feel like we’ve collectively needed to lean on each other, perhaps more so than ever before. On the blog I write a lot about home and share DIY projects but wanted to fully express my emotions during this pandemic.

I’m so grateful to all the men and women – the doctors, the nurses, the EMTs and all the healthcare professionals that are on the frontlines risking everything to keep us healthy. I also wanted to recognize the mail carriers, the delivery people, employees of the supermarkets, hardware stores, and pharmacies. All those who are still working to make sure we can get the things we need at this time. I don’t think words can fully express our appreciation but maybe small and large acts of kindness can. I’ve started watching Some Good News, which will really fill your heart up and was so overwhelmed with the kindness by the Kraft family who flew the Patriots plane to China to get medical supplies.

To show our support I painted some hearts. The one above is hanging by our front door.

A little heart outside our home Hearts for Healthcare Workers | Finding Silver Pennies #paint #chalkpaint #hearts #heartsigns

A small gesture with so much appreciation.

You guys all know painting makes me feel better so I didn’t stop at one heart. I actually painted a few more. An ombre heart –

Ombre Heart - Hearts for Healthcare Workers | Finding Silver Pennies #paint #chalkpaint #hearts #heartsigns

A heart with mini hearts –

Heart with tiny hearts - Hearts for Healthcare Workers | Finding Silver Pennies #paint #chalkpaint #hearts #heartsigns

I painted these with Chalk Paint® and used a gloss lacquer so it can be place outside.

Local friends, would you like one of these hearts?

Hand painted hearts - Hearts for Healthcare Workers | Finding Silver Pennies #paint #chalkpaint #hearts #heartsigns

Would any local friends like a heart for their home? Just let me know in the comments or via email and I’m happy to drop it off in your mailbox. I have the three above available and would love to share the love.

Are you looking for other ways to express your love or make hearts with your kids?

More Hearts to Show Love

Watercolor Floral Hearts (Free Printable) | Finding Silver Pennies #paint #chalkpaint #hearts #heartsigns

Watercolor Heart Free Printables

I made the free printable above for Valentine’s but these would make pretty signs or cards for healthcare workers or anyone you want to show you care.

Crayon Hearts

Crayon Hearts  | Finding Silver Pennies #paint #chalkpaint #hearts #heartsigns

Make Crayon Hearts

No one wants to color with the broken crayons but they’re perfect to make new heart crayons. All you need is a silicon heart baking tray.

Pretty Watercolor Heart Art | Finding Silver Pennies #paint #chalkpaint #hearts #heartsigns

Watercolor Heart Art

Use kids watercolors to create pretty watercolor hearts and frame them or make them into cards. The possibilities are endless.

Watercolor Hearts  | Finding Silver Pennies #paint #chalkpaint #hearts #heartsigns

Love is what is going to get us through this. Sending you all so much love right now.

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4 years ago

I love this. I will be painting some hearts today to show our support. Thank you for sharing and stay well!

Carol DeChristopher
Carol DeChristopher
4 years ago

Hello. The hearts are beautiful. Please let me know if your hearts are still available. Interested. Thank you.

Arleen Rice
Arleen Rice
4 years ago

Thank you for the beautiful hearts. . .I’d love to have your three new hearts to display on my front door as my neighbor across the street is a Doctor.

4 years ago

Health care workers & First Responders are even more our heroes during this critical time. The hearts are a lovely gesture. Our area is going outside at 8:00 PM and cheering ❤️

4 years ago

Thank you so much. These are such frightening times. My daughter and I both work in the o.r. with its inevitable cut backs. The curve has barely started here but we are all conserving what we can when it does occur.
Good bless you for showing your support. Though you are states away, we so appreciate your art and the symbolism of support.
Thank you again,

Amber Gregory
4 years ago

Could I get a red heart with the white mini hearts inside? So pretty!

4 years ago

Hi Danielle ,I would like to speak to you about buying some art work thank you . Dina