Home Goals for 2021 and a Free Printable

I’m a list person. Are you? If I write it down it will happen. If not, not so much… Today I’m sharing my Home Goals for 2021 and a free printable for you, too!

Do you guys make lists? I make lists for the grocery store. I make “to do” lists every morning. If it’s not on the list it doesn’t get done or doesn’t get bought (if it’s a grocery list).

Lists keep me motivated and accountable.

In fact, I even put things on the “to do” list that I’ve already done so I can have the satisfaction about crossing them off. Please someone say they do this, too!!!!

Okay, ready for our Home Goals for 2021!

Home Goals for 2021

Our bedroom makeover.

Here’s a look at the inspiration.

Mood Board for a coastal bedroom makeover

We swapped around our bedrooms in the summer so the boys could have their own bedrooms. Since October we’ve been doing over their old room into a calm and coastal bedroom. Lots of neutrals and textures from shells, hide rugs, sea grasses etc. It took a long time for our bed to arrive but it just did! Hooray. Now I’m deciding on bedside tables and a cozy arm chair. I’m praying the linen curtains I want from Ikea come in soon. They’ve been out of stock for months…

You can see the lighting here and our new bed here.

Teen Bedroom Makeover.

We’re also currently working on our son’s new bedroom makeover. He’s in what used to my office / guest bedroom. This will be the third makeover for this space. You can see it as a guest room here and as a multipurpose room here. We’ve tried several room layouts and have now found one that works.

One wall is wallpapered in this gorgeous wallpaper and we spent a few days during Christmas vacation painting the other walls Simply White by Benjamin Moore.

Mother and son painting walls white

Shared WFH Office Makeover

So that leaves our old bedroom which has become a shared work from home workspace for Luke and me. As many of you know we already put a lot of work into this room when we did our bedroom makeover. We installed wide plank flooring and did a faux board and batten treatment on the walls. Here’s how it looked as our bedroom and I’m excited to share how it works as a shared office:

Bedroom with board and batten walls and white bedding. Fosythia branches on bedside table

Making the Sunroom a Four Season Room.

Many of you know how much I love the sunroom. It gets lovely natural light and has lovely views of our pool, which is great in the summer months. A few years ago we completely made over this space here. Two years ago, I painted the floors white and added the modern chairs. The only problem is it’s pretty cold out here in the winter because the room isn’t heated.

Sunroom with white walls and floors, a pedestal table and mid century chairs

We plan to:

  • insulate the room
  • add a new support under the room
  • add heat
  • possibly repaint the floors (if needed)
  • Add a new light fixture

Create a Wrap Around Patio

Our deck is falling apart. I’m not sure if you can tell from photos but it’s very splintery. I think it dates back to the 70s.

Coastal deck decorated for fall

We’d like to take the deck off completely and create a wrap around patio or low deck that would go from behind the house to the side of the house. If you guys have low decks or patios I’d love your suggestions! You can get a better idea of layout here:

Coastal home with pool and white adirondack chairs

We plan to:

  • Rip off the deck
  • Create a patio (stone or paver patio) or low deck that wraps from the back to side of the sunroom.
  • Add sliding doors on back and side of sunroom
  • Add steps down to patio
  • Add planters or container garden
  • Add pergola on back of back patio to “hide” bulkhead. Thinking of adding a climbing rose or other plant that will bloom all summer. Let me know if you guys have any recommendations for that!

Add a “He” Shed

I joke about this because I used to have a she shed before we turned it into a pool house. Since we don’t have a garage Luke has a shed to store the lawnmower, snow blower etc. The shed is rotting from the ground up so we really need to do something with it. The shed is so bad I can’t even find a photo of it!

Plant a cutting garden

We love flowers in our house. Sometimes I feel sad about clipping our bushes as I love enjoying the flowers outside so I thought the boys and I would grow a cutting garden behind the pool house.

Coastal Shed with teak chair set and starfish wreath on the door

This area gets full day sun so will be great for a flower garden. You may remember we used to have a lean-to potting shed back there.

John experimented with growing sunflowers back there and they thrived.

Pretty sunflower arrangement

I also experimented with zinnias:

Pink zinnia

We ordered a bunch of seeds from Floret Flower Farm and will get them going this spring ready to plant out in the yard when the time comes!

So excited about making that part of our yard pretty AND useful. So we can have even more flowers to arrange.


I have a few other BIG plans which I can’t wait to share really soon with you guys. Until then, I created a fun free printable list you can use to achieve all your goals in 2021. Feel free to share these on Instagram stories at tag me. Grab your printables here.

Home Goals free printable
Year Goals Free Printable
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4 years ago

You have a busy year planned for sure. I have been keeping notebooks to help me manage our household for over 40 years. One is reserved for menus, pantry stocking and grocery shopping. The second notebook is for household goals. I first break a year down into seasons, then break the season down and list monthly projects and goals. It’s a good guide as far as scheduling and planning financially how to bring these projects and goals to fruition. I also do this for our finances. I started this as a newlywed back when I didn’t have a clue about… Read more »

Ethel Alderson
Ethel Alderson
4 years ago

What aggressive plans you have!
Psss , don’t get into printable. Every blogger does printables and organizing. You can do do better! On your sun porch upgrade check your windows keep cold out and cool in. By the way, tell me about the table on your porch. Please! It is a keeper. Be well.

Ethel Alderson
Ethel Alderson
4 years ago

Danielle. Thanks for story of your table!

4 years ago

Hi Danielle. Me list person too!!! It is great satisfaction to cross something off when finished. When the list is looking scary and I am feeling overwhelmed…I have been known to add something that didn’t make the list just so I could cross it off!!! It actually helps to get the ball rolling. Glad to know I am not the only one. I always use a red Sharpie for crossing off….very dramatic!!! You have a good list there. Can’t wait to see the reveals. LOVE John’s wallpaper. Cecil Brunner roses are great climbers and give a vintage look. They are… Read more »

4 years ago

I love lists! I’m excited to watch your projects come to fruition. Thanks for sharing the templates – appreciate fancy looking lists! 🙂