
How to Install a Paver Walkway

We wanted to make the entry to our pool more inviting for guests by adding a walkway to the pool gate. Today I’m sharing how to install a paver walkway.

How to install a paver walkway | Finding Silver Pennies #outdoorinspiration #diy #gardeninspiration #coastal

Prior to adding the walkway this area only had grass.

Before we installed our walkway  | Finding Silver Pennies #outdoorinspiration #diy #gardeninspiration #coastal

On the other side of the gate are some pavers so we decided to extend it to the front. Here you can see the after:

After - with newly installed paver walkway and coastal garden beds  | Finding Silver Pennies #outdoorinspiration #diy #gardeninspiration #coastal

We worked on the walkway last fall and planted everything but decided to wait until now to share the tutorial as everything is in bloom.

We installed this walkway for easier access to our pool area  | Finding Silver Pennies #outdoorinspiration #diy #gardeninspiration #coastal

The peonies are so happy here! I transplanted them from our back yard.

Beautiful peonies in our garden  | Finding Silver Pennies #outdoorinspiration #diy #gardeninspiration #coastal
Lovely peonies in June  | Finding Silver Pennies #outdoorinspiration #diy #gardeninspiration #coastal
Learn to create a walkway in a weekend  | Finding Silver Pennies #outdoorinspiration #diy #gardeninspiration #coastal
Tutorial to create your own walkway  | Finding Silver Pennies #outdoorinspiration #diy #gardeninspiration #coastal

The peonies were beautiful in June and now our hydrangeas by the fence and gate are in full bloom.

Lovely blue hydrangeas  | Finding Silver Pennies #outdoorinspiration #diy #gardeninspiration #coastal

We used crushed shells for mulch.

Okay, here’s the step by step tutorial.

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How to Install a Paver Walkway

This project will probably take a weekend. I always under-estimate ideas when dreaming them up in my head. I’m so lucky I have a understanding and lovely husband.

Materials Needed

Materials used for a paver walkway  | Finding Silver Pennies #outdoorinspiration #diy #gardeninspiration #coastal


Step by Step tutorial for a paver walkway  | Finding Silver Pennies #outdoorinspiration #diy #gardeninspiration #coastal

Step 1 – Clear grass away from area.

Step 2 – Dig at least three inches deep along where the pavers and edging will be.

Step 3 – Measure the thickness of your paver and base panels. Lay the string line down, so that it is this depth below the final height. This string line should be either side of your path.

Step 4 – Place weed barrier down. Fill the area with the leveling sand. Using a board as wide as your path, ensure that the sand is level between the string lines, and at the same height. Tamp the sand into place.

Step 5 – Install the base panels so that they fit together and cover the area of the path.

Step 6 – Install the pavers, lay them out so that they are an even distance apart; we did 3/8″.

Step 7 – Cut the excess base panels away and install the cobblestones along the edge.

Step 8 – Fill all of the gaps between the pavers, and the cobblestones, with the paver set. Sweep the excess into the gaps, with a soft broom, and water gently. Leave to dry.

We’re so happy we created this new walkway. It means friends and family can enter our back yard through a little garden of all my favorite flowers.

Coastal style and installing a paver path  | Finding Silver Pennies #outdoorinspiration #diy #gardeninspiration #coastal
Pretty crushed shells and concrete pavers make pretty path to a coastal pool  | Finding Silver Pennies #outdoorinspiration #diy #gardeninspiration #coastal

Can you see little Max poking his nose under the fence? Both dogs do this. See?!?

Our sweet dogs peek out the pool gate  | Finding Silver Pennies #outdoorinspiration #diy #gardeninspiration #coastal
Simple coastal style and how to lay pavers  | Finding Silver Pennies #outdoorinspiration #diy #gardeninspiration #coastal
New England Style  | Finding Silver Pennies #outdoorinspiration #diy #gardeninspiration #coastal

You might want to pin this for later:

How to Install a Paver Walkway - a step by step tutorial  | Finding Silver Pennies #outdoorinspiration #diy #gardeninspiration #coastal

Would love to hear what you think about our walkway and if you try it out at home.

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Pat Hilgendorf
Pat Hilgendorf
4 years ago

Looks really good and “finished”.

Patti M
Patti M
10 months ago

I love how you explained how to put in pavers, especially with photos! It looks so pretty! I also love your gate entrance into the backyard. Do you have the name of the fence and the gate arch where you bought it? We are looking to replace our fence, especially the gate!