It’s Potty (Party) Time!

Happy Monday, Everyone!  I have gone a bit stir crazy at home with Mr. C for three days.  We have been potty training, hard core!  On Friday, I told you about the perils of potty training and my experience with our eldest. It was not a good experience, to say the least.  The five fillings at the dentist wan’t a pretty picture either.

The joys of pants!

Anyway, this time around we were following the advice of a friend who trained her daughter in a day by using the Three Day Potty Training guide.  The handout my friend gave me read “start Friday, Done Sunday!”  I read the manual by Lora Jensen – cover to cover. Made my hubby read it and proceeded to get everything we needed – 20 pairs of underwear, stickers, fun toys and loads of juice and foods that Conor loves.  Friday morning we were ready to go.  Conor was excited.

Part of the method is empowering your child and reminding them to let you know when they have to go.  I put towels on the couches and didn’t let Conor go down to the playroom (due to the wall to wall carpeting).  Conor kept peeing in his undies and I’d scoop him up and run to the potty to get him to do the rest there.  By the end of the day, both Conor and I were exhausted and I was thinking perhaps he wasn’t ready.

In between running to the potty, we spent so much time playing with trains, with blocks, making play-dough, reading and playing board games.  We also snuggled on the couch and watched TV.  In a way it was nice to have a few days of not trying to get a million things done and running errands.  It was nice to spend time with my little man and laugh.  To see him trying so hard. To see him get so excited when we added another sticker to his chart.

Saturday was a whole different story.  Something clicked and Conor was telling me, “Mommy, pee pee” or “Mommy, potty” and we’d run again to our bright yellow bjorn.  He only had two accidents on Saturday.  I really couldn’t believe it.  It was like magic.

Sunday was even better.  He stayed dry the whole day and took himself to the bathroom.  My little Mr. C is now a big boy!  I’m so proud of him and he’s so proud of himself, too.  We even managed to go out for a meal Sunday night and Conor told us three times when he needed to go to the bathroom.

If you are thinking of potty training your little one.  Go to  It truly is amazing. This mom of five boys knows what she’s talking about.

Today we are off to take John to the Museum of Fine Arts (to spend a bit of quality time with him) and Conor is going to have a wonderful day with Nonni and Grampy.  I’m just hoping that he remembers when he needs to go potty and doesn’t pee on the Nonni’s oriental rugs.

My tigers – Rahhh!
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Brenda Stevens Sherry
13 years ago

Wow! I’m going to have to try to remember to look up this method in a couple years. That sounds great!