Learning Modern Calligraphy

Learning modern calligraphy has always been a dream of mine. If you’ve wanted to give it a try read on to learn more!

Growing up I always wanted to be able to write in beautiful script, like my mother. My mom used to always scroll Dani in the most beautiful lettering on my brown paper lunch bags and I could never get my writing to look as pretty.

I am by no means an expert, and am still very much learning modern calligraphy, but I thought it would be a fun thing to share as part of the Cozy Living Series hosted by my friend Jenifer over at Town and Country Living. The first Saturday of the month a group of us share cozy ideas and activities that embrace Hygge.

Calligraphy is one of those things! It can not be rushed. One must really slow down to practice the art of modern calligraphy.

What is Modern Calligraphy

Calligraphy is the art of writing by using ink and a metal nib. It comes from the Greek word kalligraphia, which means beautiful writing. There are many styles, nibs, and inks one can use to create decorative lettering.

My Introduction to Modern Calligraphy

I’ve always loved the look of calligraphy but just didn’t know where to start. I’d look at brush lettering books and supplies at Michaels or Blick and there are so many different kinds of inks and nibs and pens. I just didn’t know where to start. I saw that a local card shop, RSVP in Hingham, was holding a modern calligraphy workshop with Sip & Script which sounded like fun! I asked my friend Becky if she’d go with me.

We sipped some wine and had some lovely snacked and Sip & Script provided a starter kit – 2 nibs, tracing paper, a nib holder, ink, and some lettering guides.

Here’s a photo I took on the night:

Becky seemed to pick it up right away! I think I was trying to go a little too fast.

Since the class I’ve been practicing most days and trying out some new nibs and reading more.

What I like About Modern Calligraphy

My life with two kids and two dogs is pretty busy. We’re often running errands, driving to karate, picking up or dropping off kids for music lessons or cartooning. On top of that, I volunteer for a bunch of local non profits. So there’s always lots to do. I love that I can sit out in the sunroom (these pictures were taken out there) or at my desk and just follow the curves of the letter. You’ll see there are many imperfect lines on the pages, but it’s okay I’m learning.

I love watching the ink flow out of the nib. Seeing the thin upstrokes and the bold downstrokes. I’m mesmerized by the water become dark with ink as I wash the nib when it becomes too saturated with ink.

I really enjoy painting with watercolors and I make time for yoga most days, and both of these activities are practices. I feel like calligraphy is the same way. I think in all three categories I’ll always be “learning”. If I’m feeling anxious or overwhelmed I always feel better after I paint, spend some time on my mat, or write.

I always was under the impression that copying is a bad thing, but in calligraphy it’s okay. At Sip & Script they had us tracing alphabets so we could get comfortable with the motion of the nib and holder. Our instructor said it was important to create muscle memory.

Everyone seemed to have different preferneces in which nibs they enjoyed more, as well.

It’s been a month since my class at RSVP and I’m enjoying practicing.

Would you like to learn modern calligraphy?

If so I highly recommend going to a class to start. Our instructor gave us great tips on holding the pen and positioning the paper.

I thought I’d share some great resources that I’ve found online and at the library, as well.

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Supplies you’ll need to start

  • Ink
  • nibs
  • nib holder
  • paper towels
  • tracing paper
  • sketching paper / computer paper for practice
  • heavier quality paper for final projects

Nibs I Like

  • Nikko G Nib – Our instructor highly recommended this nib and I absolutely love it. It makes lovely strokes and holds a lot of ink.
  • Blue Pumpkin NibThis nib is supposed to be ideal for bold strokes. I’m hoping to try this one soon.


  • Black Sumi Ink – Is what they started us on in class. It’s a very thick ink. I’m continuing to use this ink and really love the jet black letters and words I’m able to create.
  • I’ve heard great things from my friend who is professional calligrapher that she enjoys using this white ink and this black ink which I’ll try in time.


  • The Gift of Calligraphy – This book by Maybelle Imasa-Stukuls is so beautiful and full of inspiration! I got it from the library and ordered my own copy on Amazon. I love her outlook and her writing style. She is so giving with her knowledge and also seems like a very understanding person. The photography of this book is gorgeous and there are 25 projects that are stunning. All would make beautiful gifts for yourself or others.

I really think you’d all love this book so much!

  • Modern Calligraphy – this book is by Molly Thorpe. It has great tips and alphabets to try. I’m currently borrowing this one from the library but also might invest to keep in my library for reference.

Online Resources

I interviewed my friend Sarah of Arrow Art Studio as part of my Creativity Over Coffee Series and think you guys might love the interview with her. You can read it here.

I’m a visual learner and I learn by doing so I find Skillshare a super resource. There’s so many classes for Modern Calligraphy, as well, as brush lettering and digitizing your calligraphy. I honestly wish there were more hours in the day to watch all these videos! As a special gift to you guys – get a free 2-Week trial of Skillshare Premium Membership click here.

My Goals

My goal is to be able to write beautiful calligraphy for entertaining and projects for our home. I’m actually helping to plan Scituate Education Foundation’s Rising Tide Gala and I’m designing a tablescape. I’m really hoping by the end of the month my calligraphy is good enough to hand letter place cards for my table 🙂 Fingers crossed!

For now, I’ll continue practicing.

I hope this gave you some tools for starting your own modern calligraphy practice.

Don’t forget to visit all my friends for more cozy living:


Hymns and Verses / Sincerely Marie Designs / Duke Manor Farm / Finding Silver Pennies


Making It in the Mountains / Vinyet Etc. / Town and Country Living / Creative Cain Cabin

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Kristi Mercer
5 years ago

How pretty Danielle! I’ve always been interested in calligraphy too, it’s such a beautiful art!

Amanda Marie
5 years ago

I love this! Calligraphy is something I’ve always wanted to learn but felt intimidated. Maybe I need to just dive in. You’re doing such a beautiful job. Thanks for sharing the class info!

Michelle | Thistle Key Lane

After seeing your post I’m reminded that I need to get a new bottle of ink and start practicing again. I may need to look into Skillshare too. Thanks Danielle!

Dawn Cain
5 years ago

Beautiful “) I’ve tried it over the years and never seem to stick with it for to long. After seeing yours I may need to rethink it again.

5 years ago

I took a series of calligraphy classes many years ago. Calligraphy writing is an art that’s so relaxing.

Jennifer @ Town and Country Living

This is so pretty, Danielle. It looks like it would be a great stress reliever too! Thanks for sharing your experience.