Merry Christmas + Cozy Ideas: Style Showcase
Well, it’s Christmas Eve and I wanted to take some time to wish you all a very Merry Christmas! I am so very grateful for all of you! Things will be quiet here on the blog accept for a few Style Showcase posts. Luke is on sabbatical and the boys are on break from high school and college and we’re just really looking forward to some special family time – long walks, board games, cooking together. It’s time for the Style Showcase and we’re sharing some festive and cozy ideas on this special day. Simply click on the title to read more about each post!
Finding Silver Pennies | Christmas in Coastal New England
Christmas in our little coastal town is so special and filled with lovely traditions. Each year Santa arrives on the Harbormaster’s boat, lobster pot trees are erected in the harbor and surrounding coastal towns, and the Holiday Stroll is always magical. Here’s a peek at Christmas in our town:

Southern Hospitality: A Farmhouse Christmas Garden House Tour
Rhoda is sharing a magical garden house lit up for the holidays. How special is this? I love the nighttime photos.

Town and Country Living | Cozy Mantels and Fireplaces
I love curling up in front of the fireplace in these cold winter months. Jennifer is sharing loads of cozy fireplace ideas.

Worthing Court | How to Have Cozy Decorations This Winter
Suzy is sharing loads of neutral winter decor ideas filled with woven textures and nature.

I hope you enjoyed today’s Style Showcase and wishing you a wonderful Christmas and week with your family and friends.

Merry Christmas and a Healthy, Happy New Year to you and all your family!!!
Yes….that old father Christmas has once again creep up on us real fast!!!! xxx