
Summer Planter, 2012

The other day, I looked at our spring planters and my poor pansies were looking  a bit pooped.  We’ve had a lot of rain and heat up here on the East Coast.  Conor and I went to a local nursery and picked up some fun summery plants.

In year’s passed, I’ve done perennials because I like to plant them out, but this year I went with annuals.  I knew I wanted pink flowers for this summer.

We went with Calibrachoa Noa Dark Pink Carnival.  The tall green plant in the back is Impomea Tricolor and the leaves in the front are a type of potato plant.  Aren’t they so fun?  There is bits of pink and white in this variety, called Ipomoea batatas ‘Pink Frost’ (‘Pink Frost’ sweet potato vine).

Conor is holding the Pink Frost potato vines.  You can see the tips of pink:

Conor loved helping (especially digging the dirt and watering) and our pretty planters were ready in ten minutes.  Got to love the extra help!

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Jessica Bruno
12 years ago

I love pink 🙂

CJ - Juniper and Roses
12 years ago

Very pretty, these are gorgeous love your blog. I have nominated you for the Liebster award, details at

fiona anderson
12 years ago

I’ve never seen that potato vine, it’s really pretty !