
Plans for the Playroom

Our boys are getting bigger and a grown up playroom is desired by all. Today I’m sharing our plans for the playroom.

I don’t often share photos of the playroom because, well, quite frankly, it’s usually a mess.

The boys play in here with legos, games with friends, and video games.

Below you can see how it looked in the Scituate Arts Association Christmas Home Tour. It took me days to sort all those legos by color (phew).

Playroom at Christmas

Here’s the room right now (as I type this post)

WARNING very messy / real life photos to follow:

Current Playroom and Plans for an Update

Nerf, books, Duck Tape all strewn all over the floor. Honesty, it was hard for me to take photos without stepping on stuff.

Messy playroom and ideas for updating it for our growing boys

Conor’s face timing a friend while playing video games.

Glimpse at our playroom (before)

Our Plans for the Playroom

Tidying Up

As you can see this is a fantastic room with LOTS of potential. The problem is they take after me, and they like to collect things – books, toys, vintage items. So what’s happened is things have found a home in their playroom when they got moved from another part of the house. So we need to go through all the STUFF in here and really decide what is staying and what is going. The Ikea shelves are going and we plan on donating books they no longer read to the library. I’ll be selling the rug, the coffee table, and the loveseat to make room for some new things we’ve picked out. So this week I’ll be clearing things out and tidying.

Boys' Playroom Plans

They are wonderful artists so I really want their art featured in the space.

Fresh Paint

Next step, is a fresh coat of paint. The current wall color is Navajo White by Benjamin Moore. It’s a nice color but I think I want to go with a cooler white.

Ideas for Playroom Wallcolor

Right now we’re thinking either Simply White by Benjamin Moore (it’s the color in the boys’ bedroom and the sunroom).

Simply White Walls in Boys' Bedroom

Or Shiplap by Magnolia Home. Our bedroom is painted in Shiplap.

Shiplap wall color on coastal bedroom walls

The boys currently are voting for Shiplap. Which color do you like better?

I will also paint the built in bookshelves a bright white in satin finish.

New Window Treatments & Lighting

In addition to painting the walls, we need to replace the window treatments (two have holes in them from Conor and his nerf bullets) and the pendant light. I’m still deciding on these elements.

New Grown Up Furniture

Last month we went to Raymour & Flanigan with the boys to look at possible furniture options for their space. Conor wanted massage chairs and recliners which didn’t really fit the scale or feel of their room but would be cool if we had a large finished basement. We ordered these awesome denim pillows:

Fun denim pillows

We fell in LOVE with the Berkley leather sofa:

Berkley Leather Sofa from Raymour Flannigan

Conor fell in LOVE with these swivel chairs.

Fun swivel chairs which can be upholstered in ANY color

The chair actually swivels and turns and he thought it would be the ultimate gaming chair. Despite my love for blue we decided to go with a muted gray for their room which Raymour & Flanigan is custom upholstering for us. We have two chairs coming, one for John and one for Conor. I can’t wait for all the furniture to arrive. Eeek! Before it does I need to tidy and paint!

What do you think of our playroom plans?


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6 years ago

I’m with the boys on Shiplap, and am currently shopping paint for two or three rooms, Shiplap might make the cut for our bedroom. on my screen it looks just a little warmer, without going yellow. Love the chairs, my grand boys would approve! And the leather sofa is spot on. It will only get better with time.

6 years ago

I vote for shiplap also.

Holly @ Life on Southpointe Drive

That is going to look awesome! I love all of the windows…I’m sure the natural light is beautiful!

6 years ago

Shiplap looks beautiful in your room… and maybe would look great in the playroom too.
Chairs and couch are 👍 Fun project and looking forward to the finished photos…

6 years ago

I really like your plans for the playroom. I have to agree with the boys, I like the Shiplap color.

1 year ago

Unfortunately, the Berkely couch link is no longer working. Can you let me know where you purchased this? Thanks!