School of Fish (Free Printable)
It’s that time of year again! Back to school. Celebrate with my School of Fish Free Printable.

In New England, Labor Day arrives and then it’s back to school. When summer starts it feels like another school year is light years away. It seems we’ll have forever and a day before we have to face “reality”. Some of my mom friends celebrate when their kids go back to school, but for me, I get really sad. I LOVE having my boys home. I love going on adventures with them. I’m not even talking about trips to Boston or our trip to California. I mean just every-day-ordinary adventures: blueberry picking at Tree Berry Farm, collecting shells on the Museum Beach, eating ice cream at Nona’s, racing bikes in the woods, walking across the boardwalk to the Spit, listening to outdoor concerts at the library, Friday nights at the Boat Club, and floating in our pool looking up at the clouds. Time slows in summer. I don’t take on as much freelance and design work, so I can devote myself to these important summer pursuits.
September starts and our magical summer mode ends. I do like the structure and schedule the school year brings but I sure do miss my two guys once they’re back in school. Do any of you at home feel the same way???
With this in mind, I got my gouache paints out, turned on some music, and painted a school of fish 😉 For quite some time I’ve wanted to paint but I’ve been feeling a little stuck. The other day I decided to just do it without any judgment. I would just paint for the sake of painting. I had so much fun painting fish shapes in blues and oranges. Here you can see how they turned out.

This post contains a few affiliate links for materials. I may receive a portion of the sale if you purchase via one of the links, but the price remains the same for you. Thank you for supporting my blog in this way.
If you’d like to try your hand at painting your own at home, it was really fun! I used this gouache set, this paper, and this pen to add the white details. I’ve also been watching some classes over on Skillshare. I have a membership and absolutely love being able to take art classes right at home. As a special gift to you guys – get a free 2-Week trial of Skillshare Premium Membership click here. I really enjoyed this one.
Anyway, I thought it would be fun to turn this sweet little “school of fish” into some free printables for you.
I made some 5 x 7 cards. I thought they could be used as little notecards to write to your children or grandchildren. To go in with school lunches 😉

I also made this one for back to school photos. You can put your kids’ names, school grade, and year on them.

I hope you enjoy these free printables as much as I enjoyed making them!
To download your free printables simply click here.
These printables are for your own personal use. I’m happy for you to share them with family and friends but please don’t sell them. You can see more free printables here.

I hope your little fishies have brilliant first days! As always, I love to hear from you! You can comment below, email me, or we can connect on Facebook and Instagram.