
Shade Loving Perennials for Window Boxes

The front of our home is north facing which means for years I used the same boring plants until I discovered the many amazing varieties of shade loving perennials. I’m spilling the beans on shade loving perennials for window boxes.

This is how our window boxes are looking this summer:

Window boxes on an old coastal home with blue shutters

Many of you were asking for a more detailed post on what we used and some tips for window boxes. I’m so happy to share!

Where We Got Our Plants

A few weeks ago, John and I headed to the greenhouse at The Root in Scituate and picked out some lovely plants. Lisa, the co-owner of The Root, suggested this amazing trick of using perennials last year. You can see how are window boxes looked last year.

What I like to do is line up the plants at the nursery to see if I’m happy with how they “play together”. We have very long window boxes so I always have to buy lots and lots of plants.

Ferns and petunias on a teak table at a nursery

Above you’ll see ferns and petunias. I love green and white together, it’s timeless and classic.

Siberian Bugloss in a nursery

How fabulous are these leaves? This is called Siberian bugloss. These plants are so different. I’ve never seen them before. These were on the more expensive side but I just had to have them! John agreed. A little more about Siberian Bugloss – it is known as the forget me not. The latin name is Brunnera macrophylla means “large leaves.” We love the large leaves!

What’s in Our Window Boxes?

Festive window boxes on a coastal home

This season we did a mix of shade loving perennials and annuals. Here’s what we planted:

  • White Geraniums
  • Atlantic Ivy
  • White Petunias
  • Coral Bells (we over wintered these from last year)
  • Ladder Fern
  • Siberian bugloss

The Perennials

Siberian buglos – See above. I plant to bring these in for the winter!

Ladder Fern – I love these little ferns and I plan on bringing them in and planting them in pots. I think they’d look great on the Welsh Dresser with all my blue and white cornishware. Also known as sword fern.

Ladder Ferns with other plants in window box

Golden English Ivy – Ivy always reminds me of England so I thought it would be fun to try it out this year. You know how much I love all things English! I plan on bringing these in once winter rolls around too.


I love the variegated leaves and how it cascades downward in the window boxes. So romantic!

Trailing Ivy

Coral Bells – This was a new one for us last year and I LOVE it so much. We used it in our window boxes last summer into fall and then we over wintered them in our raised beds and they all came back!!!! I will do the same thing again in the winter. Coral Bells comes in all different colors but my favorite is this deep wine color.

Coral bells in a window box

The Annuals

White Petunias – these are an old stand by and they bloom all season. They do well in full shade too.

White Petunias

White Geranium – This is our first year with geraniums and I’m really wondering what took me so long to come around to them. I love their leaves and their flowers. I was cautioned not to over water these because if you do they won’t flower. I’ve found them very easy to look after and I just dead head them and more flowers bloom.

White Geraniums

What We planted Last Year

Last year was my first time trying out perennials in the window boxes and I loved how the looked. They took us straight through fall too. Read more about last years window boxes.

List of shade loving plants with images

Create a Timeless Look

Mixing all different leaves, shapes, and textures creates a timeless look. Each time I look at our window boxes I can’t help but smile.

Max is always waiting by the window – on alert!

A dog in the window with pretty window box.

I hope this post was helpful if you’re looking to update your window boxes of summer or fall.

Let’s Keep in Touch

What are you planting or what shade loving perennials do you love? Share in the comments below. Let’s stay in touch! Join our newsletter for access to exclusive content, our favorite projects, easy recipes, and fun tutorials. You’ll receive the best design secrets delivered directly to your inbox! Sign Up Here!

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Tammy Sara Folger
Tammy Sara Folger
7 months ago

Gorgeous! Love the variety of white flowers. Thanks for sharing 🙂

7 months ago

Hi Danielle,
I LOVE window boxes and shutters….right up my alley. Are your boxes wood or some kind of a poly-heavy plastic? Do you have a liner in them? Since Luke works with wood, what would he recommend? This is my end goal…..I am anxious and don’t like the time it takes!!! I know you have mentioned, the boxes you have, came with your home but if you were just starting to put in yourself, would you put in the same?….wow what a sentence!
Love your plant choices!!! Have a good weekend. xoxo

7 months ago
Reply to  Danielle

Hey….both are lovely. I am going for the more traditional style. Yes, I would think the wood ones would rot out. Plus every year they would need repainting. You are so lucky (and I know you know that) to have a talented Luke. To see your visions come true.
Maybe Amazon will have some pre-made ones?

Debra Hubbs
Debra Hubbs
7 months ago

Love your window boxes. So pretty. Love that Ladder Fern. I’m a huge fan of ferns. I do winter over the Golden English Ivy as I reuse them in my front hanging porch baskets. They did better this year wintered over in my basement which is partly above ground but much cooler and damper. I have to tell you. Someone was cleaning out their parents house and said most things were free. There were several pieces of what looked like your pottery from England. I was so excited thinking I could grab it all for you. Well, maybe keep one… Read more »