
A Simple Spring Wreath

I wish I had a furniture makeover for you today.

Really I do.  I’ve been working so very hard on several pieces – sanding, staining, stripping, painting.  Well, none are just ready so share yet.  I’m also waiting for some hardware and I wouldn’t want to present a piece without hardware.  That would be like introducing the Queen without her crown.  Fingers crossed for one on Friday.

Today, I have a simple succulent wreath for spring!  I saw these faux succulents at Michaels and just had to have them.  I also bought the wreath and the bow there.


I love the relaxed and rustic feel of the wreath.  So simple.


The bow is slightly iridescent green and when I think of spring, well, I think of of green.  The grass, the stalks on the daffodils and tulips.  That lovely light green. Oh, and of course, St. Patrick’s Day – you know we love it here on the Irish Riviera and we are getting super excited for the parade this Sunday.

Here’s what you need to create this wreath:

  • Bow
  • Wreath of your choice (or you could make your own)
  • Faux succulents in two colors
  • Hot Glue (optional)


I started by taking the succulents off the long stalks:


See where that little bit down from the top?  I just pulled them out right there.  I figured that way I can reassemble them later for anther craft.  Then I took the tops and wedged them in gaps in the wreath.


To finish the wreath off I placed the ribbon on the left side.  I balanced the different colors of succulents so they were pleasing to me.

You could use a hot glue gun to make the succulents more permanent on the wreath, but I’m thinking I want to use this same wreath with some shells for the summer so there you have it.

faux_succlentsI also wish I could show you this lovely wreath on a front porch filled with flowers, but they aren’t there yet.

Spring is definately coming.  I enjoyed a lovely lunch and stroll on Newbury Street in Boston with Jen (The Chronicles of Home) and Susan (Simply Modern Home).  If you don’t already follow their blogs you should check them out!  They are filled with great style and fun! We also had a lovely warm day yesterday – 51 degrees and I stripped my last piece for the Duxbury Antique Show.


So stay tuned for some beautiful painted ladies and some beautiful blooms soon!  Fingers crossed!

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11 years ago

love this! i need to get some of those faux succulents!

Susan @ Simply Modern Home

What a beautiful wreath, Dani! Good luck at the antiques show next week!

11 years ago

This is a pretty wreath and the succulents look real for sure. The coloring is amazing. Love the bow.


11 years ago

This is really cute, I love succulents but I’ve never seen faux ones, I’ll have to look out for them.