
Slow Decorating (Cozy Living Series)

Many of us live fast. “To Do” Lists. Alarm Clocks. Time is going, going, gone. What if we slowed down? What if we paused. Today I wanted to talk about Slow Decorating.

Slow decorating and beautiful flowers - Finding Silver Pennies

It is time for our next installment of the Cozy Living Series organized by my good friend Jennifer over at Town and Country Living. Today, I wanted to share some thoughts on slowing down and why I think decorating is really very important to our well being.

“Once she stopped rushing through life, she was amazed at how much more life she had time for.” – Unknown

Three weeks ago my father passed away.

I knew this day would come, one day.

Although I had almost 41 years with him, I wanted more.

As I type this, a pit forms in my throat and tears stream down my face. Some moments I’m wonderful and doing fine and others I’m overcome with such grief and sadness. I shared more about what his life meant to me here.

White Flower Centerpiece - Finding Silver Pennies

Time and love are really the only constants in life. I feel like we’re always longing for more of each.

For three weeks, I sat next to my dad holding his hand with my mom. 8 hour or 10 hours a day. In those moments, time seemed to slow down. Almost like when you have a newborn baby. Time slowed. In this slow motion time, I started to think about choices in my life. My dreams, my goals. My family. Was I making busy work for myself just to feel like I was getting lots done? Was I rushing around, never able to enjoy special moments with my kids and dogs and husband?

The answer is yes.

I realized by having to slow down, that previously in life I wasn’t “stopping to smell the roses”. I was rushing and trying to cross things off my list. I was pinning, and Insta Story-ing. I was tweeting and scheduling but trying to be every where and do everything, actually I wasn’t accomplishing very much at all. I wasn’t being present in my own life.

Coastal Living Room that Cozy and Comforting - Finding Silver Pennies

At this point in spring, I would have already blogged a Spring Home Tour, done lots of craft projects and be in full swing prep for summer ideas. This table is the one we had before we got the couch (it is too big) and I’m still waiting for my husband to build me a new one.

Instead of complaining about it, I’m enjoying having this sturdy table. I know the the new one will be amazing, but for now I’m content with my imperfect one.

Add Unexpected Touches to Arrangements - Finding Silver Pennies

These flowers were  gift from my best friend from middle school, Kara. They are certainly the prettiest bouquet I’ve ever received or seen. The Casablanca Lilies smell amazing and I adore the white hydrangeas and the sprig of raspberries. Isn’t it amazing how such a beautiful arrangement can make  a space feel?

Simple Decorating and White Flowers - Finding Silver Pennies

I’ve pondered a lot about design. I love decorating our home and making it feel cozy. Part of me was questioning the importance of design and decor while in the hospital. Then I would come home, exhausted, pour myself a glass of wine and sink into the house.

Decorating is essential.

I will never tell you that you should follow rules. Or that you should decorate like me.


I will say that decorating your home in a way that is pleasing to you is essential. To come home after a long day and feel like you’re getting a big embrace. For your home to feel like a sanctuary. A place you can kick off your heels after work. Or you can get in your “comfy cozies” and sink into your couch or cozy up by the fire. That is essential.

Perfectly Imperfect Living Room - Finding Silver Pennies

Perfection is not essential.

In these photos. The slipcover desperately needs to be washed. I haven’t had time to strip it all off and wash it at the laundry mat. So instead I cover the seats in fur blankets. Max, our terrier mix, loves lounging up here and (it’s been raining A LOT). It’s okay.

It has taken me 5 years to decorate this room and still it’s not done.

The coffee table isn’t right yet.

Lilies, Hydrangeas, Roses - Finding Silver Pennies

But perhaps you wouldn’t have even noticed the coffee table or the slightly cream slipcover.

Capturing a Lily before It Opens - Finding Silver Pennies

Slow Decorating and Why It's Important - Finding Silver Pennies

Perhaps, you just noticed the beautiful flowers on the coffee table instead.

“It’s not what we have in life, but who we have in our life that matters” – Unknown

Our lives and homes are so much more than things in them.

When I decorate I like to focus on things with meaning. My mom (and dad) gave us a beautiful lamp for Easter that I’d falling in love with at Boston Interiors. They’d planned to give it to us before my dad got sick. They both know how much I love sea glass and this color. My dad also loved this color too.

Gorgeous Sea Glass Style Lamp - Finding Silver Pennies

Every time I look at that lamp I think of both my parents. The love for the beach they instilled in me.

The table also has special meaning as Luke and I built it together.

The keys just in the distance, hanging on the wall, were my grandfather’s and my mom mounted them on that wood.

Coastal Touches in a New England Living Room - Finding Silver Pennies

The only advice I’d give to you for decorating is take your time. It’s okay to go slow. It’s better than okay. Find special things with meaning and fill your home with them.

Life is short.

Spend time with your family.

Spend time with your friends.

Don’t worry if your slipcover isn’t crisp white.

Or if there are paw prints on things.

Those paw prints symbolize love. They show that life is lived and enjoyed in your home.

Cozy Decorating for the Whole Family - Neutral Living Room - Finding Silver Pennies

The best things come to those who wait.

Slow decorating is the way to go.

Be sure to check out all my friends’ blog posts for more Cozy Living this April:


Cozy Living Series - April

Sincerely Marie DesignsTown and Country LivingVinyet Etc.


Cozy Living Series - April

Finding Silver PenniesHome Made LovelyMaking It in the Mountains

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Cynthia Landrum
Cynthia Landrum
6 years ago

simply beautiful. I needed permission to slow down. Thanks!

Lois Munn
Lois Munn
6 years ago

And then you are about to turn 75….wow, that came way faster then you ever imagined! Still can not believe how fast -I remember when I thought 75 was OLD! Haha. Love your blog, such great advise.

6 years ago

You have no idea how you’ve touched me with this post!!!! You have so eloquently said everything that is in my heart about what a home should be – as individual and as imperfect as each one of us but your soft place, your protection from the world. Surrounded not by things, but by memories and comfort. Just beautiful! I am so very sorry for your loss my friend, your tribute to your dad has left me in tears – my Dad’s favourite song was also Danny Boy – reading your lovely words have me feeling grateful for all of… Read more »

6 years ago

I’m so sorry about your dad. I pray this season of grief will pass with healing and eventual peace.

I absolutely love this post. You expressed every feeling I have about decorating my home right now.♥️♥️♥️♥️

Jennifer @ Town and Country Living

Beautiful post, Danielle! I’m so sorry about your dad – you have wonderful memories of him! Your living room looks wonderful. I love all the changes you’ve made to it and the flowers are so pretty. I love that first quote!

6 years ago

That was beautiful, and well written. And totally true! Everything is slow for me…I have chronic illness…and I do what I can, when I can. And let go of the rest. I try to keep the bathrooms clean! 😉

Healing takes a long time. But it’s a good process. I’m happy you have good memories.

Kristi Mercer
6 years ago

What a beautiful post and so very well written. I love the sentiment behind your words, I think we could all use a reminder like this to slow down and focus on what matters most. Thinking of you through this difficult time.

6 years ago

Danielle, this is simply beautiful! Your home is such a gorgeous reflection of your heart and family. I couldn’t
agree more on slowing down and taking time to really enjoy the home you’ve created. I’m so sorry you lost your father. I lost my dad some years ago and I know the pain that comes from that but also the joy knowing that you got those last moments with him. Hugs to you my friend.

Susan S.
Susan S.
6 years ago

This is one of the best and most meaningful posts I have ever had the chance to read. Thank you so much! <3

6 years ago

A house can be decorated in a few days. A home, however, takes a lifetime and the most beautiful things in a home are the people that live there, the loved ones that cross it’s threshold and the moments and memories it holds inside it’s walls.

6 years ago

This might be one of my favorite posts I have read from you. I can relate on so many levels. Thank you for sharing your heart and wisdom. I am so very sorry for your loss.

Sheila Nicolle
6 years ago

Wow Danielle, tears in my eyes as i read the post about your Dad. I work with heart patients every day as a physiotherapist and I’m so sorry he had so many complications. It sounds like you had a wonderful relationship and I’m sure he was very proud of you. Yes to slowing down all the things. I’m just getting into blogging and don’t know if I have the stamina for it as I also work a full time job. Trying to enjoy the journey and not try to worry about getting everything perfect.

Shannon | Home Made Lovely

Yes, slowing down is good. And yes, decorating matters!!!

1 month ago

Beautiful and full of truth. God bless you and your family during this sad time. May you continue to be comforted with precious memories and love.

jeannie dugan
jeannie dugan
27 days ago

Thank you. This was lovely.

27 days ago

I am so sorry to hear of your father’s passing. As I think of my dad who is also gone, always remember he was your first Valentine💘