A Stroll by the Sea


Life has been busy.

Life has been exciting.

Life at our house has been hectic and new and different.  All at once.


It has also been beautiful.

The kids were off last week for February break and we went into Boston, had a slumber party at Nonni and Grampy’s, stayed up late and played with loads of lego.

This weekend was a big birthday weekend for John.  He turned 8!  Can you believe it?  I can’t!  I still remember bringing him home from the hospital, amazed and in awe of this tiny little being – not really sure if I could  be a good enough mom.  I remember the worry, the panic, the pure love.


My husband also has exciting news!  For nearly 4 years, he worked from home but on Monday he started a new job.   He is commuting each day to Cambridge (about an hour and a half commute each way by train).  He is so excited about his new job and I’m so proud of him.  But he gets up early and comes home late.

So things are quite different than they were before.  The house is quieter.  It will be quieter still come September when Conor starts Kindergarten.  I miss having my guys.  But I’m so proud of each of them.

This weekend we took a stroll along the beach, one of my most favorite things to do.  The weather was gorgeous, it was relatively warm for winter. The sun was shining and the birds were singing!

As the waves rolled in, we ran along the beach.  We searched for treasures and found some:


The wind whipped our hair and Poppy chased gulls.



On daddy’s shoulders Conor could see a bit further.

Sometimes it is these simple moments: breathing in the salt air.

Hearing the sound of the ocean’s tide and the warmth of the sun on your face.

Sharing our dreams and hopes and discovering treasures on the rocky shore.

broken_lobster_trap.jpgThough the rhythm of our life is changing and we are growing and spreading our wings.  All that matters when we’re at the beach is each other and the immensity of the sea.

As I breath the salt air, life is as clear as my love.  I feel blessed to have all this beauty and to live so close to the sea.  So close to my inspiration.



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11 years ago

Girl, I didn’t realize our boys are the same age! My oldest, Owen, just turned 8, and my middle child, Alex, starts kindergarten in the fall as well! Another reason we need to get together someday! Congrats on the hubby’s new job!

Erika Nickerson
11 years ago

I to am going through a year of transition. My oldest headed off to college in September, my youngest is a junior in high school and got his license, my husbands business has grown and so have the work days and I closed my retail shop. I have always been in high demand at home and at my store. I went from too much to not enough. So hard when you children grow up and don’t need you on a daily basis anymore.. When my son left for college, I really mourned his absence..My younger son found independence when he… Read more »

Nana Diana
11 years ago

Oh- what a beautiful few days with your family! That is a BIG change for you with hubby’s work and commute! If he loves the job is there a chance you would move to live closer to work for him? Big decisions, huh? Happy Birthday to your little guy-Enjoy every precious moment with him! xo Diana

11 years ago

So beautifully written and felt Danielle! What a lovely day. You made me so homesick for the sea! Best wishes on the new job. That can be so crazy and different!

Mary @ Orphans With Makeup

Such a sweet post!

11 years ago

Life is funny that way…never staying the same. For sentimental folks (yours truly), it can be a challenge to embrace change. It sounds like you are in a good place…treasuring the present, but adapting to all of the newness!

11 years ago

Beautiful post Danielle, change is hard sometimes, we are going through similar changes. After working from home for so many years now I find myself at the so many hours a week that we have all had to adjust. Change is good though, and I’m so happy ou are able to walk the beach again with your beautiful family. congratulations to your hubby on his new job!
Wendy xx

Leena Lanteigne
11 years ago

What a beautiful way to spend the day together! Hugs, Leena

11 years ago

This is such a beautiful and heartwarming post. I love seeing happy families. Your kids are so adorable and their smiles are bright. Congrats to you hubby with his new job. I understand about commuting with my husband. He travels to NYC everyday and gets up incredibly early and gets home late too. God bless that he does this everyday. An hour and a half each way and then driving 20 minutes to home is a long day. When we move to the new house at least the driving will cute back to 5 minutes.


11 years ago

Great post and pics.
Have a nice weekend.

Marian@Gathering Branches

You should make a sign of this. It’s such a lovely thought. “All that matters when we’re at the beach is each other and the immensity of the sea.” Can’t you just see it in white lettering on a grey blue distressed background. Brilliantly worded.
The Other Marian