
Summer Entry 2020

Our front entry is dressed up with flowers and plants for summer. Won’t you stop by for a visit?

Exterior Summer Home Decor | Finding Silver Pennies #newengland #coastal #outdoordecor

In my summer home tour post I promised I’d share more about our front entry.

The prettiest blue door and shutters - summer at our home | Finding Silver Pennies #newengland #summer #outdoorroom #curbappealinspiration #summerinspiration

I took these photos back at the end of May whilst my Lily of the Valley was in full bloom. The lily of the valley is on either side of our front steps.

Lily of the Valley growing on either side of our front door | Finding Silver Pennies #newengland #summer #outdoorroom #curbappealinspiration #summerinspiration

I love the fragrance of Lily of the Valley and actually carried a bouqet of it for our wedding. It’s my dream to have loads of Lily of the Valley growing here one day.

This year I decided to do something different with our antique urns. Every year I have Boston Ferns in them, which I love but mine died. I didn’t have the heart to buy more so planted vines and these spikey plants.

Antique planters filled with classic plants for summer | Finding Silver Pennies #newengland #summer #outdoorroom #curbappealinspiration #summerinspiration

The red plants are called Cordyline “Red Star Spike”. I love the contrast they give to the urns.

Ideas for entryway planters | Finding Silver Pennies #newengland #summer #outdoorroom #curbappealinspiration #summerinspiration
Add instant curb appeal - some ideas | Finding Silver Pennies #newengland #summer #outdoorroom #curbappealinspiration #summerinspiration

This was the first year since planting that our white Azaleas really took off. These were ones my father loved and always planted, they’re called Delaware Valley White Azaleas. I’ve never seen them so full before!

White Azaleas | Finding Silver Pennies #newengland #summer #outdoorroom #curbappealinspiration #summerinspiration

Aren’t they beautiful?!?

Also new this year, is the Seven Son Flowering Tree (a gift from my mom) in the front yard and the weeping cherry on the side yard.

Our coastal New England home for summer | Finding Silver Pennies #newengland #summer #outdoorroom #curbappealinspiration #summerinspiration

The Seven Son is originally from China and flowers in August with flowers that smell very similar to jasmine. In the fall the flowers turn a vibrant pink and in the winter the bark falls off. We’re really looking forward to watching this tree grow.

Lovely new tree in our front yard - Seven Son Flowering Tree | Finding Silver Pennies #newengland #summer #outdoorroom #curbappealinspiration #summerinspiration

On the side of the house, right next to the playroom and our bedroom is the weeping cherry. I can’t wait to see this bloom next spring! If you’re looking for a great place to buy trees from we always get ours from Bower and Branch.

Weeping Cherry just planted in our side yard | Finding Silver Pennies #newengland #summer #outdoorroom #curbappealinspiration #summerinspiration

Another bush we have in the front yard, which I love is Bridal Wreath. The flowers were just starting to blossom when I took these photos:

Bridal Wreath about to bloom | Finding Silver Pennies #newengland #summer #outdoorroom #curbappealinspiration #summerinspiration
A lovely bush about to bloom | Finding Silver Pennies #newengland #summer #outdoorroom #curbappealinspiration #summerinspiration

The white flowers are so delicate.

Bridal Wreath in our front yard | Finding Silver Pennies #newengland #summer #outdoorroom #curbappealinspiration #summerinspiration
Our home decorated for summer in Scituate Harbor | Finding Silver Pennies #newengland #summer #outdoorroom #curbappealinspiration #summerinspiration

I love planting our window boxes every season. Our window boxes are extra long.

Pretty window boxes | Finding Silver Pennies #newengland #summer #outdoorroom #curbappealinspiration #summerinspiration

The flowers and vines have actually doubled in size since I took these photos.

Ideas for shade window boxes | Finding Silver Pennies #newengland #summer #outdoorroom #curbappealinspiration #summerinspiration
Our front yard in Scituate Harbor | Finding Silver Pennies #newengland #summer #outdoorroom #curbappealinspiration #summerinspiration
Pretty window boxes and the loveliest blue for shutters and doors | Finding Silver Pennies #newengland #summer #outdoorroom #curbappealinspiration #summerinspiration

For the window boxes I always use potato vines and spikes so I have some plants spilling over and other standing high up. Since this is north facing I can only really do flowers with smaller blossoms like petunias and pansies.

Adding the American flag to window boxes | Finding Silver Pennies #newengland #summer #outdoorroom #curbappealinspiration #summerinspiration

I love to mix different color potato vines and I always put mini flags in our window boxes.

Our shutters and front door is painted in Benjamin Moore’s Buxton Blue in high gloss. I always get asked about the color. It’s so happy and perfect in any season.

Summer in Scituate Harbor | Finding Silver Pennies #newengland #summer #outdoorroom #curbappealinspiration #summerinspiration

I hope you enjoyed reading more about our plants and flowers. What are you planting this year? If you’d like more outdoor ideas you can see more of our outdoor spaces here.

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Karen C. Lorenz
Karen C. Lorenz
4 years ago

Hi Danielle,
You have a lovely home & it always looks so inviting. I do have a question on your photo of the lilies of the valley, looks like broken pieces of clay pots. Am I right ? Do you use it as mulch or decorative ? I was quite taken with the idea. Would love to know your thoughts. Thanks so much.

Brenda Daradics
Brenda Daradics
4 years ago

Hi Danielle,
I love your pretty home. I enjoy seeing your pictures of all the DIY projects that you and yours have done. You have such wonderful taste for decorating. It is almost like I am standing right there at your home seeing and smelling all that freshness!
Thank you so much for sharing.
Awesome job!

4 years ago

Lovely! What are the green shrubs/ground cover along the front of your house? Where did you find the sea shells? I’m only finding small quantities and that makes them very expensive.

Marlene Stephenson
Marlene Stephenson
4 years ago

Love your home and your yard is really blooming everywhere and looks so pretty. You have done a lot of work and it shows, thanks for sharing.

4 years ago

I also have a seven sons from my mother who gave it to me when I moved into my current home! Mine is around a decade old now and it is lovely. One word of advice is that it will tend to grow multistem like a shrub (as yours is now) unless you prune it. If you want it to be tree-like you will need to prune off the bottom branches. I like the tree-like structure because it allows you to see the lovely bark all year around instead of just when the leaves are gone. I prune HEAVILY in… Read more »

4 years ago

I really like flower pots next to your window, as far as I know this flower will bloom all summer. I will also try growing them on my porch. Thanks so much.