
Summer Home Tour 2016

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

Summer is here! Hooray! All winter long we’ve waited with the expectation of what these summer days and nights would bring: sunshine, sandy feet and belly laughs coming from the she shed. As many of you know, we live on the coast and summer by the sea is simply the best.

I’m delighted to be joining in on the Simply Summer Home Tour hosted by Nina Hendrick along with Birch Lane and Country Living Magazine.  In fact, Birch Lane sent me a gift card to purchase a few things to celebrate summer! How fun!

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

If you’re new around here, welcome to our home. I share this beautiful house with my husband, two sons, our dog, Poppy and a beta fish named Fire.  We live in an historic home in Scituate (Sit-U-Ate), a fishing town on Boston’s South Shore.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

Here’s a view of our house I don’t think I’ve ever shared on the blog before 😉 In the summer things slow down around here, which I love. Instead of schedules and rushing around, we watch the tide charts and our biggest decision is what beach should we go to today.

I often get asked about our door and shutter color.  They are painted with Benjamin Moore’s Buxton Blue in high gloss. The best blue out there by far!

Last year I discovered Boston ferns. They are perfect if you’re looking for an easy to care for plant with a BIG impact.

Ferns are great for greenery in the summer.

Beautiful ferns in an antique urns welcomes guests to our home.

The urns are vintage and were a gift from my mom.

I enjoy filling our window boxes with gorgeous flowers and change them with the season.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

So I had every intention on taking you on a BIG home tour inside. We just had loads of home renovations done, but life has been hectic with Father’s Day and my kids last week of school this week. Pictures and mirrors aren’t hung and decorative items still need to find their way to hutches and shelves. I just couldn’t get the whole house put back together in time. So I thought I’d share where we spend most of our time in the summer – the sunroom, our deck, the yard and my she shed.

When not at the beach our favorite place to be is home.

I’ve included a few affiliate links in this post for your convenience.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

We redid our sunroom a few year’s back after Poppy got sprayed by a mean skunk.  Anyway, the table and chairs were thrifted and redone. The walls are Simply White by Benjamin Moore.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

I found the oars on Freecycle and painted them, this little cabinet was a yard sale find and painted with milk paint. Most everything in our home is upcycled or made by us 😉 We spend so much time out here. This room isn’t heated so I use a space heater in the winter, but I adore all the natural light and ocean breezes that come through our windows.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

I enjoy clipping flowers from our garden and placing them in vintage ball jars.  I LOVE the blue! Don’t you?

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

The mock orange smells like heaven!

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

The boys gave me sweet peas for Mother’s Day and they are growing on my table.  These have special meaning because sweet peas were in bud vases on all the tables at our wedding in England.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

Also on the table is this gorgeous whale cutting board from Birch Lane:

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

A perfect addition for our coastal home!

My childhood toy chest, which I painted in a coastal style, holds beach gear and rain boots. The boys’ painted these birdhouses last year and they are one of my favorite things!

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

Just outside the door is our deck. We gave it a bit of a refresh last year. Luke built the table and benches, click here and here to get those plans.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

Oh, and here is Poppy! She’s often giving me those looks…

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

We spend so much time out here, from coffee in the morning to breakfast and lunch, and we also entertain out here. Our home feels like it doubles in size in the summer!

I’ve used a lot blue and white out here, my favorite color combination.

The wisteria didn’t bloom this year for some reason. I’m blaming the cold spring!

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

The mugs and bowls are by Birch Lane. I love how fresh everything looks on white crockery. I made the tray myself and shared the tutorial here.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

Fresh melon is such a welcome refresher on warm summer days!

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

We added the Sunbrella umbrella from Birch Lane last year along with the rug has made this space such a welcoming room. Comfort underfoot and cool shade when needed.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

Let’s say bye to Poppy and move onto more of our yard.

Luke and John are planting potatoes.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

This is our first time trying potatoes so if you guys have any tips let me know. I’ll share more of our garden soon. I shared the raised bed plans here and our garden markers here.

After working in the garden and DIY projects we like to relax in our yard. On Father’s Day we sipped wine right here.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

The fire fountain is a new addition to our yard and I shared it a few weeks ago. We love it! It adds instant ambience and is so relaxing to watch the flickering flame and hear the trickle of water. I shared these photos the other week:

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

We have quite a big fenced in yard for our harbor location and the kids and dog love playing out here. We just added a new area for them, their very own picnic set, a mini version of our cedar set. Luke and Conor worked hard on it.

Building picnic table together.

If you’d like to read more about that click here.

It’s the perfect spot for snacks after the beach.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

It’s also a great place for crafts and I know we’ll be doing lots of that right here this summer:

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

After three years in our home, this garden and yard are really starting to take shape. It’s becoming how I dreamed. As with any garden and yard there’s still a lot I’d like to do. One day I’d like it to look like an English garden, over grown with beautiful flowers, but we have the rest of our live’s here to create that.

For now, I enjoy looking after the plants we’ve added.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

Oh, and there’s me! Luke snapped this while I was clipping cat mint over the weekend. I simply love how cat mint smells and the beautiful purple flowers. My wardrobe in summer is sundresses and flip flops all the time and letting my natural curls show.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

We created this gravel patio and made over this shed last year as a little coastal oasis. You can see the full reveal here. Lots of hard work went into this space and this is probably our biggest DIY to date.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.


It’s my coastal oasis in the corner of our yard.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

The climbing roses are the prettiest pink which looks so lovely against the gray siding.

I’ve filled the window boxes with beautiful summer blooms.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

I love potato vines for planters!

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.



We painted the cedar doors and shutters to match our home’s. So the She Shed is a mini version of our home.

Would you like to step inside?

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

White shiplap walls make everything better, am I right? Things are simple and easy out here. A driftwood garland from Birch Lane and my grandfather’s old binoculars. Greenery everywhere.

Would you care for a glass of blueberry and mint infused water?

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

It’s delicious.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

Beautiful watercolor pillows by my friend Lucy!

As I write this, I’m realizing I took way too many photos of this space so I might have to share a completely separate post, but I’ll share a few more here.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

Fun SEA SIDE letters form 163 design company and sailboat image from Kjeld Mahoney Photography in the harbor.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

This is where I go to relax and read magazines and even a book. We’re hoping to add some screens for the doors to let more ocean breezes in.

My new current obsession are the bluestone terracotta from Birch Lane in my favorite blue and white combination.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

They really look old. I was even fooled when I pulled them out of the box.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

Simple ferns from our yard that were growing wild.

Keeping it simple for summer is my favorite.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

I hope you enjoyed seeing more of our home and will share more soon of the home renovations, the boy’s bedroom inspiration and reveal once it’s done and, of course more summer inspiration and recipes.

Summer Home Tour 2016 - a coastal inspired way to celebrate summer.

Thanks for joining me on the tour of our home.
Summer Home Tour Finding Silver Pennies

Be sure to visit all the other bloggers who are taking part this week:

Simply Summer Home Tour

Visit Country Living Magazine to see more summer decorating ideas!


MondayCollageNina Hendrick | Maison de Pax | Cherished Bliss | AKA Design | A Burst of Beautiful | Liz Marie Blog


TuesdayCollageMigonis Home | So Much Better With Age | Zevy Joy | Just a Girl and Her Blog | Shades of Blue Interiors | Making Home Base


WednesdayCollageRooms FOR Rent | The Wicker House | Bless’er House | Love Grows Wild | Finding Silver Pennies | Design, Dining + Diapers



Craftberry Bush | Jennifer Rizzo | The Wood Grain Cottage | Ella Claire | Tidbits | City Farmhouse



Kindred Vintage & Co | The Blissful Bee | The Happy Housie | House By Hoff | Nesting With Grace | Life on Virginia Street

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8 years ago

I love all of your great outdoor spaces for summer! Beautifully done!

8 years ago

Love your home. I am from Providence and left their many decades ago. Viewing your home brings me closer to the area. When I was young I dreamed of having a home with the look and feel of yours. It’s perfection. I live in the South, own a clap board ,similar to a Cape Cod/Farm. Our taste is similar but not with a coastal feel. We have a site deliver structure (your get away) that I enhanced. My husband uses it as his bicycle repair shop. Thank you for the ideas and sharing.


Your summer home tour is beautiful! I am new to your blog, but will be back often. How fun that you found those oars at Freecycle. All the Birch Lane goodies are wonderful too.

8 years ago

Beautiful, I enjoy seeing your home. You have a beach feel without it screaming beach. I always enjoy seeing your boys and Poppy. Thanks for the tour


8 years ago

So pretty! Your blog is fast becoming my favorite. Your house is adorable and just looks so welcoming.

8 years ago

Gorgeous tour! Looks like Summer has arrived on the East Coast! 😉

8 years ago

I adore your She Shed. What an oasis it must be. The grounds surrounding the house and She Shed are lovely.

8 years ago

Your home is lovely and inviting!

8 years ago

Your she-shed is still a show-stopped Danielle. LOVE the vases you picked out—I almost got them too! 🙂 You have so many great outdoor spaces now– doesn’t it feel like you’ve doubled your living space? Great tour friend!

8 years ago

It’s all so pretty, Danielle!! Such a lovely summer tour.
Hugs, Jamie

Nina Hendrick
8 years ago

Your tour is just lovely, Danielle! Your family looks like they enjoy your beautiful outdoor space- especially Poppy 😉 Thank you so much for joining me on this tour! xx

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique

A gorgeous summer home tour Danielle. Your home and She Shed are always so lovely. Thank you for sharing it at Shabbilicious Friday this week. I’m delighted to be featuring your home tour at tomorrow’s party. Hugs ~ Kerryanne

Lorraine Hamilton-Box
Lorraine Hamilton-Box
3 years ago

Hi, I love your colour schemes- particularly the exterior colours. Your rattan chairs are lovely- do you remember where you bought them from? You’ve done a great job! 😎👍