Sweet Autumn Clematis
Sweet Autumn Clematis with its white flowers and heavenly fragrance makes for a lovely addition to any yard or arbor.

The name does this plant justice. Sweet Autumn Clematis is perfect for it. This beautiful vine grows all summer long and then in September bursts open in a plethora of delicate white flowers.

This is one of the times I wish my blog was equipped with smell-o-vision. This clematis perfumes the air with such a sweet fragrant scent. It is what I imagine heaven smells like.

The year we moved into our home we were in awe of this beautiful plant. It’s taken us a while to get it to grow well because we cut it back way too hard one year and another year it got disrupted when we put the pool and new fence in.
This year our sweet autumn clematis is even bigger and better than that very first year we moved in (7 years ago).

I think the key is that we didn’t cut it back too hard. The plant likes to grow off the old growth.

I’m not sure if you can see but it’s trailed along the fence and has grown into the butterfly bush.

If you look closely you can see our little dogs peeking their noses out. Hi, Max and Poppy! We installed this paver walkway and new beds and think it makes such a nice welcome to our backyard and pool area. You can see the tutorial here and here are some of my favorite outdoor plants.
Here’s a peek on the other side of the gate:

It truly is a magical plant and makes our home feel a bit more whimsical.
I was able to grab a few photos on my phone which I shared over on Instagram. The flowers were in full bloom here:

The flowers are dying back now but they were such a gift while they were open. If you’re thinking of adding a new plant or clematis to your yard, I highly recommend this one! The seed pods are actually really beautiful and I used them last spring in some DIY birds’ nests.

I’m sharing this post as part of my friend Jennifer’s Cozy Living Series. I love sitting in our adirodack chairs and smelling this.
Be sure to visit all my friends below for more cozy living ideas
Vinyet Etc. / Sincerely Marie Designs / Creative Cain Cabin / Finding Silver Pennies
Town and Country Living / Making It In the Mountains / Hymns and Verses / Duke Manor Farm
So pretty Danielle. I don’t cut my clematis back at all. It is Summer blooming only so maybe a different kind!!
Oh, it looks so dreamy draped over the gate and fence Danielle! You’ve got such a beautiful garden my friend!
I’ve never seen a Clematis like that before, I wonder if it would grow in my neck of the woods? It’s just stunning 🙂
This is my favorite clematis and yours is gorgeous! There’s a house a few blocks away that has it winding along it’s wrought iron fence. I always took my walks past that house just so I could smell the vine. You’re right – it’s what heaven must smell like. I finally got one of my own 2 summers ago. I think it takes a while to get growing but it’s finally starting to develop some heft.
I spend many hours removing non-native invasive plants from an old growth forest and along a stream restoration. Sweet Autumn clematis is among the plants I remove. Lonicera sempervins ‘ Major Wheeler’, Variegated Trumpet Creeper,Jessamine, native wisteria are vines I have used on fences and growing up shrubs and they have not disappointed me. I hope you will consider plants that are not invading our native habitats first.
Many other non-native clematis that are not invasive to choose from as well.
I planted mine 2 years ago on an arbor that houses a porch swing. Last year it was gorgeous! It got leaf quilt this year and I had to cut it back so no blooms this year.
It’s beautiful! I wish your blog had smell-o-vision too! I’ve always loved clematis plants. I’ll have to see if this is one that will grow in my area. It’s just perfect over your walkway!
Absolutely beautiful!