
The Garden in Early Fall

There is no denying it’s fall, even though I’m always sad to see summer go (especially here in Scituate Harbor). There’s a crisp quality to the air in the morning and evening and the leaves are beginning to change. I thought it would be fun to share a little post of our garden in this new season.

Pool house in fall

Our Back and Side Yard

Let’s start in the back yard. Well, this is actually our side yard and it’s where the pool and the she shed are. All summer I neglected this window box where pretty pansies thrived. I just took them out and added in some more fall plants – red potato vines, cabbage, and the prettiest white flowers.

Woman planting fall window boxes and deadheading geraniums

I planted the geraniums in the spring and they’re thriving. I think they’re my new favorite plant and will definitely be using them again next year. I can’t believe how hardy they are. The garden center recommended NOT overwatering. If you water too much the flowers won’t bloom. I dead head back to the plant and the geraniums keep blooming and will bloom throughout fall!

Pool house with lovely fall window boxes

A Peek at Our Patio

We enjoy our backyard so much. The patio is where we sip morning coffee and enjoy lunch in the sunshine. We had the patio installed two years ago and I love how it looks like it’s always been there with the stone steps.

Back Patio of coastal home with wooden furniture and hanging string lights

The room with all the windows is our sunroom and that’s where I paint. I also love getting up early and reading out there too. I just gave this space a little refresh and will be sharing it soon.

The outdoor string lights add a bit of magic to this space in the early evening and make it so we can enjoy the patio into the night. This is also great for fall gatherings!

In Our Front Yard

Let’s walk around to the front yard. All the hydrangeas are fading into pale purples and deep mauves. The seagrasses are turning from green to golden. It’s a very gradual shift. The fragrance of Sweet Autumn Clematis is overpowering and so beautiful. Our front yard is blooming with white fall flowers – Sweet Autumn Clematis, white Geraniums, Seven Son’s Tree, and our Shasta Daisies are opening now. I really love using white flowers.

I’m not the only one who loves our Seven Sons Tree – look at all those bees! The fragrance on these flowers is similar to jasmine and I love that it gives us something to look forward to in September. These flowers turn to a deep pink later in the fall and then the bark peels in the winter so it’s very cool tree to watch in every season.

Mr. Bowling Ball Arborvitae in vintage concrete urns

I replaced our summer planters with these Mr. Bowling Ball Arborvitae. I got them from Lowe’s. These are really supposed to be planted in the ground but I’m hoping they’ll last into the holiday season. I just loved the shape and the name. I thought they added a bit of softness but also some green which I always love!

New England shingled home in fall

No pumpkins just yet here. Still waiting a little bit for those.

Let’s Stay In Touch

I hope you enjoyed this seasonal glimpse of our exterior spaces. What are you planting right now or how are you decorating for the season?

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Jennifer @ Town and Country Living

Beautiful, Danielle! I put geraniums in my flower boxes too. I’ve never heard of seven sons tree but it sounds intriguing.

Elyse LaForest
Elyse LaForest
5 months ago

Loved the tour Danielle. Your yard always looks so nice! I never heard of seven sons tree either!