The Story of a Shell
Once upon a time, there was a little girl who didn’t live close to the sea.
She always dreamed of trips there and they would happen, on occasion, sometimes down the Cape or up to Rye Beach. She would swim all day in the sea, and build sandcastles and search for treasures. She thought the sea held magic. She picked up shells and told them her dreams. Some she left there on the beach and some she took home and added to a collection.
This girl was lucky enough to spend one summer on Martha’s Vineyard, where she’d awake early to work at a very famous cafe and then she would spend the rest of the day on the beach dreaming and finding shells. On this island she found that laid back style that she loved, houses with weathered shingles and days of salty hair. A place where casual and coastal were one in the same. This girl went to Bristol and London, England only to be lured back by the sea in Scituate.
She collects treasures with her dog and her husband and her two boys. A day on the shore is a perfect day. Spending time at the beach collecting treasures is her absolute favorite way to pass the time (well, she does like painting too).
If you hadn’t guessed that girl was me. Today I’m going to tell you a story about a shell. You all know I LOVE shells. I love them so much. I have so many shells, I think I brought 10 boxes from the old house (and I’ve collected more since).
The thing is, here in New England, I find mostly mussel, clam and oyster shells which I love but shells like this one:
They make my heart happy! The colors of white and that dreamy coral pink inside.
Well, the other week I received a beautiful email from a blog reader, Janet in Reno. Janet wrote, “Danielle, this may sound a bit odd, we live in the desert and I have a little something I’d love to give you that has been sitting in my closet for 15 years that I purchased on the coast of Monterey, CA. It’s not physically big, it’s coastal and I think you’d like it…I read your blog and have been following you for years. I thought of you immediately when I saw this in my closet again. It used to go well with my decor when we lived in CA, but now that we live in the desert by Tahoe, CA, it just doesn’t flow (hence the closet).” She asked if she could send me this surprise gift.
The box was large and with lots of padding and I had no idea what was inside. I opened the box and found this GIANT spiky conch shell.
This is such a kind and thoughtful gift. I thanked Janet so much for her kindness and she replied saying:
“Some of your blogs and videos have guided me through my simple projects, I appreciate that more than I can say.

It’s almost as big as my head!
Now the question where shall I place it?!? I love it out in the shed:
But it also looks great in our sunroom:
You know I have a feeling it is going to travel around the house and you’ll see it in many photos on the blog!
A big thank you to Janet for making me feel so loved. This gift is amazing. xx
Title The picture of you and the shell……two beautiful, natural treasures.
What a lovely gift. I also love shells. When we moved from Californa to Washington I packed all my shells and sea glass and brought them here. I’ve collected them for many years. Love the colors, love the ones that look old and worn.
The shell fits you and your home. It looks lovely and happy to have escaped the closet after 15 years.
Loving your book by the way! It’s wonderful to have so much information in one place. Great job!