
To My Mom In Celebration of Her 80th Birthday

To my mom in celebration of her 80th birthday – a letter from the heart to my mother.

This year EVERYTHING is different. How we celebrate. How we show love. Even our realization that time is finite and that time & love are the most important gifts to the loved ones in our lives.

My mom turned 80 on Sunday. We usually celebrate by going out to eat, but as I said this year is different. We enjoyed a very quiet celebration here at our home (in the dining room). I created a pretty tablescape and we enjoyed a delicious dinner of chicken cutlets, meatballs & spaghetti, and Caesar salad – all prepared by Conor (who dreams of being a chef one day). Dessert was cannolis!

Here’s how the table looked – I just snapped these quickly with my phone:

To My Mom in Celebration of her 80th Birthday - pretty tablescape at home | Finding Silver Pennies #birthdays #80thbirthday #family
Pretty Birthday Tablescape | Finding Silver Pennies #birthdays #80thbirthday #family

At night, the table looked so magical.

In celebration of her birthday John painted her portrait based on this photo of a birthday celebration 5 years ago:

My mom To My Mom in Celebration of her 80th Birthday - pretty tablescape at home | Finding Silver Pennies #birthdays #80thbirthday #family

She cried when she opened the painting:

Portrait of my mom by her grandson. To My Mom in Celebration of her 80th Birthday - pretty tablescape at home | Finding Silver Pennies #birthdays #80thbirthday #family

Didn’t he do such a great job?

My mom and I have a very, very close relationship. We talk every morning and she only lives 20 minutes away so I see her multiple times a week. In honor of such a special day I thought I’d write her a letter:

Mother and Daughter Love - To my mom on her 80th birthday To My Mom in Celebration of her 80th Birthday - pretty tablescape at home | Finding Silver Pennies #birthdays #80thbirthday #family

Dear Mom,

Happy 80th Birthday! You’ve received so many lovely messages in celebration of your birthday. Many commenting on your youthfulness and ageless appearance. I do hope that I get those wonderful genes, but what I truly think is beautiful about you is your heart. You are the most loving person, mother, grandmother. I truly think what people see as your agelessness is your love emanating from within.

I know you don’t think we look alike, and that I more resemble dad, but I do think I have your warm eyes and your smile.

At a very young age I remember struggling to read. You brought out the Little Engine that Could and, to this day, I’m certain that’s why I’m so stubborn and will never give up if I have a goal.

Do you remember our joyrides? We’d get lost in your tiny red car trying to find antiques and vintage finds. I always thought antiquing was something all kids did with their moms. I’m so glad I got bit by that bug early.

You’ve always been the epitome of style with gorgeous hats, jewelry, and tailored outfits. I remember the neighborhood kids calling you, “Fancy Nancy,” because their moms all wore sweatpants but you got dressed up even if you were staying home. You could have been a personal stylist. I know I always rely on these skills of yours.

Watching you help plan parties and greet people at the restaurant was magical. You are a true extrovert and so good with people. I’ve never seen someone who can remember people like you can. Entertaining and conversation come so easily to you. I have such lovely memories of working together at Baldwin’s, the restaurant you owned with Dad for 10 years.

I didn’t realize how much you did for me when I was growing up, or even as a teenager. All the laundry, cooking, cleaning, but even more than that! All the listening to my dreams, my worries, and my fears. I didn’t realize until I had my own children just how hard motherhood is. I didn’t realize how tired I would be with a newborn or how isolating that time can feel. You and dad were there at the very beginning to help with John and Conor. Now as they are growing into young men, it is wonderful to see your relationship with them grown and evolve. They truly are so lucky to have such a loving grandmother. It means so much to them when you come to see their band concerts and plays.

I’m not sure I say it enough, but I love you and am so proud of you. You are so very strong. You have taught me to follow my inner voice, that the “crowd” isn’t important. You have taught me how vital it is to tell your children and family how much they are loved and how proud you are of them.

I am grateful for the truly amazing friendship and love we have. I have so many wonderful memories of traveling to Italy and Bermuda with you, but my favorites are the simple things – the cup of coffee or conversations over soup. Life happens in the small moments and I’m so grateful for those small moments with you.

Happy 80th Birthday! We love you.


Dani xx

Happy Birthday, Mom! To My Mom in Celebration of her 80th Birthday - pretty tablescape at home | Finding Silver Pennies #birthdays #80thbirthday #family
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Beverly Martin
Beverly Martin
4 years ago

A lovely tribute to your mom. It is extra-ordinary times. Take nothing for granted. Today’s a gift. As they say, tomorrow is ___________a promise , uncertain. Much love

Marilee Hobbs
Marilee Hobbs
4 years ago

A wonderful and heartfelt letter to your mom. I think it’s the most important job in the world; raising a new human to be a good, kind, and loving person. She is beautiful inside and out as you are.
Happy Birthday, Mom!

4 years ago

Happy Birthday to your Mom! She is beautiful, just like her daughter. What a wonderful celebration!

Carol Heartfelt Whimsies
Carol Heartfelt Whimsies
4 years ago

I have teary eyes as I read this, Danielle. What a gift your mother is. And as a grandmother myself, I’m so touched by your mom’s relationship with your boys. I can tell most definitely from reading this—what a special woman she is. Would you wish her a happy birthday from one of your fans?!

4 years ago

What a beautiful tribute to your mom. And John’s portrait is lovely. And Connor’s meal sounds delicious. What loving and personal gifts from you all. Happy Birthday to your mom!

4 years ago

A beautiful letter to your mom. Happy Birthday to her. She looks fabulous. Also, I use to read The Little Engine That Could to my daughter when she was young and struggled to read.

4 years ago

Happy Birthday Nancy!!! My dear, You look fab!!!
Such a sweet letter and wonderful gifts for your 80th. I think Danielle looks much more like you then her dad. It would be fun to see a same age picture.
Celebrate all year…you only turn 80 once!!! Wishing you many, healthy years ahead. God Bless!!!

4 years ago

Danielle, that is a beautiful letter to your mom. She sounds like a wonderful lady. You are so lucky to have such a close relationship with her. How nice that you live so close and get to see her so often.

Joyce fortner
Joyce fortner
4 years ago

So sweet….I have a daughter that was my best friend and we did everything together. She lives in another city and I would travel to see her and spend the weekend shopping, etc. we always talked or sent emails, texts back and forth till April when I found out she is in a Cult and has been since April 2017. I told her she is always welcome and we are still family, she informed me if I had followed her we could have still been family. She doesn’t answer phone calls, texts. Found on YouTube a video of her ‘dissing’… Read more »

4 years ago

This grabbed my heart! I’m 77 and I have three children, all of which live very close to me and their dad. ( our son is our neighbor!!) Your mother is absolutely beautiful and I see a resemblance in the two of you. I’m so fortunate, as your mother is, and blessed that we all are a very close family. We talk daily and always end our conversations with “I love you.” God’s blessings on her 80th birthday and I’m hoping I get to celebrate mine as well.

Calypso in the Country

What a beautiful letter to your mom. She sounds like such a wonderful person who has inspired you in so many ways. You are very lucky to live so close. Thanks for sharing!